
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Playing The Game And Fouling Out

I'm on the precipice of a moral dilemma. Well.. sort of. I'm dating.. I'm dating a lot. Not being introduced to someone new every week. Nothing like that. I'm dating a few people that I'm getting to know little by little, every time I spend and evening out.. or in.. with them. And I like it. It feels good. It feels sane, at least for me.

I'm a girl who never used to be able to separate love and sex. Or rather.. I couldn't separate the emotion from sex. I had the emotion. I felt the attachment. The guy didn't understand because to him it was just sex. Of course he liked me.. but he was also a guy.. driven by a natural sexual desire and that's simply all it was. Whereas for me.. I'm more an emotional creature. Sex can connect the emotion for me and make it stronger. Not all women are like that, but I would say it's more common with women than men.

As I get older, there are times I feel ready to settle down, fall in love, possibly start a family or get a couple of dogs, buy a house.. feel a real sense of belonging. And I had that feeling up until recently.. when the Cute Boy Gate was suddenly left wide open or Timing finally worked in my favor, which never happens, and I was being pursued. Often and by many. I know. I'm as surprised as you are because hi.. where were these people the rest of this year? When the last 9 or 10 months have been a frickin dating desert?! I ask you.. where? And now, there are choices and maybe that sounds wrong to some people.. tarting it up or not openly discussing who and how many with every single person because it hasn't come up, but I'm willing to be honest about whatever they want to know. They haven't exactly asked either.. and that tells me that a) they don't want to know.. or, more than likely, b) they're doing the exact same thing.

I've been told by male friends tho that once a guy finds out he has competition, the tables will turn on me. Men don't like knowing you have other possibilities. Also, if they ask you if you're seeing other people, they have to be prepared to answer the same question and I think that's unsettling for some of them since it could ultimately lead to a related conversation of wanting or not wanting something monogomous and/or *GASP* committed!

But tho I like to think I'm hip and open-minded.. I'm still me and I know I'll go back and forth between wanting to feel sexy and free to be with whomever I wish.. and maybe wanting just one person to get close to and brush my teeth with at night. It waivers when I start to have those tingly feelings in my stomach and there's one person so far this could maybe be happening with, but Timing, not being on my side EVER (Hi.. uh, yeah.. Timing? Can we talk about this bi-polar/love-hate thing you have with me? What did I ever do to you?!) will be keeping this person distanced emotionally from me to a degree for an undetermined amount of time. Not to mention, I just realized, that when he does want something monogamous, and he's said he will eventually because that's in his nature, that I thought for some reason, he was going to pick me. Not that he's ever given me any indication of that at all, like with actual words or something audible like that. Sigh.. I hate being a girl sometimes.

There's been no talk of commitments.. just disclosure - what to tell each other. What's my business and what isn't when it comes to talking about these other people we're seeing? I'm really open and if they want to know, all they need to do is ask, yet, he never does and well.. we all know I do because I feel it's necessary - just for my sanity, which at the beginning you remember I said this dating multiple people thing was helping me maintain. But um.. have we ever discussed how maybe it's me who's bi-polar? Ugh.

And when should I just accept whatever information he wants to provide? Because to me, the more info = the more secure I am because I know what's going on and I know where I stand. Not that I need to know extreme details, but as I'm writing this.. I think God.. it's not my business who he's seeing if I'm willing to be a part of something casual right now.. which means I might not be able to continue with this casual path for too long because I've simply grown too attached to this one person and it's not in my nature to be able to avoid jealousies nor do I have this amazing ability to share those I'm intimate with. So it's a matter of how patient I can be and how much I can protect myself and that just means limiting what I give of me, including my availability. And it also means I have to continue to date others and if someone else comes along who's pretty great.. then.. that might change things..

This one likes me. That I know for sure, but he's happy living things moment to moment right now.. and at the same time, actually wants to work on this communication issue we have, which is admirable and I appreciate, but I don't understand. Why would a guy want to work on a relationship that he can't see any further into but the present? Maybe that's more a question for Indy and his readers. Maybe I just don't understand the guy perspective and/or motivation clearly enough. Maybe I'm making it more complicated than it is.

Maybe I should get a hobby.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Keanu Doesn't Bake Either

She answered my ad for a roommate with an email that included a top ten list:

Top 10 Reasons I'd be a Fantastic Housemate!

10. I can balance food on my nose and catch it in my mouth. HOURS of entertainment! Great family fun!

9. I have a tennis trophy. I'd let you hold it and pretend it's a Grammy award or an Oscar and I'll listen to your acceptance speech.

8. I can quote Friends at the drop of a hat. Seriously. If you have a life problem, I can solve it for you by using a Friends quote. Example? Let's say you have a fear of heights. I'd just say, "Face your fears! You're afraid of heights? You climb to the top of the Empire State Building! Afraid of bugs?. . .uh. . .get a bug!"

7. I don't like to brag, because I'm oh so humble, but I can bake a MEAN chocolate chip cookie. Seriously. Best you'll ever have.

6. I would give someone $1 to buy a soda and I WOULDN'T EVEN MAKE THAT PERSON PAY ME BACK!

5. I'd play hopscotch with you. We could bring hopscotch back with a vengeance! And then, every time they play hopscotch in the Olympics, they'd talk about how, back in 2007, we brought hopscotch back. With a vengeance, they'll say.

4. I'm a good rhymer. And I don't mean like rime, which is frosty and covers everything in the winter time. I mean like hat and cat. But even better than that.

3. I can rap Eminem's Lose Yourself without messing up more than 3 times.

2. I'll drop your name in conversations. Let's say I'm grocery shopping and I have a question about the freshness of the tilapia. Here's how I'd phrase my question to the fishmonger:"Excuse me, sir? Could you please tell me how fresh your tilapia is? Also, (your name here) is awesome. Oooh, is that Alaskan salmon?"

1. I don't screw people over. Because that would make me a jerkface. And I wouldn't want to be a jerkface, especially after I made a Top Ten List.

So yes. There you go. More about me? My name is Shine* and I'm 26 (blahblahblah.. more stuff about her that she'd probably prefer I didn't plaster all over the InterWeb).

I should confess something, before I go any further in this email: I sing in the shower *and* when I'm cooking. This might not seem important but I'm really not the greatest singer of our time. I'm not even the greatest singer of days of Yore. I could have *maybe* held my own in Yester Year though, but please don't quote me on that.

Now, here's my Important Thing: I come with a very sweet and *very* mellow Chocolate Lab. Her name is Moo** and she's in training for her first half-marathon. She wears butterfly wings when we go running because she lost a bet. Moo's hobbies include sleeping, sleeping, moving to the other side of the room and sleeping, running, following me around the kitchen whilst I cook, hoping I toss her a piece of asparagus or a garlic clove, sleeping, and playing tug of war with her favorite blanket. Moo has never, ever snapped at anyone or anything. If you'd like to do a background check on her, let me know and I'll send you her SS# and date of birth. She's happy to provide references upon request. She'd also enjoy making her own Top Ten list, should you require it.

I just realized I wrote more about my dog than I did about myself. Awesome.

I'm open to any questions you might have, so feel free ask! In the meantime, have a lovely day and eat something delicious!



So I responded appropriately:

OhMYgod.. can you move in now?


She was so funny that I told her I may just have to write a whole blog post about her.. like now.. if she didn't mind.. and she wrote back:

Please feel free to post anything I write anywhere. It's all part of my theory that the more exposure I get, the sooner Keanu Reeves will find me and ask me to be his plaything. And honestly? That will be the best day of my LIFE.

Ain't no sunshine when I'm gone,

* Gasp *

And there it was.. in all its illumintating shock and awe. Her only fault seems to be this irrational affinity for Keanu Reeves and I explained further when she asked what some of my likes and dislikes were that he was noted on the dislikes, but he wasn't alone:

Keanu Reeves & Winona Ryder - both winners of Miss D's Unable To Act Out Of Paper Bag award and honorary Why Do We Still Care About You People ribbons.

Yet she persisted:

Part of the beauty of Keanu is that he *can't* act. At all. Yet people keep hiring him, which intrigues me. Why do they keep hiring him? It must be because he's the greatest talent of our time. I keep waiting for him to bust out some phenomenal acting chops in a role and shock the hell out of everyone in the entire world. When that happens, wars and violence will end. Children will receive excellent public education. We will travel, as a planet, back to a simpler time where there is no pollution or poverty. All because Keanu Reeves finally acted his way out of that paper bag.

But I completed our discussion:

Wow. It's really sad that Keanu will never ever surprise anyone ever in the history of the whole world like you think might be possible because now all the children will stay stupid and poor and mean people will still exist and gays will never get married.. Maybe you should tell him about this weight he unknowingly carries so he can put himself out of his misery.. and ours.

Or so I thought:

And whatever. Keanu is pretty. And you'll owe me a cookie when he saves mankind.

So ok.. she might have me there.. but although Keanu and his saving of the entire world is pretty far fetched, the girl is pretty great. Yesterday, PMS was all up in my business and messing with my day for no good reason, but when I got home, she was just finishing baking two loaves of pumpkin bread AND a couple dozen chocolate chip cookies. With extra chocolate chips!! How much does she rock? I know.. SO much. Hey.. don't get any ideas. Back off! She's mine!

* Yes I helped with her nickname/blog alias. Plus, she's very shiny.. and not in an oily way.
** Yes, even the dog needed one too. Plus we do call her that. So there.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Birds Of A Feather

We met thru someone neither of us know any longer. She was distant and protected, I could tell, but there was something bright about her that I gravitated towards.

On a day her heart had been broken, coffee plans were replaced with making sure she knew she didn't have to be alone in her broken-ness. And we've been friends ever since.

I find her to be one of the most magnetic people I've ever met, not to mention one of the most beautiful spirits, inside and out.

She's taught me not to wait for Halloween to dress up and in that vein, how I can still be me, but freer. I would like to think I've shown her not all female friendships are competitive and that the good ones deserve maintenance, but also, that they're not so difficult if they're based in love and mutual appreciation.

Honestly, I drive her crazy sometimes.. and she's frustrated me a few times as well. Like any relationship - friend or lover - fighting doesn't mean it's not a good partnership and when the misunderstandings are aired out, we are better friends and closer for it.

She's going to relocate one day soon. Too soon. I can't discuss it at all because simply thinking about it makes me all selfish and sad.

I don't agree with people who say we only have one soul mate in life and define them as purely a romantic interest. I think you get a few who come to you thru different avenues and who provide an important connection that you cling to and feed off of. She is one of those people for me and I have no idea how I'm going to say goodbye to her when she goes. I don't think she knows that I'm simply not going to let her leave.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Part 5: The Never-Ending Story And Maybe A Few Things That Happened A Lot More Recently

So you guys.. I didn't mean for this story to continue on for like.. a century plus infinity times forever. I didn't. Honest! And I would like to finish it. I mean, I would frickin LOVE to finish this story, which is what I'm going to attempt to do here, TODAY.. but yours truly is so damn busy all of a sudden that it really is hard to find the time for my blogging obligations.

I don't mean to make excuses, but seriously, cute men might come before you. I hate to say it, but I just can't lie about it and seriously you would not believe my options have exponentially increased. I mean, I'm no mathematician, but zero + anything is exponential, right? Something like that. Either way, it sort of rocks.

Why is it always feast or famine tho? Can someone tell me? Is there a season the Cute Boy Gate is opened? And who's in charge of that? Can I write a letter? Send an email? Is there a schedule? Because wow.. I'm not complaining, but it's almost difficult to choose at this time, which is exactly why I'm not because hi.. I'm not that stupid.

There is also this producing gig I'm doing for the theatre company, Unicycle, that I'm part of. You guys.. I'm a producer! I'm the producer! That title doesn't suck, does it? No. No it does not. But it means I have Official Work To Do and Vast Responsibilities for the show coming up in November that include but aren't limited to arranging all the people, making sure all their information is correct, I have ushers and food for the after party and programs and press releases to um.. release and God I hope I don't suck at this cuz it would be not so good for me and my friends would have to remove my producer crown and I sort of maybe super-glued it on so that would be painful. So wish me luck!

The Burning Man Extravaganza Finished Once And For All - No Really, This Time It's Going To Happen I Swear!

After all the excitement of the dirty dirty storm, we were pretty starved and came up with a great idea to join forces and supplies with our neighboring camps and created a nice little Mexican feast together. Kat, being exhausted from her social schedule that kept her out til past dawn most days, crashed immediately afterwards until right when I was about to leave for the evening. She was still so tired she could barely communicate so I told her to sleep and I'd walkie her later about the events going on.

Out on the playa, the population had grown immensely. You could feel the energy of everyone's communal excitement and anticipation for the burn on Saturday. But since it was the start of the weekend, there were various other things going on involving plenty of fire. I discovered an Inca-like temple earlier on in the week and when I rode by it Friday night, there was a smaller burn ceremony happening there. I was actually on my way over to Crude Awakening, the oil derrick and its statues, as it was supposed to be burned that night too, but while leaving the burn of this Incan temple, this random boy said he'd heard they weren't doing it that night and instead were going to do it on Saturday after they burned the Man. Then he gave me a little green stained glass dragonfly ornament. Odd exchange.. and yet welcomed.

Having to always find out things for myself, I headed out to the oil derrick and sure enough, I heard people saying what I'd already been told and the lights were out that had lit up the installation so you couldn't see it anyway. Disappointed, I walkied Kat to tell her not to rush now, but she was already fast asleep - poor exhausted thing - so on my own I went in search of other entertainment.

I killed a couple of hours just taking in the sites, dancing at different places and finally ended at Opulent Temple around 2:00 on the Esplanade where I'd heard Paul Oakenfold, a well-known trance dj, was going to be spinning at 11pm. Tho it was a little early, I thought I'd find a little spot to groove where I could see the action and planted my wiggly self on the middle platform right in front. Pixie found me and for a while cut a few rugs with me, but then mosied on to find other distractions. I chatted up the two girls next to me from Toronto and we busied ourself bordering our places on the platform and keeping it to ourselves. We had a great location.

Because people kept coming and going out of the dj booth, I asked the boy dancing next to me if he knew if one of them was Paul Oakenfold and he said no, but he'd point him out to me when he came on. Boy and I kept chatting it up, just friendly, but I had to eye him after a bit because he had on these fabulous american flag/Uncle Sam pants that you couldn't not notice. Then I maybe really checked him out. Thick, blonde hair, sorta wavy, great smile, nice guy.. sort of looked like Fred from Scooby Doo actually. And I thought.. can't be gay. And also.. hi.. CUTE!

So we danced for hours, chatted more, went back to his RV (which hellooo, an RV! Not a tent! This was extravagance!) right next to the club because he was part of the Opulent Temple camp, met some of his friends who were all really cool and also, headed out on their own site-seeing/dancing missions, and then we found ourselves alone in the RV, got a little more comfortable and got to know each other a little better. Ahem. Boy was a corporate securities lawyer in San Francisco. Of course! Successful and cute? Has to live out of town. He couldn't have been sweeter tho. Very cool guy.

The next morning - YES, we're now at Saturday! Whoo hoo! - once it started to get hot, someone got up and turned on the AIR CONDITIONING! Dear God, it was genius! Through groggy eyes a light went on in my head and I thought.. next year, the RV is the way to go. And I went back to cuddling with my blonde attorney.

We slept later than I had all week and his friends couldn't stop talking about the doughnuts they were going to make and how I had to stay for them. People.. doughnuts! Homemade! Dipped in cinnamon, sugar and cocoa. That's what I had for breakfast! It was WAY better than trail mix and apple sauce, I'll tell you that. They were like a little pastry orgasm, they were so good. And while his friend was making that, everyone chatted, got dressed and made plans for the burn later. But time was passing quite fast being around 3pm already so my attorney and I got a move on towards the other side of the playa to get in some dancing.

We headed towards 9:00 and H or I street where The Deep End was going strong, but before we got too far, a margarita bar appeared out of no where like an alcoholic's oasis. We heard the rumbling of a blender - a blender, people - and we stopped on a dime to take part. We were very quickly handed a cup filled to the brim and then we smelled a barbecue going. It was silly to be shocked by it all again, but the whole idea of a motorcycle engine powered blender and margaritas in the middle of the frickin desert still had me giggling like a little kid unbelieving this magical adult playground we were in.

Not to be delayed too long from our central goal of the day, we continued on to the main afternoon event at The Deep End. There were a few hundred people there easily, the music was incredibly awesome and I was still taking in all the people-watching there was to do.
Exhibitionists with little on, a staged show that The Deep End put on themselves - one with all guys, another with all girls - and then every so often, someone would come out with a nuclear-sized power washer and spray down the crowd, who acted like parched revelers worshipping their sun god. I kept asking myself where else in the entire world were you going to find something like this? No where.. ever.

Tho The Attorney and I were getting rather cozy while dancing, it was starting to get late. He'd invited me to hang out with him for the big burn so we left The Deep End, stopped by my camp to pick up things and introduced him to Kat and Pixie (who both gave me the he's-way-cute looks and a couple of thumbs up as I mouthed 'lawyer' and 'I so rock, right?' or something to that effect), and then we were off again.

On the way up 7:30, we had to stop mid-way for a pre-burn drink at the Abstinithe Camp (Get it? You get it, right? Ok.. fyi, it took me like three trips riding by this place to get it.. I kept thinking, man they misspelled that.. Yes, I know, Mensa really missed the boat on me, right?) and I'd never had absinthe before. And I found out why. Ew. Wow. Strong. But they had over 50, that's FIFTY, kinds of infused absinthe. They burned the sugar into it and everything - and man it was still yucky, but they gave us real glasses and a strong pour and we sat down, talked to some lovely people, and drank away while munching on fresh slices of watermelon.

We were definitely feeling.. something, what I didn't really know as I didn't know what to expect, but then, back at the RV, half of a 'chocolate' heart found its way accidentally into my hands and I was told to eat it.. so um.. I did. And The Attorney took ate his half as well. It was all very hallucinogenic romantic.

We were a tad late getting to the burn, but it didn't matter. The ceremony had started but it was just the collective group of fire dancers en masse and a few large drum circles. Very Survivor-esque but you know.. better and with 50,000 people. The high level of energy was palpable.

With great fanfare, they lit The Man and the crowd cheered big and loud. Then we stood around for a long time waiting for the damn thing to fall down. I tell you, I was like.. this is it? It was.. well.. kind of boring. And it would've been more so, but I was starting to lose my balance, which was a bit unnerving as I was standing completely still and not moving. The Attorney noticed he was feeling the same way, but we didn't know if it was the absinthe or our bit of digested candy. Either way, the clouds and the moon were doing this fantastic kaleidescope dance and I was fairly enamored with all the lights and booming bass from our Vegas-plus-Mad Max-on-acid surroundings.

We heard the kids next to us gushing over what we eventually figured out was an engagement. A very sweet boy literally pimped out in a pimp-style hat and coat and pierced a couple of different ways had proposed to his girlfriend with a faux-hawk and just as many piercings right when they lit The Man on fire. She was showing off her ring like a any blushing bride-to-be as she relayed the details exactly how they happened to the gay boy who'd overheard and instantly became her new best friend. And it was all rather adorable.

After what literally seemed like an hour of staring at The Man and waiting for him to fall down, he finally did. Hallelujah! It was then time to walk over to the oil derrick because one burn for a Saturday surely wasn't enough. Except The Attorney and I noticed that we were having quite the difficult time walking, but not that we were bothered in the least, in fact, we were grinning from ear to ear and giggling like idiots.. and um.. nothing was really that funny. But everything was very pretty!

Because of what we heard to be an overdose by a girl near the oil derrick, we waited for close to three hours, along with the rest of the playa, for something to happen and the natives were getting restless. We were right in front of the border the rangers had set up a good distance away from the structure for safety, but after two hours of being told the ceremony would start 'any minute', we left the crowd in search of a more comfortable place to watch back at the RV. We found ourselves a random couch under a loungy tent probably half a mile or more away from where we were, but with a perfect view.

The fireworks finally started and after a few minutes of that, they lit the fire.. and then what surprised everyone was a gigantic boom no one expected. Fire rose up about a half mile into the sky forming the biggest mushroom cloud I'd ever witnessed and we felt the heat on our faces even from the distance we'd settled ourselves. We couldn't imagine what it would've felt like had we stayed in our original places. See it for yourself. There are other videos there too that show it from different perspectives and get in all the fireworks prior to the explosion, but this is the best one showing how expansive and overwhelming it really was.

Afterwards, the playa was busy with the dispersing human traffic heading to other venues. The Attorney and I retired to the RV to be alone and tho we could've stayed up all night as one of my other favorite trance dj's, Christopher Lawrence, was spinning at the Opulent Temple next door, we were both pretty exhausted and fell asleep to the lullaby of heavy bass.

On Sunday morning, I said goodbye to The Attorney's friends and he and I left for my 'home' across the playa except that my tricked-out ride wasn't where I'd left it in front of their RV. It'd been pinched! This was totally frustrating because seriously, the walk back was long, it was frickin hot for just 11am and I was also worried because it wasn't mine. It was Pixie's and she'd mentioned hers was stolen the night before. Oh the tragedy!

We made it half way to Center Camp for something cold to break up the walk in the heat and it was buzzing with the energy of the last day. A barista stood up on the counter and announced a fellow burner's gernerosity of buying all the drinks that $20 could buy for the people behind him as well as reminding the rest of us that this was what Burning Man's purpose was - to go out and make someone's day. Clapping and cheers followed.. and when we got to the front of our line, our drinks had also been paid for by a burner trumping the former $20 gift with his own $100 spot. So tho my bike was stolen, there was still a gift offered. Not a precise replacement, but not a bad start to the day after all.

At my camp, The Attorney wrote down his info, we said our goodbyes and the girls gathered around to hear my stories from the last couple of days since I'd been pretty absent doing my own thing. Then there was just a collective look between the three of us and we decided we were all probably ready to head home. Pixie needed to stay to see if she could retrieve any or all of the 'borrowed' bikes and had friends to caravan with. Kat and I packed up as much as we could in her little ride, arrived in the line around 4pm and noticed it stretched on for miles. It took about two and a half hours of going no miles an hour, but when we finally hit paved road, we couldn't have been happier.

On the way, we discovered a gas station open all night who, thru a stroke of genius, set up a backyard barbecue for the traveling burners and we ate like the desert survivors we were, crashed at a very cute motel and had the first shower and first solid sleep we'd had in a full week.

During the drive, there was a lot of the-week-in-review talk.. but Kat summed it up best, I thought, when she declared, rather out of no where about the rest of the world we were passing by, "All these people.. they have no idea." And without any explanation, I knew exactly what she meant.

For a girl who hates dirt and camping, I can't wait to go back. I completely understand the signs now that said 'Welcome home' when we first arrived. That's what it feels like and all three of us, with other friends, are already making plans for next year. Treena is even slated to join us. Maybe some of you out there will as well and if so, please make sure to find our camp and say hello. Cheers!

Look how we clean up! And OH! How tan! Ok, that's what tan looks like on Kat.