
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Stranger To Myself

Wow.. it's getting really bad when your stats tell you that only 11 people have read your blog in the last week. ELEVEN. One of which is your roommate. AND October is half over practically and I've barely written a stitch. You guys - I'm so busy and so tired.. sleep is also something I'd like to get back to.. I mean, with this much time that's passed, there's just so much to write about and trying to find the right moment when I have that time and when the creative energy is just flowing? Yeah.. when is that? Between all the debate-watching and Republican-mocking I have to do plus actual begging of items and props for Arabian Nights that's opening next week and dreading the actual midnight-thirty tech that starts Saturday - God help me - and all the going back and forth to Boyfriend's with 23 bags of personal belongings.. are you exhausted yet from just hearing about it? There's also trying to fit in actual working out, which is actually happening so that makes me feel better about the pizza I devoured last night.. and trying to make time to work new songs with the band - when we actually have practice.....

Not to mention, my french press is at the Boyfriend's currently.. along w/ my favorite coffee.. Also, I'm not there. Thank God for Starbucks cards sometimes.. that's all I have to say.

That's it for today.. short lesson. Moral is: Take time to smell the roses.. or in my case, find time for sleep and solace. Or just sleep. Whatever. Doesn't have the same ring, but you get the gist. Yawwwwwwwwwwwn..

Also.. in like four weeks, it's my birthday! I'm gonna be 37! Wtf? How the hell did that even get close to happening?! Good thing I still look like I'm 23.. or 26.. or whatever.. I look alright either way.

Ok - I'm going back to wishing I'd grabbed the french press from Boyfriend's and trying to get out of here so I have time to stop at Starbucks and make good use of their card burning a hole in my pocket before I get to work..

Wake up everyone! Mwah!


Clayton said...

Yes, take time to smell that coffee, Miss Devylish. :-)

I hope all this busyness makes you happier, and not just busier.

Life is good, yeah?


smells like hot dogs said...

Miss D,

I suspect you have not had many hits recently cause I bet half your readers (like me) have a crush on you and it sucks reading about the new boyfriend all the time! Honestly, though, glad you have somebody that is making you happy in your life, thats the important thing. :-)

Miss Devylish said...

clayton: Thanks sugar.. overall, yes, life is good. xo

smells like: Aww.. *blush* that's very sweet.. and I don't think my boyfriend actually reads the blog.. which is probably a good thing.. but thank you.. You just made my day. :)

smells like hot dogs said...

My pleasure madame. :-)

kario said...

I'm reading, I'm reading. Okay, the guilt trip worked ;-).

And, about that birthday....

Fes said...

Starbucks is your favorite coffee? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! And you're the production manager? So FIRED! :P

Miss Devylish said...

kario: Hee..

fes: Um.. my favorite coffee was at the boyfriend's.. the Starbucks reference was cuz I had a card to at least provide the substitute I needed - NOT cuz it's my favorite you goof! With Vivace in this city, who the hell needs Starbucks? It was desperation my friend!