
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Birds Of A Feather

We met thru someone neither of us know any longer. She was distant and protected, I could tell, but there was something bright about her that I gravitated towards.

On a day her heart had been broken, coffee plans were replaced with making sure she knew she didn't have to be alone in her broken-ness. And we've been friends ever since.

I find her to be one of the most magnetic people I've ever met, not to mention one of the most beautiful spirits, inside and out.

She's taught me not to wait for Halloween to dress up and in that vein, how I can still be me, but freer. I would like to think I've shown her not all female friendships are competitive and that the good ones deserve maintenance, but also, that they're not so difficult if they're based in love and mutual appreciation.

Honestly, I drive her crazy sometimes.. and she's frustrated me a few times as well. Like any relationship - friend or lover - fighting doesn't mean it's not a good partnership and when the misunderstandings are aired out, we are better friends and closer for it.

She's going to relocate one day soon. Too soon. I can't discuss it at all because simply thinking about it makes me all selfish and sad.

I don't agree with people who say we only have one soul mate in life and define them as purely a romantic interest. I think you get a few who come to you thru different avenues and who provide an important connection that you cling to and feed off of. She is one of those people for me and I have no idea how I'm going to say goodbye to her when she goes. I don't think she knows that I'm simply not going to let her leave.


P said...

Dammit - you just made me cry...and I had good eye makeup today. :)

Love you, hon.

Indiana said...

It's great when you can find friends like that. :-)

Love the new avatar, the angel-devil thing. LOL

Rigmor said...

Well that's a lovely post you've written for her. Good friends are far and few between so hold on to them, eh?

Miss Devylish said...

pixie: Sorry to ruin your make up sugar.. I just love you heaps.

indy: Yes it is. And thanks! Pixie's rubbed off on me in a good way for sure.

rigmor: I'd hold on to her if I could.. she's still going to move, dammit, but at least I'll have a place to crash in the bay area. :)

kario said...

So sorry to hear about Pixie, sweetie! I can totally sympathize, having lost my 'other family' to far distant shores recently, too. But I know you well enough to know that you will work very hard to keep the friendship fires burning. And anytime you need to drown your sorrows in some good wine, you know where to come!

smells like hot dogs said...

Miss D,

Truly sorry to hear about Pixie, but your other 10000000000000+kajillion friends and 124 internet stalkers will help to make the loss less hurtful.

We need a new entry! Your loving hoards are waiting!

Miss Devylish said...

kario: Thnaks toots. Yup.. like I need wine to coerce me into coming over? Hardly! We'll make a date soon!

slhd: You must know me I'm guessing. But welcome! Yes, working on it.. days are a bit busy w/ socializing but honest, working on something new!

P said...

Did I mention enough today that you're beautiful, hon? I know I said it but...I think a little more would be good. Like adding sprinkles to a cupcake. More is more. There. Better. xoxo

Anonymous said...

The leaving part's damn hard. I'll be leaving her for your way, soon.