
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Awkwardly Sad But Sort Of Happy Post

So.. January.. yeah. It happened.. and I'm sitting here trying to put the words together to describe it in its last couple of days because there's been good - even great, but also this crazy sort of scattered that I'm still trying to figure out. There have been days where the energy just seemed to flow and then a few where at the end of the day my heart felt a bit worn.

At the beginning of the year, a quieter friend I've made thru the blog relocated this way. The nickname we both decided on was Yoda (Trust me, this is much more appropriate than 'Newbie' that he suggested. Plus, he's much more colorful than that anyway.). So.. we're new friends and as he says, he's a blank slate, so we've gone to dinner to a couple of my favorite places and I've provided him a list of further ideas for venturing around his new city. We have these great talks about religion, relationships.. he gives me great guy advice, I get to hear all about his life experiences because wow.. he has some and it's enlightening and inspiring.. and I find I'm already neglectful of doing my rightful job as a tour guide due to my crazy busy social schedule and this new stage managing gig.. BUT I like new friends and I haven't made a new one that wasn't my roommate in a long time. It just reminds me that there's more to getting to know someone than small talk. Histories are so worth hearing.. and it's almost safer to talk about them to someone you don't know all that well yet. And also, I like that I leave our conversations with a smile on my face thinking about how to apply the kind words of guidance that were shared and wondering what adventure we'll have next.

Now, one wouldn't think you could find too much adventure at the shoe store, but, as you'll soon find out, one would be wrong. I'd wandered to Nine West in our fancy little University Village yuppiedom mall after picking up a necklace at another store when this sassy and cute woman asked me where one might go looking for purses. The shoe store had a great one in white, but she wanted it in black. Talk about where to buy purses led to chit-chat about the boots I was trying on and oh those are pointy and oh maybe you should try some on too and no I couldn't possibly, but maybe if they have a pair in my size and oh those are good.. what did you say if we buy two pairs we get 20% off sort of conversations.. and a couple of sparks flew back between our very wide-eyed clever selves and there we were, sharing a shoe purchase, each of us getting a shiny pair of over-the-top pointy boots in different shades. Hers a lovely plum and myself a random dark green, but for the same reason: because they were cheap! Do they fit? Sure! Do I want to rip off my feet and throw them into the nearest fire after wearing them for five whole minutes?! Absolutely! But hey, I think I made a new friend who is energetic and outgoing and has supercute style and this darling shade of short reddish hair, so I'm going to call her Red. Red is a life coach. A life coach with wine-colored patent leather pointy boots that I helped her pick out. How rad is that? I see many pink colored martinis in our future.

A different kind of adventure recently found Miss Shine and myself when we certainly weren't looking for it. She won't like me ratting her out like this but she was sick sick sick.. and I wish I meant like.. yo she's so mad sick, dog.. because well, she is.. but instead I mean sick as in coughing up a lung and cracking ribs from all the not being able to take in a breath while coughing for these really long, long, loooong periods of time. I don't know about you, but that didn't seem good to me.

So we made a little trip to the ER one night, which would've been a lot more fun had she not had a 102 degree fever and maybe had been able to walk a little faster but you know, when she did that, she started wheezing, which was followed by much coughing and that sort of negated the air getting to her lungs, which sort of made me get all bossy about getting someone with a degree that cost them a whole bunch of money that they're probably still paying for to look at her.. and hopefully, find an instant cure because.. ow.. she sounded like everything hurt.

Um.. FOUR HOURS later, two x-rays, two blood draws, one iv bag of saline, one breathing treatment, a bevy of nurses and techs with entire life stories (and accompanying pictures) to tell perfect strangers and one boisterous doctor who showed up TWICE in that time.. we get to leave. Completely dehydrated when she'd arrived, she had better color in her face and could walk a little easier. Yet, freezing our butts off - hospitals are not friggin warm people - we headed to get prescriptions that took another 30 minutes from people who wouldn't even make eye contact with us while my little bright girl was still not sounding awesome and becoming a pale version of herself.. and we were both exhausted.. she more than anyone of course.I crossed my fingers and hoped she was on her way to recovery. Diagnosis: bronchitis.

Yeah.. not so much. About five days later, she had another fever.. Mind you, the original one was the THIRD ONE EVER in HER WHOLE LIFE, people.. now she's had two in one week? I ask you.. does that not seem like a lot? It does, right? It does.. so there. And her coughing was worse than ever thus making me rechannel the bossy in me and make her visit the doctor again. Besides that, the day before she told me that her doctor said due to the fact she brunched and did things that required her to be vertical rather than oh.. horizontally resting on a couch with a remote in her hand, her bronchitis developed into bronchial frickin pneumonia. BFP is serious people.. Jim Hensen died of it. At least that's what she keeps telling me.. like my own little morbid torturer because she then tells me not to worry about her. I was seriously considering requiring the doctor to make a house call and then not letting s/he leave until Shine was better. For good. That's all there is to it. Cuz this was fucking ridiculous. Also, the next day was her birthday, which she spent mostly alone, mostly coughing and mostly feeling like crap. I think you should all go read her cute blog right now and send her all kinds of belated birthday and well wishes.. because you're you and you're thoughtful like that. Yes you are.

And there is no way for me to really ease into this part. Treena's husband just left for Iraq and tho she is the one who is married to him and she is also in the military and she is the one who probably has a much more vast understanding of how it all works, I am sort of freaking out inside. Yeah.. awesome support system I make right? You're supposed to keep people calm and supposed to know these things will turn out fine. And they will. They have to. However, I'm a worrier and I have thoughts that scare me and it sort of makes me get all teary and all I can think about is that Miss Shine and I will be baking our little butts off because damn it if we aren't going to send the biggest and best care package ever so John knows he better not do anything stupid.. that's all I'm saying. And if he wants more where that came from, he had better get going on home because Treena made us promise we'd send some of that package of caring over to her too.. just for quality taste-testing, of course.

And Kari, one of the strongest people in my world, told me tho her father had gone thru massive efforts to fight the lung cancer he was diagnosed with last year and they thought he'd beaten it, they recently found eight tumors in his brain. Eight. Just absorb the weight of that for a second. I know I still am. That many make the idea of surgery impossible.. and the outcome of knowing that all too obvious. Already having watched my own father go thru a long and agonizing fight against leukemia that he lost, it's hard to know which is going to hurt more - watching the biggest man in your life struggle against a life-threatening vice that you can't save him from or losing him completely and knowing he's out of pain. You can't say. It all sucks and having gone thru it and seen the other side, I ache for my friend because I can't protect her from that. I can only be there for her and hope I'm helping in some small way.

Tho I know there has to be balance in life - the good and bad, ups and downs, the things that make us all grow even tho they're heavy and difficult - don't you just wish it didn't have to be that way? Why can't it all be moments filled with magic and wonder, random strangers and sunny days? I'm sure we wouldn't recognize those things if we had them all the time.. but it's nice to imagine.

And, if I'm going to be honest here, and I usually am, I feel like this post is one of the hardest I've had to write. I wanted to mention everything that's happened lately even tho it doesn't go together.. and some of it hasn't even happened to me. I should be able to make it all flow and find a rhythm, but I continue to go back and forth being happy for new acquaintances and funny moments to aching quietly for other things I can't even find words to completely express.

So, since I think I may be coming down with a cold and can't seem to find anymore words.. I leave you all for the night. I have to send virtual hugs to my girls - Kari and Treena - and another for Shine and her upcoming belated birthday celebration this weekend because she's finally almost back to normal. Y'all are going to be so sorry you missed her karaoke down with her bad self. Oh.. yes, there will be pictures.. I promise.

Sleep well, kittens..


smells like hot dogs said...

miss D,

I'm going to be cool and be the first to respond to this entry.

This post made me a little concerned for you. Are you OK? Things sound really down. Hang in there. Hope shine feels better.

The tone of your posts lately have been almost moribund...which is OK but this is not fiction you are writing (or IS it???!!!) ;-) Are you imagining all this? ;)

I lost my dad to cancer as well, have had friends in the same position as kari...tried to advise them but like you know there is only so much you can do. Just be there for her.

All the best!

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a January eh? {hugs}

You know, I have found over the years that some periods of time are just "heavy". They just are. And even though you have wonderful things going on, you are acutely aware of the heavy (and life altering) things surrounding you. And somehow, someway, you're strong when you need to be... especially for those around you. It always rains the hardest before the storm passes, huh?

Hang tough. Take some Vitamin C. And take Shine out for a belated birthday celebration, that fellow aquarian (I'll be celebrating one on Feb 1). Pictures please!

~East coast stranger

Miss Devylish said...

smells like: You don't need to be first to be cool.. but you know, that helps. ;) But yes, I am ok.. just feeling my surroundings a little more than usual. Thank you for asking. Wish I was sometimes imagining it, but no.. it's all real. Let me know when I can click my heels together tho and go home.

ecs: Thank you.. yes, it does feel like there is lots of good.. but there are just things that go on that you can't ignore that are difficult as well. Can't be sunny all the time I suppose, but there are vitamins, so thanks for the reminder. :)

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful, insightful, a little sad, but with a underlying dash of optimism.

Thanks for sharing.

Booyah said...

Your facts surrounding the pneumonia may be a wee bit skewed, but that doesn't change how much I heart you, nor does it take away from how you took such good care of me, even giving up a fun dinner date to sit with me over a tasty meal of IV fluids.

I know things are overwhelming right now and a bit topsy turvy, but I know they will soon be the good kind of turvy and you will reach your proper level of whelm.

You are the queen of kindness and goodness and also so lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Angel, you made me cry at work. You being my friend brings sunshine to my life--I love you.

Miss Devylish said...

oneday: Thanks for coming by sugar..

shine: So my facts aren't completely right, but they're close. Consider them fudged due to the emotional level of how much I heart you back. Also, dinner dates are always trumped for roomies w/ breathing issues. I will get you a cracker any day!

treens: Um, who said you could read blogs at work? Oh.. wait..
I love you too sweetie. Sending you my best hugs today! xo

He said...

Miss D,

I hope you don't mind, but I found you through Booyah's blog. Come to think of it, I guess that's how it's supposed to work. So I'll just say that I hope you don't mind a little unsolicited goodwill.

As far as I can tell, you and Boo are two perfectly complementary rays of sunshine in what I'd thought was supposed to me a blustery, rainy city. I wonder if your fellow Seattleans realize how much gloomier it would be without you.

Your, and Boo's, writing is honest and absolutely delightful—even when you're recounting a difficult or emotional time.

I'm reminded every day of something that I've known for years: that women are simultaneously the strongest, most beautiful and tender creatures on the planet. Reading your post was today's reminder.

Personally, I feel better knowing that even if it's cloudy and miserable in the Pacific Northwest, at least two girls are carrying around their own little pockets of sunshine. : )

All the best,


P said...

The beginning of each year is usually a bit of a mixed-up crossroads of good and bad things, isn't it. Take care of you.

Miss Devylish said...

he: Wow.. thanks for that. I don't feel very sunshiny these days and Ms. Shine is certainly working for both of these days to keep my spirits up sometimes, but I'm trying. Thanks for making me feel good today tho. :)

pix: It is, I think. And working on the last part. Thx, sugar.. missing you. xo