
Monday, January 14, 2008

Love Is Like A Great Sale, Isn't It? Ok, A Great Sale At Goodwill Then..

Please don't hate me people.. I've been a horrible blogger and an even more horrible blog reader. Like.. I have no energy to write or read and all I want to do when I come home from work, if I've gone to the gym and worked out all the aggression it created in me during the day, is just make some dinner, veg out in front of Jon Stewart, and avoid thinking about going back to the office the next day. Weekends are my solace for cleaning - CLEANING! I'd rather clean than go to work! Or write about what's going on there because it seems it's taking over my life and that's what I write about.. what's going on in my life, right? You know this.. this is what I do. And I'm not prone to lying on my blog.. not usually anyway. And it seems my brain is so wiped out mentally from trying to focus and prioritize and not stress the fuck out and go postal on everyone that I have no sense of creativity left and even writing something as much as a fun list eludes me. How desolate has my life become with no blogging? I ask you, how?! I'll tell you. Very.

And you my 4 or 5 readers say to this.. wow.. she's not funny anymore. Where did the funny go? She should try being more funny.. and this is not it. No. No it's not. It's just sad. And you click on over to my friends and other links and even the gossip on Britney and you say, YES! This is MUCH better.. ahh. Because it is, let's be honest, and you breathe your sigh of relief that my tedious unfunnyness is not within your eyesight anymore and you hope that next week I'll fix it and this will all be a bad memory.

I hope the same thing.

Jesus. Let me be funnier, ok? Along with thinner, prettier, more successful, all that.. but funnier first.. entertaining. I'm nothing if not an attention whore, but you know, in a good way. Right? You know this, right? Alright.. that's all I got. Amen.

It's not like I'm unhappy overall. I'm happy. Just not at work. And I really don't want to talk about work. I can talk about my life outside of it, that's not a problem. We can just suffice it to say that work = stress and also = difficult to get thru every day, but otherwise, it should get better. Eventually. Let's hope anyway. Yes, let's hope that together, shall we?

So outside of work has been good. Great even. For example, Saturday: I skipped showering because I planned to get my hair cut. I don't know if this logic makes sense to you, but it does to me. Got breakfast with Miss Shine at Noah's and had not one, but two cups of coffee.. so I then felt like I needed a little bit more of a treat-myself type day and decided to get that long overdue pedicure I've been needing. A bright shiny red and a pretty flower on each big toe did the trick. Wandered over to the boutique just next door and bought myself a gorgeous cropped grey velvet jacket to wear that night when I went out with Kat and some other burners to get down with our bad selves. Was it on sale? Yes! Was it on 20% more sale when I paid for it? Um.. yeah! Clearly awesome day.

The boy thing has been crazy. Crazy and good and I'm bracing myself for the judgy here because I'm going to tell you that Boris and I are not really over like I thought we were. Like I told him we were. Like I told myself and all of you. I'm not so strong when it comes to willpower people. Also, I'm obviously a lying liarpants. All over the place..

It is what it is. That's what I'm going with. I'm calling it the Non-relationship Relationship, or NRR for short, and he even knows I'm calling it that.. and there were laughs.. and yet we sleep like snakes all entwined together and there is much fun and talking and laughing and long adoring looks and madly passionate kisses and all the affection I could want.. and yeah, like you, I don't know what the fuck the problem is, I'll give you that, but I'm not the one with the issue about it. There is love.. in both directions. That's not in question. What kind? Don't know.. but I know it's something for me that's not so insane anymore that I need to know what's going on every second or that I need to know where I stand. Cuz I know. Plans are made often, movies out are rearranged to movies in with more wine and less movie watching than one would think, we talk like close friends, talk like closer lovers later.. and honestly, it's lovely.

Maybe I'm not meant to have traditional romantic relationships. Maybe I'm not asking the Universe for the right things in the right way. Maybe I've been going about things all wrong. Maybe there's a different way. So.. there it is.

Am I waiting? God, I hope not. Not actively anyway.. and he knows there are other interested parties, which he casually asks about now and then and we have the talk about how he feels and what he would do.. and he wants me to be happy and I currently am and then I kiss him and after a few moments when he's still digesting the feeling of that and his eyes are closed and our faces are so close to each other we can feel the warmth from the other's skin, I ask him sweetly with a coy smile, 'Now where are you going to find a girl who looks after you like I do and kisses like that?' Silence from him.. and then, 'Um.. I dunno. You're right,' with a slightly stunned look on his face.. and I say, 'I know,' because I sort of do.. and we share a long look and I think, maybe that sunk in.. and maybe it doesn't matter that it still means not now.. and he kisses me back and we drive back to my place and I put the moment away.

So that's the NRR.. and the other opportunity.. is more like a fantasy, but for real. I'll call him Raphael, because he's sort of like an angel. A tall, dark, Brazilian angel - complete with an accent and sometimes, small bits of broken English and our tattoos both mean the same thing. Yes, I can hear you breathing heavily already over there. And yes, he's pretty much that hot, so I won't stop you. It's warranted. He's also so sweet I can hardly stand it.. and comfortable with himself and he swims.. SWIMS! Do you know what a swimmer's body looks like?! I'm not asking.. I'm telling you.. if you don't know.. Jesus.. you should find out. Some of my favorites, that's all I'm saying.. and his?! Dear God. No exception. You have no idea.

That's new though.. and he's a fellow burner so when traveling in that group, we have more in common and friends who surround us who are great and fun and open. I like that energy. It's addicting. I have this comfort and ease I feel with Boris too because we just fit, as we both keep saying out loud every now and then.. like it's a new thought - like we're surprised sometimes.. and I feel a new sense of belonging even tho it's never discussed, just implied..

I know where I lean.. I also know how to maintain my own sense of self-preservation - even tho I know y'all are shaking your heads over there. But I haven't given up on what I want. I think there's just a more round-a-bout way that I'll get there.. the scenic route. Yes, the windy road with a few tourist traps.. and some lovely souvenirs on the way.


Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I blog stalk you. And I just wanted to say that it is ok to not be funny. It is ok to spend a season of time freaking out. It is ok to do some yoga to get the freaking out of you system. It is ok to step back and evaluate which things in your world are giving you life and which things are sapping it. And it is ok to make changes accordingly. Meanwhile, here is a cyber-hug. Just know that it is you and every other woman out there. You may not be funny, but you are relate-able. The funniness comes back with the life. It is all about and I apparently don't have a low center of gravity. Breathe deep. And know that there is another person stressed at work, debating what to do about men, and who is going ice-skating tonight because that seems like a good solution.

Anonymous said...

Ditto. "another person who ceased to be funny" said it perfectly. It is OK. Don't stress! You're human. You cannot be 100% anything all the time. And, I don't think anyone would expect you to. 100% anything all the time is boring anyway. Real is sexy. Smile. You are loved! Even by people you have never met.
...Another cyber-stranger

Miss Devylish said...

another person & anonymous: OMG! You guys are making me tear up! I think those were two of the sweetest things any two strangers/blog stalkers have ever written to me. Thank you very much.. I'm sorta all schmoopy now, as Shine would say, because of both of you. It's really made my whole day and it's only 7:45! Thanks! I'm all blushy over here.. Oh! and YAY! for ice skating! You go! xoxo hugs to you both!

Anonymous said...

ditto + ditto to the posts above. There's nothing wrong with taking some severe downtime for yourself. Those that are passionate about their relationships, whether platonic or romatic, are ones that may need the downtime even more. Its just plain exhausting doing or being everything to everyone; I know, I've been there. And its hard to take a step back in the midst of that process, because the euphoria from bringing joy to others is so addictive that it masks the energy toll it's taking from you.

Anyway, I have to go through the same mental and emotional cleansing every few seasons... whether its from friends, family, or both. I think that this route is sometimes better than the alternative, which is to become snippy to those that you love. Heck, I think whatever extreme solitude that one has to go through may actually aid in accelerating the cleansing process. I just wish that I could find a way to somehow apply the same to some work situations; I guess that's something that I'll have to try to learn in 2008.

Until then, enjoy doing things for yourself... find some good stuff on sale, drink some good vino, take a short trip sunny and warm (...and I need a trip really bad).

cheers, sparkles, bubbles, and smilies


Indiana said...

Babes, it sounds like your life is ticking along quite nicely, so its not a traditional thing, if you like it, and it feels good, then just go with it... for not writing, readign or commenting, its called life babes and it gets in the way all the time...

...and as one of your old commenters I would much rather know you were out having fun rather than sitting in thinking up funny stuff to entertain us. :-)

Don't write fun, go and have fun.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Find your even keel, darlin, even if even is off-kilter. Sometimes, nothing is everything.
Love you!

kario said...

Sweetie? Can I say something obvious? Nothing about your life is traditional. Nothing about you is traditional. That's what we love about you. Now stop comparing yourself to other people and go with it, K?

Also, I think you're damn funny, even when you're not trying to be funny or you think you're not funny. And I do love those stacks of email messages I get when you read six of my last blog posts at the same time. Love the catching up!

As for the "thinness" - puhleeze! You are perfect the way you are. And, BTW, it's Girl Scout Cookie time anyway, so give it up and order some, K?


Anonymous said...

If you wrote what was in your head, you could be funny all the time but then that would be boring and we would eventually stop reading. You write from the heart, you are honest about what you feel and that is why we continue to read. You possess the gift of a creative soul and it attracts kindred spirits, people that can feel real, raw emotion leaping from your words. Funny? Funny isn't the glue that makes things stick, it's just a different font.

Don’t worry about getting there, my dear. Our path through life is never a straight line and isn’t the journey the real goal not the destination?

Miss Devylish said...

roy: Thanks for the support! I don't think I'm trying to be everything to everyone.. just trying to find time for this creative outlet that I actually love. But yes, Life does get in the way and all its crap and all the good stuff that comes w/ it too. I think you're on to something when you suggest there's got to be something done to calm down work stress.. communal meditation during lunches maybe? I already have an hour of quiet time 4 times a week - seriously, we all do, but it's to get work done.. so maybe I could revamp that, but then they'd wonder what I was using my lunches for.. ;) Good luck on that vacation.. I'm trying to do that too before the one I take to Burning Man. xoxo

indi: Hee.. I love it when you call me babes. Cracks my shit up. But you are right. I have to do stuff in order to have stuff to write about.. thanks for being so encouraging. Heart you!

treens: Oh.. nothing is everything once in a while.. but bitching about my stuff seems trivial to what you and Kar are dealing with. Hugs to you sweet girl! xoxo

kari: You really think so? Cuz seriously, I feel soooo normal and honestly sorta ache to be a little more different. And I know some non-traditional people you know. I'm way more boring than they are.. BUT you KNOW I'm buying Girl Scout stuff.. like I would forget? Ok, I might forget, but I'd be kicking myself.. Will call you but put me down for like.. 3-4 boxes.. I think you can guess which kinds. ;) xoxo

kevin: 'Funny isn't the glue that makes things stick, it's just a different font.' I like that.. a lot. Thank you for the kind words.. My goal is to be relatable.. and get out the things I need to get out.. then everyone is happy. Thanks for reading and your compliments. :)

Anonymous said...

See, yeah, you're normal. In a good way.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, i have been following your blog anonymously for the past couple of years (off and on) and have heard you complain many times about your job. You acually write really well and i wanted to suggest that you become a writer for a living. After all, you love love love your Apple right? Maybe write a book while you still have a salary and then quit when you sell your first million. Or freelance for magazines. All you have to do is send them a sample of writing from your blog and your set!!

Just a suggestion. No one should hate their job. And...a career like that might give you some of the confidence/fulfillment/disposable income/energy/contacts youve been looking for.

Hope you appreciate my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Yah! Seattle Times Intelligencer or wtf it is, watch out. Like Sex in the City Seattle Style.. i'm crackin myself up. Is it working on you yet? xxoo