
Friday, August 01, 2008

Mixed Tape

Ok.. I'll admit that I think I've turned into one of those girls that somewhat just about completely disappears when she has a boyfriend. In my defense, I'm trying to keep up with my friends via some form of communication like text or email and thank God Mom calls me or I might forget that too because Jake and I clearly only have eyes for each other right now. I'm still making band practice and all the theatre meetings that he's not even in so responsibilities aren't being shirked in any way.. but we both count the hours, minutes.. whatever is left, which sometimes seems like an unbelievable amount of time before we can be together again.

I told you we were gross.. ok? You were warned.. Oh, don't give me that look..

The other thing I've turned into? One of those girls who celebrates 1st month anniversaries.. which, yes.. I'm aware one month does not an anniversary make.. but I don't care. Have we not discussed how long it's been since I've had a boyfriend? You're not new, right? We haven't just met? Because I should be allowed to revel in something that feels this special, that I know already is going to last longer than this first, second and - tho I can barely believe it - even third month. We both know. Time isn't something I'm worried about, however, I still want to be able to acknowledge its passing because.. you know.. it just makes me feel good. I'm frickin ecstatic..

I think I've also had a difficult time talking about anything that's happened outside of Jake and me, which is ridiculous that my world is skewed so much. In our second week together, I welcomed my friend, Jedi, into town as my Foo Fighters concert date. I'd had tickets for months and we were not in the least bit disappointed. He took me to dinner and we caught up about our lives and our significant others (now that it seemed I might actually have one) and then we enjoyed one of the best concerts EVER. Yeah.. Dave Grohl is on my list - my Awesome Rockstars/Celebrities I Wouldn't Kick Out Of Bed For Eating Crackers list.. but not really because I think he's all that hot.. more because he's as cool as all get out.. I don't have a Cool As All Get Out list tho.. but if I did, Dave couldn't be at the top of that because there are just too many people in Real Life I know who would be ahead of him - like Jake would probably take the first five spots because I'm gross like I've previsiously mentioned.. and Shine and Eight and some other people.. but besides, Dave has his own list he's at the top of. He should be happy enough with that. But thanks to Jedi for hanging out with me!

So what's the next step you ask? Tho possibly meeting the folks is right around the corner.. and actually, it is.. that isn't next. No no no.. let's not get out of order here even tho yes, 'madly in love' barely cuts it and all the falling to get there happened rather quickly - but you just know sometimes.. 'you know like you know a good melon'.. (extra points if you know what movie that's from) - but no.. that isn't the next step. It's that very sweet gesture of pure twitterpation.. that simple need bursting from your heart to make your new love a mixed tape - or the cd equivelant thereof..

I hear you saying, 'Yes! I know that feeling exactly!' Or maybe that's just the sound of many of you gagging.... whatever, close enough. The maple-syrupy cute is running over us pretty constantly so that's where we are. Not going to apologize for it.. no way.

He was done first.. and being a fancy marketing type of guy, it's gorgeous. The cd itself has a label on it, something I can't make like.. ever.. because I can type, ok? I own a Mac, yes.. but that's the extent of my technical knowledge right there.. those TWO things. Beyond that, my eyes glaze over and all I hear is 'blahblahblah' when you try to explain it.

Anyway, back to my mixed tape. So he gave it to me the other night and I was ever so swoony because he couldn't have been sweeter.. but I was a little shocked because he put a picture of me from last year's birthday on the front cover. It's an incredibly cheesy ass smile.. and ew, I don't want to look at myself all day and he looked at me like I was crazy and he didn't get that at all, which you know.. cute.. And the cd has this pretty label with a red artsy design for the background.. and all the song titles and artists are listed in a perfect circular fashion in white, but are prefaced by: 'For Angel (cuz she's awesome!)' and at the top center, above the titles, 'With Love.' And all the songs are supercute and I've been listening to it non-stop.

I'll be honest.. he'll be lucky if he gets one with a label at all and it doesn't have stick people on it drawn in smudged sharpie.. or it'll probably look more like a ransom note from a serial killer.. awesome. Either way, let's hope he thinks it's cute. I'm almost done with it, but paring down my choices right now. Does it count if you find the perfect song he should've given you but you give him instead? Are there rules for these sorts of things?! I've been out of it so long, I don't know! Crap.. I might have to save myself by wrapping it. If you don't know this, I'm one of the awesomest gift wrappers around.. I swear to God.. the things you don't know about me, people.. you have no idea. Cd crafting? Yeah.. not my forte.. but distraction with wrapping? Oh I'm ALL over it!

Part of the reason Jake and I feel so clingy right now besides being fairly new and in our cheese course/salad days, is that I leave for Burning Man at the end of the month. I know it's silly.. but when you spend every night together and a good portion of the weekends and still aren't getting tired of each other or even on each other's nerves a teensy bit, spending eight days and nights apart with no way to communicate once past Gerlach, NV is looking like we might both go a little insane with missing each other.

My perspective has changed regarding this event that I've looked forward to for most of the year I've been away from it. Where before I was really excited to get away and be welcomed 'home' as everyone does when you're in the entry line to Black Rock City, I'm more torn than I thought to leave because Jake doesn't get to experience it with me. The friends going with me who make up the four newbies are looking to me in my second year for guidance and together we've already decided who will cook most often, what we'll need to bring, etc. We're gearing up to teach Boz and Paul how to ride bikes prior to arrival (seriously, of all the people in the world who don't know how to ride a bicycle, how did we end up with two of them in our troupe?) and getting costumes and other fun things acquired. We're going to have a fantastic time together - that's certain - and I'm thrilled to be going with this particular group of friends. We know so many other burners now and have other friends in theme camps doing awesome things while there who've invited us over whenever we want. We've got our placement on the big clock and we'll be just below the Esplanade in the midst of all the action and thumping techno. I've no doubt this group will have an easier time acclamating themselves than Kat and I did last year.. but I have to admit that I'm also already thinking of how much I can't wait to be back home and in the arms of this beyond-amazing guy who I'm crazy about..

I'm really in love with all my latest adventures. I haven't been this happy in a really long time.. and it's not only a really nice change - it's calming. The band is coming together, the theatre is evolving, I'm looking for a new direction as far as the day to day employment, I'm off to the desert with really good people around me, and I've met someone who may very well qualify as being the love of my life. My heart is full and I'm content. For now, yeah.. I think that'll do.


Daren said...

Hey there... came here via LĂ©onie's Blog... and what do I find... Jason Mraz playing!! Very nice. Will stop back again soon.


Anonymous said...

"My heart is full and I'm content."

How beautiful. :)

~EasternStandardTime Stranger

Anonymous said...

So cute and I am soooo happy for you honey. Although, it was now like 15 years ago, I can still recall that first year when Sean and I met and how disgustingly gooshy and in-love we were. We did the one month anniversary thing for like the first two years I think. Your entitled, you deserve it, and I'll try to keep the eye-rolling and gagging gestures to a minimum. Love you!

Miss Devylish said...

dazza: Oh that's awesome! I like that girl so much! And yeah.. love this Jason Mraz song.. it's a little special.

est stranger: Aww.. thanks!

anonymous(kario?): Thanks sugar.. have been missing you! And I hope that gushy carries over into 15 yrs and then some like you and S. I can only hope. xo

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, sounds corny, but write to him while you're gone, about your adventures and then you get to play catch up when you get back. And stay busy! That helps. Soooo happy for your happy and can easily picture a huge shit eating grin. :P Where did that phrase come from anyway? How can it mean a big happy grin? lol.. have fun at BM.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, forgot to sign my name to my anonymous comment, but thought you would just know who it was, I guess Kario has a Sean too... funny. Have fun at burning man and miss you too sweety.

Miss Devylish said...

megan: He already suggested that.. I'm collecting cards to leave for him and I plan on writing while there.. tho that's a little harder. ;) Good idea tho!

loren: Oh thank God! I was dying of curiosity and could not figure it out for the life of me! xo ;)

Clayton said...

I'm glad you haven't shipped off entirely to Boyfriend Island. I still hear from you and see you now and then. :) Ok, more than now and then. I'm one of the lucky ones.

I'm stoked to be working with you two lovebirds here soon. You're a joy to be around, all crazy and gushy.

Bridget said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
"the b" said...

Heh heh - you are absolutely sickening, you know that? But for once I can be happy for a girl newly in love because although mine is only just approaching that phase (and he's gone away for nearly a month) I know what it's like to suddenly have someone after 8 years (yep, me too, pretty much exactly) of not having someone. Well, not to really count, anyway.

I haven't been by for a while cos I've been on holiday and, ahem, busy, but good on you. We should enjoy it - because we're worth it!

Miss Devylish said...

clayton: Yes you are lucky. ;) Thank God for IM. xo

b: Yay for us both! And yes, you're right - we are SO worth it. It's nice to feel that way. :) xo