
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes We Did..

It really happened. We voted in the first African-American chief executive. Not that it's about color, because it's about how he convinced us that our government wasn't protecting its citizens, that he would change all that, and he said it like he meant it, remaining calm and cool throughout.

I still can't believe it's going to happen in just a couple of months. No more Republican-out-for-the-rich-and-fuck-the-rest-of-America while the rest in those red states still believe W was the answer to all their problems for some reason beyond my understanding and that McCain would bring something that W may have missed. Palin was the scariest answer to a VP in years and we can only thank the majority of the country for waking up to that fact that having a regular old 'joe' in the white house wasn't actually the best idea after all. Someone who knew what they were talking about might need to be a requirement.

It's a new day. He's got a lot of work to do. He'll make mistakes. He won't be as favored all the time as he is right now.. and we have to hope he'll come thru it all. The next four years will be really interesting I think..

And, for the first time in a very long time, I'm so over the moon to be an American. We did it! Yay us!

Now all we have to do is make people realize that everyone should have the right to marry. Seriously.. what is so sacred about the heterosexual divorce rate? Shame on you, California..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! I love it...we did do something right for once. I am proud.

Also, happy belated birthday. I can't believe I missed ya!