
Saturday, February 09, 2008

50 New Things About Me

I thought it might be nice for a list. There is so much going on right now and honestly, I'm a bit open-woundy. If I wrote a real post, it would probably be crap and self-pitying and blahblahblah.. and who wants that? So I actually thought there might might be more things you'd like to know about me.. just in case you were wondering.. in case you wanted to send me gifts.. like wine.. or money.. or true love holding a bottle of wine and wrapped in money.. tho that might be a difficult one to send thru the mail these days. But throw in some styrofoam peanuts and no one would be the wiser..


50 New Things About Me

1. I'm stage managing the Seattle Erotic Art Festival. What?! You're asking yourself.. and just spit all over your monitor.. but it's true. It's performance based - and no, I don't mean sex in public tho that would probably sell more tickets - but it's going to be a kick-ass party at the Seattle Center that I'm helping to put together and run so click on the banner over on the right and see for yourself. Yours truly is going to be busy this month.

2. I do this under-bite thing with my mouth when I'm concentrating on things like making coffee in the morning and trying to wake up. It feels oddly comforting.

3. I close my eyes when I brush my teeth.

4. My paternal grandmother only had one thumb. She lost the other to.. um.. something I can't remember.. cancer maybe.. before I was born. It doesn't seem like a big deal unless of course you can manage without a thumb. Try it. It's hard. I always thought she was extra amazing because of that.

5. I know every word of 'The Breakfast Club' by heart.

6. I don't balance a checkbook.

7. I don't have a savings account.

8. I do have a 401k. Yay me!

9. I am not good with money overall.. clearly.

10. I am good at spending it.

11. Shine sings to my cat, Emma.. something about finding something to rhyme with her name, which is a dilemma.. It cracks me up.

12. I sing when I drive.

13. I stop singing when stopped at a traffic light or in slow traffic. I don't want people to see me and think what a dork I am because I'm singing.

14. I love the smell of lavender.

15. I recently bought my first ever tube of wrinkle cream. Laugh lines, you know..

16. I floss before I brush. I heard it from a morning dj whose wife is a dentist.

17. I've read poems in two weddings, been a bridesmaid in another and was the maid of honor in three, the last one of which was my mom's.

18. I have four nieces and one nephew and another unknown on the way - none of whom are related to me at all other than the fact their mothers are my very best friends in the whole world.

19. For a theatre major, I'm the first one to hate charades and the last one to get up and karaoke - unless I've been drinking and I just get it out of the way. Then you can hardly hold me back - like many people witnessed last weekend during Shine's birthday.

20. I love English history - particularly anything to do with or around the time of Queen Elizabeth I.

21. Solace is my favorite word. Tho cake was running neck and neck.

22. Periwinkle is my favorite color.

23. I see the days of the week in my head in this sort of horizontal oval that my imagination moves around depending on which day I'm thinking of, planning for, etc..

24. Yeah, that day of the week thing is a little weird, I'll admit.

25. I've never broken a bone in my life.

26. I've never been hospitalized.

27. I voted for Obama in the caucus.

28. We have a pretty big and important caucus here in Washington state.

29. The caucus jokes never get any less funny to me.

30. I really can't drive the speed limit. Way too slow.

31. I can't take long drives without getting sleepy after about 90 minutes.

32. I get sea sick on ferry boats.

33. I dream in color.

34. I used to have a mad crush on Gene Kelly.

35. Now I have a madder crush on Jon Stewart.

36. I sort of want an iPhone.

37. I really need a new career. The current one isn't cutting it at all.

38. I sort of dream of selling flowers. Who doesn't like to see the flower delivery person? Seriously..

39. I'm the worst procrastinator in the world. You should see my room.. still things on the floor from Burning Man last September. Ugh.

40. Clutter in the rest of the house kind of stresses me out.

41. That's because I think I'm slightly OCD - just not where my bedroom is concerned.

42. I don't like our upstairs neighbors.

43. I like our landlord even less.

44. Shine and I are probably going to move in the next few months.

45. I'm in love with someone who never deserved me and has broken my heart for the last time.

46. For someone who talks a lot, apparently, I'm really not that great at communicating.

47. And for working best with direct, I have to really work at not being passive-aggressive sometimes.

48. I feel like I have so much to work on in order to be a better me.. and that I never seem to get very far.

49. But I made two new friends in January.

50. That seems like progress to me..


kario said...

May I add some?
You have a heart as big as Texas.
There is never a dull moment when you are around.
You are never, ever afraid to jump in and learn something new.
You are an amazing actress.
You are incredibly loyal.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

The days of the week are all different shapes to me. The months are all different colors as well the decades and centuries and when I am on the phone, the people on the other end are just colors.

My brother’s birthday was on super bowl Sunday and being that he is a huge giants fan, I arranged to have the giants win. For you my dear, I am sending true love. I’m keeping the wine and money for myself, if you don’t mind, but true love I can grant. All I ask is that you be patient and stop franticly looking. (this only attracts the frantic and emotionally unavailable) Go about your life as you do, and I promise you will recognize it when it arrives. Take a deep breath and hold it in your heart and if you are lucky, you might even detect a hint of lavender.

Unknown said...

1. Trés cool.
2. Me too!
4. My maternal grandfather lost part of his thumb in WWII.
5. Me too!
6. Me neither, but it never gets below its minimum balance so I don't stress.
7. You should, so you can sock away a few bucks for Burning Man.
8. Good job.
12. Excellent!
13. Embrace your inner dork!
16. Really? I heard it was best the other way 'round.
20. What do you think of "The Tudors" on Showtime?
22. Is that "light blue" in boy speak?
23. That made me smile.
24. Weird == good.
25. Keep that up.
26. Again, keep that record going.
27. Thank you.
32. On the ferry? Really? Man, you never want to go on a real boat.
33. Me too.
34. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be G. Kelly. He could dance, but wasn't all prissy like Fred Astaire.
35. Yeah, so does my girlfriend. {sigh}
36. Yes you do.
39. I'll bet I'm a bigger procrastinator. [The Burning Man stuff is still piled in the kitchen.]
40. Me too, but I never go in the kitchen. :-)
45. Who is this dumb schmuck? Does he need a visit from my cousin Guido?
46. If blogs count as communication, I'd say you're very well.
48. Well, I don't want to say that you self improvement isn't something we should all be striving for, but you should also realize that there are a lot of us out here on the interwebs who have been enjoying you very much the way you are. If you were perfect, this would be a very boring blog. :-)
49/50. Yay!

Linds said...

"Emma! Your name poses a dilemma. Cause not much else rhymes with Emma. Maybe the actor Richard Crenna - he played the commanding officer in Rambo. Happy Birthday Emma!"

I thought this might be the song she sings. We do tend to incorporate Friends into our daily routine whenever possible. It's how we roll.

And I loved your list. :)