
Monday, September 26, 2005

Me and Demi Moore's voice.. sorta..

Wow.. seems I've been away - sorry y'all.. life, weekend trips, etc.. and I wish I could say this is going to be a fabulous and detailed entry with plenty of humorous moments to spare, but it's short-lived cuz this girl is SICK! Not sick as in slang for 'cool' like all the kids say these days.. and not sick in an I-like-to-burn-ants-with-a-magnifying-glass icky way.. It's just the usual coughing and sneezing and unable to sleep and oh yeah, throw in sounds like Demi Moore after smoking 23 packs of cigarettes sort of sick. The almost-gone and whisper-by-way-of-forcing-the-sound-out scratch I have left may be a plus when your job consists of lots of phone sex or I don't know.. STALKIING.. however, since I work for a phone company and have to be, you know, ON THE PHONE.. um, ALL THE TIME, it's a TAD bit of an issue.. just a little one. Said missing voice just stays missing when I'm forced to continually overuse (see: not resting) it and every customer can't wait to get off the phone cuz they're suddenly and unexpectedly overwhelmed with the urge to down a big glass of water. Tomorrow's Amber Alert will be notifying America of my missing voice.. carried away by a psychotic cold that even with zinc, Alka Seltzer, and some strange Canadian purple cough syrup I mistakenly purchased in BC that reminds me of childhood and is the SOLE reason I detest Chambord now, could not restrain. No! This cold is tenacious and irritating and like the Republican party, just will not go away. It's kicking my girly little ass, which honestly.. really.. is it difficult? No.. I'm hardly a champion fighter.. more like a back-alley scrapper..I pull hair.. but still - helloooo.. white flag's been waving for close to a week and I just want to feel better and function normally and sing in my car and sound like cute little girl rather than cute little monster..



So take your vitamins and eat your spinach cuz you don't want this nasty viral thing I have.. and yes, I'm STILL talking about the COLD, people! Don't be dirty!

Wish me lots of get betters and I'll blow you virtual and infected kisses from here!


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon! :)

Anonymous said...

I have the cure for your cold. I have never lied to you and I won't start now. Ready? Go to PCC and get Oil of Oregano. or Oregeno Spirits. Just a bit, it costs, but it will cure.
When you get home, shake it, take a dropper full in some OJ 3 times a day. Continue a while after the cold symptoms go. The stuff tastes awful and you must wash it down with the OJ. And you will taste the oregano, but it isnt that bad. Next day. You will feel better.

Mr. A

Anonymous said...

Pm me at the usual address if it works.

Miss Devylish said...

Mr. A - I'm sorry.. but not sure I know who you are - but I trust you know what you're talking about cuz someone already recommended that to me too. Tho another healthfoodie girl said oil of oregano is anti bacterial and anti fungal.. which I don't think either apply to this lousy viral cold I have.. but my friend still bought some on Sunday and I did take it and it's hot and wierd tasting, but I don't think it's vile. I did buy some herbal cough meds and wellness stuff - but today, I'm giving up cuz I'm not sleeping all that well and going to the docs! I'm going to keep this advice in mind tho. Thanks!

2nd Anonymous - um.. I can't pm you if I don't know who you are.. but thanks for stopping by! ;)

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Sick is no fun. Darn it. But I do like Demi's voice, to try not to rush getting rid of it.

Well, not like I've ever heard your voice or anything.

*cough* audio *cough* post *cough*