
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My favorite day ever

Please note your calendars cuz today is November 2nd and therefore, my birthday. Did you get that? Miracle Ear turned on? Cuz birthday = Mine! It's also the Day of the Dead in Mexico for all you fact finders out there. I don't know what significance that holds.. I just know that Mexico and I share this very same day as something to celebrate wildly and since I'm some sort of a Spanish mutt anyway, I raise my virtual glass in honor of us all with my dearest and most affectionate camaraderie.

Oh AND it's also rapper, Nelly's, birthday too. Like you could forget.. So um.. Go, go, go, go shawty, it's your birthday.. I'm not sure where I'm telling him to go.. maybe since he's like a kazillionaire.. um somewhere he can get me gifts! And Nelly, in case you're reading this and looking for ideas regarding that get-me-a-gift thing, I will now blatantly steal lines from my favorite blogger Miss Doxie to help you, " favorite color is 'large diamonds' and my birth stone is 'money.'"

Anyway, back to ME... and this is where I officially welcome you to my birthday! Scorpio-dom in all its glory! 34 years to the day I was brought into the world and smacked on the ass for the very first time (tho certainly not the last..). And I reserve the right to be as attention-whorish as I want since it's my day. And tho they still haven't begun a parade in my name (I'm on a waiting list to speak to the mayor about this gross oversight), in lieu of that, my personal celebration gets a little bit longer every year and is currently lasting well into a week's time or however long I deem it appropriate. So there! Pffft! Stop shushing me!

There are events planned.. don't think that there aren't. Sexy tiaras, sexier people, sexy wine and God knows some sexy desserts. This is my birthday people. Chocolate - and lots of it - will be directly involved. Oh and my favorite sexy bartender I adore - Leilani - from Black Bottle, my new favorite spot in the city. She makes a great ginger mojito and every male friend I've taken there wants to date her (or some other 4 letter word..), but she's better than that. Come to think of it.. I probably am too, but they're still my friends so I have to put up with them.

And then there's the just slightly serious moment where I wonder a little if my birth mother remembers me as I do her. And I send her a little silent thank you and hope she's well with her family and friends and happy in the choice that she gave me a life she may have not been able to provide me 34 years ago - even tho I do think I'm a baby of scandal and affairs.. but this is my Lifetime television event to twist into a tearjerker if I want. So grab a tissue and send over a nice bottle of something, won't you? Think of the children! Seriously, if you want to.. I do sorta have a tiny little thing of a wishlist on Amazon.. oh.. like here if you're so inclined.. you know, to browse.. or.. something. I do like my music and currently slobbering over the new Fiona, Brandi Carlile, Beck and dying, I tell you DYING, for both of The Shins cuz apparently I'm the last one to realize how great they are and yours truly does not have the budget.. no she does not.. and has to wait once a year for the required birthday money in order to splurge on her listening pleasure. Aren't you just so sad for me right now? But no, no please.. don't cry for me Argentina.. really, it's ok. I'll be.. fine.

Wow.. milking it, I'd say.. Sally Struthers should be doing the voice over for this..

So.. needless to say, my favorite day has arrived, I'm a little ball of energy and smiles cuz this day never sucks - and I'm grateful for that. I know it's already slated for everyone to be grateful in a few weeks, but I do take stock on my birthday as well. I have the love of friends and family, I haven't yet gone insane or have any mental defects that aren't completely tolerable, I get a few kisses here and there, and I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and maintain a positive outlook (not that I don't have my bitchy days.. I mean, we all do..). Color me appreciative of that AND the fact that I'm only 1, that's O.N.E. year away from oh.. 35 (!!!), but I still get taken for about 10 years younger.. so yeah, ew.. 40.. God.. that's getting close, isn't it? Ugh.. ok, I'm going to freak the fuck out here in a second.. so back to Yay! Yay! It's my birthday! Yay! And we'll leave it at that. Whoo hoo!


P said...

YEAH! Happy birthday, baby!

selling my soul said...

Happy belated birthday darling. How funny is it that you celebrate your life on the day of the dead!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Happy Birthday you!!

lady miss marquise said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

happy belated. some kind of spam filter or something on your email account?

Click Me

Miss Devylish said...

Thanks y'all! I feel so loved! And even from some new peeps in the house!

Anonymous - yup that spam filter.. don't know if it works, but it's gotta be there.. love those jumbled words.

Anonymous said...

cool then- try this link too:


Miss Devylish said...

Anonymous - not sure what you're trying to send me... but whatever it is, it looks like spam so quit that. Please. :)

Anonymous said...

spam would be considered unsolicited, no? this is something you've requested here on your weblog.

not spammy at all, but a birthday gift to you (really). as you can see, it's a zipfile- not an executable, or other virus-like incantation.

if you like, you can look inside the zipfile (once it's downloaded) without actually opening it to see what's there, this eliminating any threat to you or your computer. kind of like wrapping paper on your present. have some faith, will ya?

p.s. -would a spammer/hacker put forth this much effort to take down one machine?

Miss Devylish said...

Alright Anonymous.. thank you! I took the time and now you'll have to tell me where to find more of that cuz I'm still needing to download the other Shins and various others.. if that's possible.. A lovely birthday surprise.. thanks!!

selling my soul said...

Darling I need more reading materials. Where you been?

Anonymous said...

sheesh- all this work convincing and you want MORE?

#3 clickit.

Miss Devylish said...

T - love.. I'm working on it as we speak.

Anonymous - yay! Double thanks!! :)