
Saturday, November 26, 2005


So I had this conversation with my friend Dave the other night.. that guys have different categories for the women in their lives and I'm not talking about relatives or friends. These are the categories of various levels of lovers.. the women they fuck, the women they date, and the women with whom they fall in love and marry. Yeah.. only three. You know.. more than that would be.. well, too many for them.

Now.. I see your confusion.. cuz that look on your face right now.. yeah.. I had that. My cute little brow was oh so furrowed cuz I just wasn't aware of this grading system. Women are always discussing with each other how we don't understand men and why they do what they do and say what they say.. which, you know, can frustrate us to no end.. but every now and then I'm reminded, usually by a male friend, that really, men aren't that complicated. They don't sit around over-analyzing our actions.. there isn't any reading between the lines since they have trouble reading the lines that exist already. They will call you if they like you and you won't hear from them if they don't. It's that simple. So when Dave told me there was this.. like.. philosophy, so to speak, a plan, if you will.. I was rather floored. No, it's not complicated at all.. but there's a semblance of organization to it, which, yes, ok, I'm going to be completely sexist now and just say it for the sake of this post, I thought was mostly attributed to the female, at least where the opposite sex is concerned. As far as I know, men are just happy when they find a girl who isn't psycho first of all and who's still willing to go out with them, who's decent in bed and thrilled if they can cause her to make a bit of noise in their favor, AND is someone whom they can still safely bring home for their mother's approval.

Ok.. yes, I'm so obviously not the expert on men.. they could possibly be deeper than this.. well, some of them.

See.. I've been in all categories at different times, but currently, my position is among the datable - better than a roll in the hay once a week, but not quite marryable. This is due in part to my own design of being open to dating a few people at the same time and also being told by one of those people that's just how he sees me. Yeah.. he said it.. and yeah.. that didn't not suck for a minute.. maybe a couple of minutes.. but it was honest, even tender, and I would rather know than not. Besides that, tho I'm pretty girly and I've wondered if there's ever going to be a partnership in my life that will span its majority, I still don't look for or expect that out of anyone I date. I don't think marriage is the be all, end all for me tho I don't completely rule it out. This girl has gone a few years having three to four week relationships and I figured, hey, it's probably time to try to break that pattern and that's been the sole purpose of this exercise, which, hello.. I'm actually succeeding at.. so yay! That right there is something I'm proud of - preventing myself from having unrealistic expectations, learning to pace how I care for and get to know someone, practicing patience, and not getting desperately carried away. These are the lessons I need to learn before I see myself in the til-death-do-us-part circle anyway. I mean, I like to plan a little bit ahead, but forever isn't what I'm thinking right now anyway. I'm really enjoying living in the moment.

Since late last week, I've reduced my dating companions down to one person I happen to like a lot, but I didn't stop seeing the others for that reason. I couldn't help but compare and contrast between them and I just found the other situations to be more one-dimensional and based more on the physical aspects than any actual connections I thought we had. Mainly, the connections just weren't developing and I wasn't getting to know them any better so at that point, there's nothing more to do but end it unless a fuck buddy is what I'm looking for.. and tho I'm trying to keep things on a casual level, that's a little too casual for me. Been there, done that. I may think this one is a bit special, but for now, we're both going to allow ourselves to see other people.. not that either of us are, but I understand why he wants to and I'm keeping an open mind.

Really, I'm pretty content with my romantic life, but the conversation with Dave led me to question how one might cross over into the last, and one would think, more favorable, category of really belonging to someone.. forever.. or um.. just a really, really long time. I'm just curious how that works. Is there an obvious way someone moves up in rank? Does a new person have to see you only as marryable and not even consider the other options? Or is there some sort of promotion and review process possible within the other categories once an undetermined amount of time is invested?? I have a few questions.. that's all. Oh, like you don't... pffft.

According to Dave, it's just about whether a guy has realized what you are to him. Um...or not. That's all it is.. So of course Dave and I continued to discuss if waiting around for someone to see if they find that potential in you is not the STUPIDEST thing ever. Um.. yeah, he really seemed to think not, which fully surprised me, but he had a good point and said if you were having a good time with the situation you're in, there shouldn't be a problem cuz you're not really waiting anyway. And I have to admit, looking on my own relationship and the time I'm having which equals good, I couldn't really argue with that logic. But I have another friend who would say what I'm doing is waiting and yes, that's completely idiotic.. even tho he and his girlfriend are the prime, and rare, I might add, example of that exact thing.. waiting, that is. She did the fuck buddy thing with him for a long time.. they moved up to dating, but weren't exclusive and after a pretty long time of doing that, she got tired of it and gave up. Walked away. And, in the classic you-don't-know-what-you-have-til-it's-gone move.. he realized damn, he loved her. Cue the sappy soundtrack.. cuz wow, crazy longshot on her part, but apparently, it does happen. Tho again, this sort of thing = rare.. ok? Got it? Don't try this at home kids.

Now, it's wrapping up time and I hope I've done my part to educate the female gender a bit more about how men operate. Of course, there are no definitive answers.. I, personally, think sometimes, those categories and the minds of those who put us in them are a little.. oh.. mutable maybe.. However, I'm the first one to say to a friend, what the hell?? It's YOU, not him, who decides what you're worth and maybe you should find that person out there who agrees with you.. that's what we all deserve!

*Steps off soapbox*

But, on the other hand, yours truly has always looked for just a smidge of patience within herself, which, accidentally, she may finally have found.. so who says a little bit of that ever hurt anyone? Exactly. That's all I'm saying..


Anonymous said...

I don’t really agree.

Women we only have sex with are in that category because they demand no more. To put it bluntly, if one can have sex on his terms, there’s no incentive to invest the time, effort, and emotion. So it’s your category, not ours. If you (plural) don’t like it, then stop accepting it, and it ceases to exist.

Dating vs. loving? Pretty much the same thing. Many men just don’t want to take the emotional risk, and if they can have a GF whom they can take places, hang out with, and have available for companionship, then life is good. There’s no great risk of loss since he has no deep emotional investment.

But if a woman were to clearly express, “This is what I want, this is how I want to be treated, or I’m out of here,” then she forces the game. One of two things happens: the guy walks, which he would have done eventually anyway; or he realizes her merit and does what it takes to keep her. But you have to have – pardon the expression – the balls to take your fate into your own hands rather than be the passive participant.

How many times have you heard this story: John and Mary are together for many years, he keeps saying he's not ready for day she says, marry me or go. He goes. Six months later he's married to someone else. It's happened to at least 3 people I know.

Of course, it's possible that your "category" is truly what you want, and makes you happy. If so, that’s great – but you'd be better off if you could acknowledge it. The larger part of happiness is understanding what you want. Getting it is the easy part.

(Sorry to be anonymous but I don't have a blogger ID.)

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I agree with the 3 distinctions. We (the royal "we") do have 'fuck buddies', but these are open relationships with which there are not a long-term (usually these fuck buddies are not on the same emotional page despite 'our honesty/openness' and eventually the fuck buddy system crashes and burns). Your example of the transition to LTR is indeed rare.

Just-dating and finding the woman we end up falling in love/marrying are not a distinction any guy friend that I know would make. I can say in my own experience there is a time early in the dating when you can see the LTR potential of a's in the gut, smell/MHC...visceral. There's still the likelihood of a crash and burn, but you know early if there's something to pursue...assuming there's the physical attraction, verbal and sexual chemistry, etc.. Now saying that, when I was younger (pre-26), I entered ALL dating situations with no chance for a LTR. I broke up/sabotaged with many wonderful women based on the fact I wasn't ready to settle/invest my emotional energy (which was very limited at that time) to one person. It was a strategy...that I do not regret. So there was a distinction, but not in the same manner.

Another blogger ID. fyi: I'm 'Corey' on myspace. Good luck with your search for 'the royal we'.

Enjoy your blog. Funny and honest.

Miss Devylish said...

Y'all - without giving away too much, what I've got w/ current boy is actually really good. There may have been some small developments, tho nthing I can get into, but still, things feel good and yes, I'm ok, thanks for asking Alison. Sweet of you.

But, Alison, to answer your question, yes, this was going to be something like the question I was thinking of posing to your he said/she said platform.. but see, here you are! Tho for arugument's sake, I really should pose it officially and get yours and Scott's real answers..

Anonymous 1 and 2 (Corey) - thanks for the guy's side and making me realize ok, maybe I'm not be the only one who hasn't heard of my friend's theory. I'm sort of glad it's not always like that.

Anonymous said...

You one funny byatch. Neil

chindi said...

I think maybe talking to a few more guy friends might be advisable for information in regards to the catagories (seeing as mine are different). I don't beleive in the fuck buddy or one night stand. I have female friends and girlfriends as my catagories (Oh and an ex-wife who I still love and can't quite get over but we are still friends but that's another story). I'd have a lot more to say but unfortunately, I'm at work and slightly limited on time.

selling my soul said...

I do believe there are a few additional catagories,
The drunk fuck, this girl is the type one would not touch unless under the power of the drinky, she does not even classify as a fuck buddy because to see her multiple times would just be too much to handle.

The Last minute ditch, these are the easy girls who get phone calls when the fuck buddies are busy, usually it is the guy who has the gilrs number but not the other way around.

The starter wife, the girl you think you can marry to mommy you until a better version comes along.

The trophy wife, the girl who doesn't mommy you so well but looks great in a string bikini and has no problem with your midlife crisis mobile (see porche/corvette.)

The Friend, this girl is a girl who hasn't said yes yet and there fore can not fall into any above catagory. The friend sees more of the guy then any of his previous girlfreinds simply because she keeps it platonic and a challege to her persuer, and if guys can't have it they want it so much more.

Call me on my b.s. its a slow day at work and I'd love to have a convo with someone.

Miss Devylish said...

No b.s T, I think these are valid certainly, but more sub categories. In fact, my friend Dave had one of those recently.. not sure where he'd categorize it.. but one of your first 2 definitions sounds closer than one of the 3 main ones..

Jake said...

A friend just shared this quote with me today which I think is very appropriate.

"A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave."

-Mohandas Ghandi

The three categories though accurate, are very short-sighted. They only account for one type of man. A cowardly, selfish asshole. There are others of our once more noble and chivalrous gender who do not hold to such "boyish" codes of conduct.

If I weren't on the other side of America I'd take you out myself, and let you see what a true man really is. Stop playing with these boys and find some men with character. They are much harder to find, and much more difficult to catch, but well worth it in the short and long run.

I think your blog is hilarious, and I especially love your candid clarity. However, you pissed me off so now I have to write this little cheeky comment. As for marriage- don't even think about it. You're still playing in the minor leagues of relationships. Marriage is an elite club for selfless people. Not that you aren't selfless- you could be, I wouldn't know either way, but the guys you date are schmucks. The fact that you tolerate these "boys" tells me that you could very well be just a little "girl" yourself. Don't hate- I still think you're great. If you ever grow up, (that is the issue) I think you would make at worst a highly entertaining life long partner and at best a wife that would make King Solomon settle down.

lady miss marquise said...

Bravo! And welcome back miss...

Miss Devylish said...

Jake - I've heard that a lot from men. They tell me to stop dating 'boys' and a real man will show me how I should be treated.. But let me just say the last 2 'men' I dated - older than me by a few years or so.. were just about bordering on obsessive right from the get go. The post before this one is a good example of what happens to me - or they have children I'm not ready for.. or an ex-wife - or better yet - an actual wife they've just left.. that day. Yeah.. I have good luck there.. Not saying it's everyone, but there's a thing about men for me who've been a bit older - they just feel.. too settled, one foot in the grave, not anywhere near fun like younger guys seem to be for me and just a lot more baggage than I could handle. But yes, you're probably right.. the good ones are much harder to find than these 'boys'.. however, there are some 'boys' who're wise beyond their years and some 'men' who, despite their age, have a lot of growing up to do.

I don't take offense at you calling me a little girl in relationships - but it's not like I probably don't know that.. and it's only in some aspects - say longevity for the most part. I have no idea how to keep anything longer than a 1 yr relationship going.. no concept, so yup, I'm pretty much clueless. Doesn't mean I'm not ready for that.. or can't be patient w/ those I'm seeing while I work on the things about me that would make me a better lifelong partner cuz hell.. they're the ones being patient right back w/ me and any/all of my issues.. right?

I absolutely have a lot to learn.. I don't know about King Solomon, but I'll take the rest of what you said as a compliment.. thanks! :)

And LadyMissMarquise.. glad YOU'RE back, chica.. hope you're doing better.. xoxox

Miss Devylish said...

Jake - It also might interest you to know that the 'boy' I'm currently seeing is a year older than you... just sayin'. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am the "real" anonymous you posers. Listen to me. Your friend Dave is full of shit. And you are naive to take his words and believe it. And if you disagree with me on this, that proves the point right there. That Dave would say that to you is clearly a demonstration of his immaturity and limited - very limited outlook. You should know better than that. If not, then wise up.

Miss Devylish said...

My darling, darling 'real' anonymous.. come on.. let's not be aggro this early in the morning.. or I guess so late in the evening for you. Let's not be that way at all, ok? Dave has his views and other ppl have theirs.. you have yours, etc. I'm sure you've made mistakes, no? I think so.. so allow us to make ours and we'll 'wise up' when we learn the things we need to.. be it the hard way or not. Thanks for stopping by, tho!

Anonymous said...

Yes. yes. yes. You are right. Thanks.

Jake said...
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Jake said...
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Miss Devylish said...

Jake - a couple of points of advice for you.. If you'd like to spew out how your view is the only one that's right for oh, say about a novel's length.. then I suggest you knock yourself out on your own blog. Second - you don't know anything about me and how 'ready' I am..or what I do and don't know about myself. I'm well aware I have lots of faults and that no one is perfect or ever could be. I live life - I sue me. I've taken plenty of stupid risks, and this may well be one of them, but I'm doing something different for me and trust me when I say that the people in my life know this and they're proud of the with or without your approval, I think I'll continue that.

The man I'm dating is not a 'toy' in any way and he most certainly has plenty of character, which in truth, a lot of the people I've seen in the past, including boyfriends I've loved deeply, have not. He doesn't freak out, he's patient, he's a good person, affectionate, kind, honest, direct and damn funny - and that's just off the top of my head. He's in my life cuz I want him there.. no one else but him gets to assist in that tho I do appreciate your opinion, it'd suit you better to play a bit nicer.. the smiley's aren't cutting it.

Jake said...

"It is not enough to know what to say- one must know how to say it."

Dear Miss Devylish-

I apologize for the lack of etiquette in my response. I took the liberty of deleting the "novel" as part of my restitution. The other part of my restitution is to publicly say I am sorry for posting such candid personal opinions on your space at such length; it was both harsh and hurtful to you I am sure, and I had no right to make such statements. I hope you will give me the benefit of the doubt in that my intention was not to make you feel that way in communicating my point. Any point, right or wrong, is irrelevant if not salted with respect, tact, and grace. What I lacked in my tact previously I hope I make for in my sincerity presently. I am sorry.

Good luck in all that you endeavor.

Jake Commando

...of the once noble and chivalrous male gender

Miss Devylish said...

Jake - that was a very sweet apology.. thank you. Glad you understand and I appreciate what you said. Let's be friends now, eh?
Vitual hugs!