
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Snow, movies, snow in the movies..

It snowed in Seattle yesterday. Ugh... here we go.

If you know anything about Seattle you know that:

a) Snowing this low to sea level is rare in this area.., any area close to sea level I imagine.. God I'm stupid. Hey.. at least I caught it.. you hush up now.

b) No one in Seattle can drive in it (I mean, we (and by 'we' I mean everyone else but me, thank you) can't drive in the rain and it rains 10 months out of the year here people!))

c) EVERYONE freaks out - including the news and their INSANE "Winter Storm Watch" reports.. as in scary-music-hide-the-children-run-for-your-lives-this-is-our-Katrina sort of storm or something when really it's just a little snow flurry for half a day and it DOESN'T even STICK. Um.. hi, I've seen colder elements in Dairy Queen. Puh-leaze..

And d) because of b, the smart people call in to work and stay off the roads cuz none of us have 1. snow tires (We don't have air conditioning or pools either. It's the curse of moderate weather. No extremes here..usually.), 2. the patience to deal with the people who choose to drive like idiots - they may be able to drive in it, but remember, we all brake the same - and usually brakes + ice = overly arrogant assholes in the ditch, which is a great source of entertainment for me this time of year, or 3. a burning ethical or moral reason against lying to our bosses to whine sympathetically about how we couldn't possibly get out of our driveways and up the hill/down the road/around that bad corner and to the office. Yay! Snow day!!

Course, like I said, it didn't stick so guess who still had to come into work today.. pfft.. yeah. And here I am.. working away.. yup.. but um, in case my CEO reads this, seriously, I'm REALLY happy to be here.. and by the way, I'm on lunch currently.


In other news.. the Thanksgiving holiday was spent with the mother and grandmother units and was virtually fight free.. *applause* Thank you! It wasn't so tough this time, but four days with them is about my limit even when one day is usually filled with eating to the point of not needing to talk about anything at all cuz you're too busy napping and digesting. Did I mention my cranberry sauce kicked ass? Oh, it did.. let me tell you.

So, usually, I'm much better with three days at the ranch of Mom. It did help that at least five hours of that long weekend was spent at the movies - Harry Potter and Yours, Mine & Ours. The former was much better than the latter, tho the latter was still cute and again, I wasn't going to complain about movie choices when it meant snacks and movie magic rather than possibly fighting about whether Sheryl Crow actually sings COUNTRY MUSIC sometimes, which Mom thinks for some deluded reason, or not, which I think since most likely Mom's just thinking of the wrong person cuz that's what she does ALL. The. Time. I know it sounds crazy, but we really had that argument til Gram snapped and told us both to shut up. That's Gram's soft side for you..

Back home with cute boy, Brandon (he said I could name him), has been really nice. Cold weather is the best excuse, not that we really need one, for warmth and affection and he's been happy to oblige me often. One of our dates this week was to see the movie RENT cuz we're both big fans of the Broadway show (DON'T start! He's NOT gay!). So we went.. and um.. some parts were good.. tho it was sort of painful in others. I mean, the musical itself is actually more a rock opera and I wish people would treat it as such, meaning just about everything is sung, there's very little dialogue and that's how it should be. Then, there's the movie, which fucks that right up. People are speaking the lines they should be singing and it just deflates the opening sequence completely. And that's just the beginning people.. somewhere in the middle, we just gave up when it turned into a bad rock video. We couldn't excuse that at all.. no, no.. we could not. But the clincher, was about 3/4 of the way thru the movie and I realized while two of the main characters were singing their big moment out in an alley in the middle of New York City in December while it's snowing that the steam from their breath was so regular .. wow.. that's a little stra.. HEEEEEEEEEEY! THAT'S FAKE! Like who creates fake breath?! WTF is THAT? Tho, ok there were some good things about it I really did like, namely the actor who plays Collins is awesome and the new cast member who plays Joanne has an amazing voice.. and..well, Taye Diggs is just fine with three syllables.. mm-mmm-mmmmmm.. oh yeah, and he can sing too.

And besides the movie, there was Brandon, being all frickin cute and cuddling with me in the movies, which hello, is tough to do the way the seats are you know.. and at one point while I was quietly singing cuz yes, I'm a dork and I know the ENTIRE score, he just looked at me in this way that would've made my knees melt had I been standing and told me to sing for him. I sort of put my hand over his face dismissing his thought out of embarrassment for myself and whispered for him to watch the movie. But he kept looking at me intently and told me again he wanted me to sing for him. I told him I would.. just not right then.. silly. And there I was, blushing in the dark. The guy already gives me butterflies, but at that moment, they multiplied exponentially..

So for the weekend, I thought it appropriate to celebrate the Winter Storm of 2005 by heading to yet another movie - more snuggling together while we watch the best inclement weather story, and one of my all-time favorites, Singin' In The Rain at this funky new theatre, Central Cinema on the hill that plays.. well, whatever the hell they want, honestly.. I love it! Yes, another musical and mmmmmm.. Gene Kelly. DON'T laugh! I had a HUUUUUUGE crush on him when I was a kid.. dude, he's hot. Oh, shut up..

Oh.. would you look at the time... lunch was over hours ago is now over so I'm back to work.. Happy Friday y'all! Mwah!


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

You guys hear that? Is that ...the ringing of...some sort of...bells?

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

*biting tongue about Southern IN drivers*

anywherebutTX said...

Two things:

1. Taye Diggs as Benny... YUMMM! Best part of the movie...

2. Texan drivers trying to navigate on snowy (and by snowy, I mean icy) roads.... I feel your pain! Thank god that hasn't happened here, yet!

Anonymous said...

I like reading your blog...and I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy. It's like a rom-com with a happy ending that you don't really expect.

Miss Devylish said...

You guys are funny.. and last anonymous - thanks.. me too.. not that I know what a 'rom-com' is, but I'll take that as a compliment.

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Romantic comedy is my guess. Do I win a prize?

lady miss marquise said...

Love the butterflies... ;o)

And my mom called to say it was snowing in Vancouver so I can certainly understand, I've lost several cars in the snow... although for the safety of the world I no longer drive.

Which is a very good thing.

Can't wait to hear more about the Boy.

selling my soul said...

It sounds like you guys are just as inept as handleing weather as we are over here in NY. However, we only need the idea of snow to start freaking out and calling in sick to work.

Anonymous said...


Miss Devylish said...

Anonymous - really.. you are too kind. You should really give me an email tho so then I could just make requests. ;) And of course, let me know what, if anything, I could do for you in return.

Do I get Christmas wishes? If so, the current Jem, Finally woken and this new one I just found, Imogen Heap, Speak For Yourself would be awesome.. but only if you think I've been a good girl. ;)

- said...

You can see the Olympics...

Anonymous said...

naughty IS nice


Miss Devylish said...

Andrew Lloyd dear.. um.. what are you talking about?

And my friendly anonymous.. thank you!