
Friday, May 11, 2007

One Lulu Is Worth A Thousand Words

This is Lulu. She's my niece. Well.. basically. She's the daughter of one of my best friends, Fatima. That's beside the point tho because.. who cares, right? Just look at her, will you? The Cutest Thing Ever! And I should be seeing her tomorrow. If you think I'm happy about that, you are way understating it.

Alright Libby.. We're gonna break out of this joint and here's how we're gonna do it..

So I bet you're going to take a picture of me and I bet I'm going to be cute in it.. right? I'm right, aren't I?

If you had a mommy this pretty, you'd be mesmerized too.. ok? Geez..

Hey.. check this out.. the rabbit is on my head! It's like magic! Look at me! I'm so funny!

Look! I'm the Easter Bunny! Bok! Bok!

.. and then I will take over the WORLD! MWAHAHAHAHA..

Don't hold me back Auntie Ish! I'm GODZILLA! ROAR!

Then we just had a quiet moment of resting. Auntie Ish needed a short nap after saving the whole world from my Godzilla moment.. She did!

And then we just went right back to laughing cuz my Auntie Ish rocks like that. She's so funny!

Yes, I'm having a bath in the sink.. where Mommy washes the dishes too.. If you haven't noticed, I'm quite the dish as well, thank you very much!

Ok.. this isn't funny.. this is just where I'm very very cute.. maybe add one more 'very' to that..


P said...

Tell Fatima I LOVE her sink! Ya, the kid is obnoxiously darling and edible too...but, seriously, who has that kind of glorious kitchen sink?!

Pomgirl said...

She is adorable. If I could guarantee having a baby that cute, I would have one tomorrow. Erm...


kario said...

You are a fantastic auntie, my dear! And Lulu has no idea how lucky she is to have you - yet. Just wait.

MommyHeadache said...

you are a sweet auntie...are you getting broody??

Miss Devylish said...

pix: Oh I did ask her.. it's a standard brand, but was the cheapest one they had.. I'll get her to give me the brand again. Kohler maybe?

pom: OMG, I say that all the time! It's the right donor, seriously. I'm not worried about my genes. ;) If Jake Gyllenhall would just frickin offer, we'd have no worries.

kario: Aw.. thanks sugar. It helps when the offspring have a good mommy like you as well.

emmak: Uh. No. Yes? I don't know. Sometimes, but I get my baby fix when I need it. We'll see. I'm not doing it alone, that's all I know.