
Monday, May 07, 2007

Inspirations And Anniversaries

You guys!! I missed my blog-versary! How did that happen?! Two years ago I started this fancy overly-pink page and look! Y'all came and read what I had to say! Who knew?! But I will say thanks for the ego boost of coming by once in a while and for all the supportive comments and positive feedback when I need it. You guys are alright in my book even if only like three of you gave me ringtone ideas, but hey, I put you on the spot so I understand. The Pressure.

As far as the week in review, I'll start with Tex. The new boy who's also the old boy since we started and finished in such a short amount of time. The romantic outlook has improved, tho there isn't so much hope as there's just a person I'm getting to know and I'm ok with that. I don't really expect anyone to understand.

On Monday we met to close whatever we began a couple weeks prior and he explained what was going on so I understood better. It didn't make it suck any less, but the hugging it out part was lovely. Since then, we've been talking frequently for short amounts of time just to check in and the missing of the other, tho we try to downplay it, is still apparent. Seeing each other should be out of the question for a while, but we are trying it out anyway tonight and I'm just not going to over-think it. We enjoy each other's company and it is what it is.. for now.

The rest of the week was spent in slight pouty mode, including Monday night after talking with Tex when Boz responded to my last minute whiny request for cheering up and between pho, Heroes and just good friend vibes, Fun Times were had and thankfully, any pathetic wallowing was delayed for at least a couple of hours, which I really appreciated.

There was a walk around my pretty, little neighborhood of Queen Anne with Cindy on Tuesday, some pushing it at the gym and then dinner and wine and deep conversation about how short life really is at Abby's on Wednesday, and basically, trying to be ok with things and find the positive on which to focus. Friday was back to the gym and then Spin The Bottle, our Monthly Random Theatre Outing With Friends where strong drinks were downed, silly people doing sillier stuff were observed, and frites (hence needing the gym to cancel those out) were devoured promptly after the show. Some of the group left before the show was over and some after frites, but Boz, Paul, Kat and I remained and grabbed some champagne, which seemed fitting for the wee hours of the morning we stayed up to playing silly games with pigs for dice, learning how to moonwalk from Kat, and trying to remember old card tricks. You, too, can be complete dorks like us! Yes, really!

Now Saturday was very exciting because it was all about people and places and things like fancy art! Jason, my painter-artisty friend, and I met up for smashingly good biscuits and egg scrambles in south Seattle and talked about the fun we all had the night before, then Keith, who just returned from a three week trip in France for 150 hours of improv (!!), and I planned a Japanese feast with Abby and her boyfriend even tho Keith was a bit under the weather due to some snarky French fish who decided to lay him out with some last minute food poisoning. Snotty little poisson! But we had the best seat in the house for the restaurant's oh-so-active little aquarium filled with all kinds of crazy looking ocean oddities. Highly entertaining..

But the pièce de résistance was the grand re-opening of SAM, the Seattle Art Museum, open for 35 hours straight in which to celebrate with art, music and spectacle with pretty much the entire city of Seattle chattering and taking in their 80-million-dollar remodel. Did I mention it was free?!

You might think this funny.. um.. I've lived here for 11 years people and NEVER been to SAM. Nope. Not even for first Thursday art walks. Totally lame, I'll admit. So this remodel thing? Yeah.. uh.. I sort of didn't have any idea of what I'd missed before. Hence the lameness. BUT I'm betting you've never been to a museum after 10pm before, have you? Right.. well, now I can say I have.. tho they were trying to control the close to at-capacity crowds with time slot tickets so ours was for 10:40 and we eagerly stood in line for our entry.

Once in, we saw hanging Ford Tauruses with long wands of lights coming out of them, a huge Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol, a Shogun type warrier outfit made up entirely of gibberish dog tags, a giant mouse standing on the chest of a man in bed, my first Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollack paintings in person and many, many others that were interesting and quirky.. and honestly, some that I thought.. huh.. really? Cuz seriously, I could do that.. I mean.. no.. SERIOUSLY.. but ok.. whatevs. I'm sure you were brilliant in your time and oh.. a completely white canvas with only yellow and black trim was something genius, THEN, but um.. yeah, sorry.. I don't see the difference in a piece like that and oh.. painting your own bathroom. Call me dense.. I've been called worse.

Some of the group had to disperse for tiredy-ness and some for drama I don't care to discuss, but eventually, a few of us closed down the Alibi Room and then went back to the museum to finish out the 4th floor we'd missed and maybe get in a little booty shakin down on the main floor because let me tell you.. how often does one get the chance to get down in the museum? Uh.. never. That's how. There was good music, some crazy people doing even crazier dancing and everyone was having a glorious time. I needn't mention we stayed til 4am.. and even less so that it was STILL just about at capacity of people who were milling around and viewing the scenery or moving to the dj. It was really surprising the city rallied with so much enthusiasm, but maybe I just didn't know how fun this city can be sometimes after living here so long. My energy is renewed tho and I'm ready to find something new and inspiring like that again soon.

After much recovery on Sunday, all I could really manage was a movie w/ Scott. We saw Diggers, which didn't get the best review, but which I totally loved. About people and relationships and.. nothing really.. but it was funny and touching and just what I was in the mood for.

One particular character in the movie who was always short-tempered and angry reminded me a lot of my father, which was appropriate since today is his birthday. Next week will be seven years since his death. He would've been 61. Funny that also being my blog-versary, my second post ever was dedicated to him, the biggest man, literally and figuratively, in my life. So I bound us together in this way I didn't really think about, but created nonetheless. Not that I need the blog to remind me of him even if some years I don't think about the day he died or what year he should be turning if he were alive. I just know he's still a big presence in my life and there isn't one day that goes by where I don't think of him in some way.. wishing he was around to help me with taxes or available to offer advice on picking out a car. I miss Dad for those reasons. But I know he hasn't been angry in a very long time and that makes me happy.. and I hope I've turned out to be someone whom he can be proud of for many reasons, but also because I may finally be learning how to pick my battles better and what exactly is worth getting angry about. Life is so much more fulfilling when you're happy within it. I plan on doing so much more of that I think.

Happy birthday, Dad. And happy anniversary to me.


Anonymous said...

congrat on 2 years.

Thanks for the digger review...I've been on the fence about seeing it...mid-70s nostalgia, paul rudd, and maura tierney were draws, but the reviews have been bad. May go see it now.

kario said...

Love. This. Post.

Happy birthday to your dad. Happy anniversary to you. You are a wonder, my dear. Glad to hear you had such a terrific weekend.

Love you.

Miss Devylish said...

one day: I know and I don't get that. It was a sweet movie about people who are sorta stuck.. and how they unstick themselves I think. But maybe I'm weird. I liked it.

kario: Thx sugar. * blush * Love you right back!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary, and happy birthday to dad! I am jealous of the booty-shaking on the museum floor...not that I've ever, um...been to a museum. Hmmm. Anyway, 52 days until I come visit you! It's a countdown to Fun Times and Adventurey Stuff!

Anonymous said...

You haven't booty-shaked until you've danced along side a giant Sperm Whale skull (aka Moby)...Burke Museum of Natural History in the house!

That's right, I'm museum trash talking.

Miss Devylish said...

treena: Is that really 53 where I am? Never been to a museum? Girrrrll.. you have KIDS.. we need to talk.. seriously.

one day: Is that in Chicago? If so I've been there.. that is a cool one. If not.. well, I've been to the one in Chicago. :) And the killer lions from Africa are there! OMG! HUGE!

Anonymous said...

The Burke Museum is at UW/Seattle. I'll take local geography for two hundred Alex! Just teasing.

I've never been to the Field Museum in Chicago, but I have several friends who have done their research there. It's a famous place for the mammal research types. Ah, the killer lions of Tsavo...luckily, they had Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas to save the day.

Miss Devylish said...

one day: Ok.. cut a girl w/ blonde highlights a break. And the Field Museum was around when I first moved here. I can't be expected to remember names.. or wonder why the Burke name seemed familiar.. like.. duh.. but as I admitted, the local sites aren't my forte for some reason.. Dumb, I know. But let me just tell you, those damn lions.. Huge!

P said...

Happy anniversary, toots. :) Yeah to so many fun posts and excuses for pictures of us in *exactly* the same position every time.

Anonymous said...

I was just messing with judgement of your hairstyle highlights was intended. I'm a science nerd-type so I notice the natural history museums. As for art museums, I have to admit I didn't know where the Henry Art Museum was despite passing it on my way to work for 4 years! Perhaps I have some blond highlights of my own.

I looked up the Tsavo lions on wikipedia...9+ foot long lion, fricking ginormous (yes, it's a word).

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to your blog!
And the musuem par-tay sounded like a blast!! I love museums, saw a Pollack (is that how it's spelled) and Warhols this week myself. I think the thing about that weird art that everyone says that they could do themselves is more about the fact that the artist was the one person to do it first. So figure out something crazy but obvious, call it art, and there ya go.

Miss Devylish said...

pix: Thanks sugar. Love each and every one of those pictures too!

one day: Yes they were huge. Apparently the pelts were cut down before they were sent to the taxidermist so actually, they said when trying to put them back together, so to speak, they lost some of their size when putting them back together, so to speak. What you see is big, but they were a bit bigger than that! I also thought it was really interesting they were both females.

finn: Thanks! And yes, you're right. I have my own opinions on art, of course, but I appreciate for all of it being there whether I like it, understand it, or not. :)

Anonymous said...

Here's a little behavioral ecology lecture at midnight on a Friday (damn that sounds pathetic).

Female lions do most of the hunting for the pride/group, but typically are smaller and faster than the males. Adult male lions typically only have ~3 years of being the top males...after their ouster by other males, these new males often kill any youngster to cause the females to go into heat (infanticide).

Feral domestic cats (barn cats) actually behave in similar ways as they too can live in groups. Males kitty cats will commit infanticide too.
