
Thursday, March 20, 2008

That Which Doesn't Kill You..

It starts in my arms.. this sensation of needing to stretch, of being uncomfortable. It moves to my shoulders and neck and down my back til it feels like it's moved outside my body but surrounds me in an invisible, suffocating bubble. I feel trapped, claustrophobic.. walls aren't closing in, but I do feel enclosed in something I have no strength to get out of - and I start to shut down.

I never know when it's going to happen, it just does. Seems to be most often when someone asks how I am or virtually leans in too close because they genuinely want to know if I'm ok - because they can see I'm not. Something isn't right. Something is extra quiet about me and for someone self-described as something this side of a hyper chihuahua, an internal and silent storm is not something I know how to hide or control and for those who know me well or well enough, it's noticeable.

Four to five hours of sleep a night has become the norm. Proper sleep eludes me only because my need to move towards that action is prevented by a petulant will that avoids it as long as possible. I don't even bother to fight that inner child who refuses to be bossed around by Reason and Obligation because I'm so tired. Not just from lack of sleep either - from an effort to try to find this recently lost identity, to hold onto the fleeting comfort of being in my own skin, to replace my confidence derailed by a broken heart and even more so, a broken spirit.

After an evening away from work, I feel my old self coming back. I smile more, I hear support from friends and listen to their perspective. We move on to happier topics, dinner, theatre sports and I laugh like I haven't in a week. I go to brunch on a grey day and wander up to Orcas Island with a friend and the dog and no agenda at all but just to get out of the city. And I wonder how long this cloud will come and go and if the weight of humilation and discouragement will eventually lift.

I sat at my cube last Monday morning - which will most likely be the pattern for all the next Monday's and every weekday to come for a while - and I felt punched in the stomach. I started checking emails and I was reminded how I've been cut off at the knees. My peer is now my lead, hesitant as he was to take the position, but he wasn't really given a choice. The word 'temporary' was thrown around a lot, but no estimated timeframe provided for when I would be reinstated, if ever. And I didn't believe they even thought it was possible because I was told I should've known better.. it was common sense.. regardless of the changes made or the lack of training.

Am I really an angry person? Am I so completely out of line? Was I unprofessional? Do I even know how to be any sort of leader? And if there's so much I still have yet to work on, is this the right environment for me to do that with all its disorganization and changes still yet to be made? Should I just quit and chalk it up to doing the best I could, knowing I was set up to fail and also, admittedly, failed myself? I mean, is it unreasonable for them to expect me to maintain any sense of motivation after this or should I (and can I even) take this as a hard lesson learned, suck it up, and show them not only can I repair my failings, but I can change my tarnished image regardless of what I see as poor leadership on their part as well?

I'm not saying I'm blameless in this situation. I have a mountain of work to do. It's daunting really. I honestly don't know how to break it down, tho I know it's something behavioral that I learned growing up. Can I blame my family? Sometimes I do, but it's my focus to correct those teachings learned from dysfunction and an unhappy marriage. An angry father, a passive-aggressive mother, a struggle in me always needing to speak my mind and the constant battle between my father and I for who would have the last word because Mom probably already left the argument and wasn't speaking to at least one of us.

So in order to start really working to rid myself of my own personal demons, I started counseling. Does that sound better than therapy? I think it sounds less.. clinical maybe.. a little softer.. with more hugs involved or something. And I thought I would cry thru every session so far because I feel broken everywhere, which includes lots of self-pity wallowing, frustration over anything, mental and physical exhaustion from trying to watch what I say, fighting the urge to speak without thinking and acknowledging the powerlessness in my current position. But I just talked. And she listened. And lo and behold! She provided validation! Not that she let me off easy.. but I'm not the first person to make a mistake. Nor the last. And I'll certainly make more so hey, welcome to the human race.

I feel lighter after talking. I feel like I'm understanding better how to address my issues and what (or who) triggers them and then how to direct the emotional downpour that follows. AND why the hell those feelings erupt in the first place.

She's pointed out how I go back to the childish place where I learned all this behavior when I feel I'm grasping for some sense of right over wrong, success over failure, but more than that, just the overall survival - and we haven't even touched on my family yet. Still, I know exactly what she's talking about. I've taken the fight or flight instincts I developed from growing up and inserted them in my professional life where that family is just as dysfunctional and anything negative I inherited behaviorally isn't just heightened, it thrives in that type of high stress and constantly changing environment.

I'm putting all the effort I can into changing my perspective because right now I feel like I'm too sensitive.. an exposed nerve. But working to be positive and smiley actually takes all my strength. I'm exhausted by the end of every work day because it's hard work not to say something, to think about how I word everything, and just to sit still. It's hard to take when my boss motions to my co-worker with my former position and discusses things that he'll be taking care of. I'm a walking paper cut and walking in the door to my office feels like I just dove into a pool of lemon juice, especially when my normal actions are now at best overlooked in light of the change in roles.. and at worst, they're completely ignored. I feel like work broke up with me and we're trying to be friends. It's kind of heartbreaking.

I'm looking forward to a point where I can feel some sense of growth and release.. however, right now, it's not clear when that will be. Shine and I go straight into a move to a new apartment this weekend. I'm booked the next three nights to work another play and have whatever time I have left tonight and tomorrow after the shows and Saturday morning and afternoon to pack everything we own. We haven't even started. You can imagine the stress that's caused between us because Shine is the nicest and sweetest person on the planet and is not worried at all.. and well.. I'm both not so nice and stuck between extremes of freaking out and nervous wreck. When neither of those things work - and they usually don't - I shut down and just agree to everything. Oprah really should dedicate an entire show to the generosity and kindness that Shine exemplifies because it's truly something to behold. You think I jest. I'm kind of awful on a regular basis. Angel is just a name people. What can I say? My parents were hopeful.

Along with Shine who has her own stuff going on, Kari and Megan are also going thru major life issues. I'm not only absent, I'm completely silent and not there in any spirit whatsoever. Amazingly, they continue to send words of support and love and hold nothing against me even tho I barely recognize this person I am lately. Eight, Kat, Boris and other friends I've seen and who I talk to regularly constantly offer supportive words and advice - and most importantly, just listen when I find myself wanting to talk. I know I'm lucky to have the love I feel around me and hope I can find my way back to a stronger sense of self really soon.

Not everything sucks. Yesterday I got a free oil change because it took them longer than an hour to complete the service and my cell phone company found me a cheaper plan AND gave me 500 extra minutes as a bonus! Whoo hoo! My life rocks!

Ok.. who wants to come over and put this pen in my eye and put me out of my misery?


smells like hot dogs said...

Angel, if they demote you they don't have to fire you, if they don't fire you, you can't sue them. They are likely hoping you will leave and get them off the hook.

PLUS, you ain't liking the job. You don't feel good there. Do you have other work options?

PLUS, they are ruining your blog cause you are not posting enough because you are upset. Damn them!

Anonymous said...

You amazing me with your writing and sincerity. I'm envious.

I can't say I've been in your shoes, but I have been known to 'shut down' in the face of too many stresses in my life. Seven years ago, I nearly quit my career and went with the rash decision to get the hell away and simplify. I did the counseling thing intensively for two months, gained some understanding and new skills to deal with the stress. And I didn't quit the shitty job until I had new confidence/perspective, then I started to look for a new job. I had control of my future again and that felt wonderful.

Good luck to you and thanks again for sharing.

Miss Devylish said...

smells like: They couldn't fire me unless I forced it and gave them a really good reason to, like more of the same behavior - mostly because they need me right now. Eventually maybe not so much.. but they would be a little screwed. Yet I have dedication and a solid work ethic which makes me continue to try. So it's conflicty. :) Also.. it's just lack of time for lack of blogging. Trying trying to get there! Will do my best to post more often. Working on another about the erotic art festival. Soon soon!

oneday: Thank you for that. That was sweet.

It's something to think about for sure. Right now I have to stop feeling so scattered due to the change.. and once I feel solid again, I think a new direction will be in order for sure. Crossing fingers! :)

Paul Barclay said...

Need help packing or lifting?

Anonymous said...

First off, thanks for sharing; you are NOT alone.

Second, hang in there. I thought it appropriate to tell you again that you are so appreciated- by people you have never met, like me!

Take a deep breath and know that you'll get past this. A bit cliche and hokey advice, but so true.

You WILL get moved on time...and just think: you've been provided with the best roomie ever, someone you can count on to take the lead whilst you're doing what you need to do elsewhere.

Take care of yourself first, blog later.

~ "Another cyber-stranger"

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I went through a rough patch, a motorcycle accident, deaths, cancer, heart attacks, miscarriages in the family, financial turmoil and a failed relationship ending with a failed marriage proposal. I had nothing left, could barely function with that enormous hole in me and would cry uncontrollably. Finally I gave in and went to counseling as well. What held me back was I felt weak for going, that only crazy, delusional people seek help and I couldn’t have been more wrong. I too found so much solace in someone just validating my feelings and telling me that what I learned growing up isn’t always the hard truth. Something so simple as learning new ways of thinking and approaching things can be so hard to realize without a little outside help.

There is something called the “dark night of the soul” and it is exactly what you are going through. It is when everything around you starts collapsing and you feel intense suffering. It is both a curse and a gift. No one wants suffering in their life but this can be a time of great and profound change. It is winter for the soul, a time to shed everything that is not working for you, a chance to look past everything that is not you and just be. A time to prepare for a new birth, a new awakening, a time for Spring.

You are not your job, you are not your car, you are not your house, you are not your clothes, you are not the places you hangout, you are not your friends, you are not your family, you are not your lover and you are not your body. These things do not define you, when you strip these things away, what is left is you, and right now you are getting a chance to truly see yourself. I wish I had gone to therapy 10 years ago, wish someone could have told me that I need to break out of all my old, ingrained habits and really see the world and see through all the lies and seek truth. That feeling you describe is your mind being shut off and your heart and soul being revealed to you, its uncomfortable because most people never get to feel or sense that feels like. The teachings of Zen would say that you are becoming aware, that the illusion of life or maya is beginning to crumble. I know this is a hard time for you but I think it is also an opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Devylish:

Overall, you are marvelous in every way.


kario said...

Loving you. Hurting for you. Proud of you for going to counseling and allowing someone to help you.

My wish for you is that you can soon regain your old confidence and allow things to be what they are. Instead of the black and white/good and bad that permeates our brains when we are overwhelmed and exhausted, I hope you find the shades of grey that accept you for who you are.

Overall, though, I am hoping you can begin to define those things that would make you happy. Blissful. Regardless of whether they are mainstream accepted, tangible, or "practical," go follow that path and I'll be walking right beside you.


Booyah said...

You are lovely. And all the things that are so topsy turvy will (really really really) go right side up, and soon.

You are doing the very best you can. No matter how it feels, you love and you love well. And those of us lucky enough to be loved by you know how much you care for us.

You are lovely, sweet girl. You *will* figure things out and you will move forward in this. You are so so brave to face the unknown and I'm so proud of you.

How lucky am *I* to live with someone as wonderful as you are?


This move will be finished soon. This current life is not permanent. Things will change. You will prevail. Release the doves, darling

"the b" said...

I never knew your name was Angel. I thought when people said "Angel, etc" it was a term of endearment (and it didn't sit strangely, don't worry!)

Just believe in the guardian one of your kind, I reckon. You poor thing. I don;t know what happened and am guessing you probably can't describe it much more, but you'll get through it. If you're shutting down it's because it's what your mind and body need at the moment, and when you're ready you'll emerge, fresh and new, with your lessons learnt (whether that is something you'll do better next time, or just about what kind of workplace does or doesn't suit you) and ready to leave them behind and take on the world again. Good luck.

Miss Devylish said...

paul: You were brilliant! Thank you!

anonymous: Thank you for that virtual hug. I so needed it! And you used 'whilst'! You get extra points today! xo

kevin: Thank you for sharing all of that. I read every word just in case you think I skimmed! I did not! It was very understanding. And I look forward to that light at the end of this funky tunnel. I'm getting there. It's hard work. Blech. ;)

popeye: I like the use of 'overall' here. Thanks for sticking by me..

kario: Thank you for your unending love and friendship. You're my rock as usual and I hope shortly, I'll be back to being strong enough to return the favor I know you need. Thank you for your saintly amount of patience. I could not possibly ever repay all you've done for me, but know I will do everything in my power to try. Love you forever sugar.. xo

shine: I love you to bits. You should kick me many times in both knees and you are still as sweet as the cookies you share with me. I'm ever so grateful for your undying patience, kindness and general strength where my shit is concerned. I hope I can be as nice to other people as you, but I don't really think that's possible. You're my inspiration, says Chicago.. and I say to you. hearts!

the b: I don't think other people knew it was Angel either. Honestly, can you wonder why?

Thank you for the kind words of support.. I'm refocusing and yes, it's helping. New direction! New attitude! Positive thinking! We will see. ;)