
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

My List Of Distractions

Thought it was time for a list tonight..

* First, I spent the weekend being apart of the Michael Jackson flash mob in Seattle. You might recognize me.. looking like THE hugest dork in the fucking world.. figuratively AND literally.. like hi - did I put on 15 pounds?! Gah. But that's ok cuz I'm on youtube looking like that huge dork and that's completely acceptable apparently. Then I searched youtube and watched every possible flash mob there was I think. And there are A LOT! Check out the Michael Jackson tribute in Hollywood.

* I actually met a bunch of awesome people from the above point who will probably become really good new friends. That never sucks.

* On the same note of sponataneous fun, you have to appreciate what this guy is doing. Improv Everywhere has done the flash mobs and pranks and even just a high five everyone you pass by. Like, what kind of awesomeness is that?! The blue links on the right side of his site are his past pranks. Check out the Ben Folds Fake, the Synchronized Swimming, the Human Mirror and tho you've probably seen it, the Frozen Grand Central. I also like the Mp3 Experiment Still amazing.

* I had two different dreams last night that involved people who are no longer in my life. One was the ex - nothing romantic or sad about it, we were just running away from bad people together.. in a building that was really complicated to get out of.. Wtf does that mean? And the other involved a former female friend who, out of no where, just kind of disappeared after telling me we'd arrived at the end of our rope.. or some other analogy like that I didn't quite understand after what I thought was a good four or five year friendship. And just like that, she was gone. But in my dream, she called me up out of the blue and the space she'd taken was still there, but we just went on from that like nothing had happened. She called to tell me about some cute store with a lingerie sale and we should go. I could hear her lovely voice all chipper on the other end, I could see her face. When she was happy and called me to include me in her day, I always felt a little extra special. Not many other women have had that effect on me. I loved everything about her. I miss her.

* An acquaintance told me today my eyes were two of the most beautiful she'd ever seen.

* And no. We did not make out after that. Thank you very much.

* After like 12 years of knowing each other, one of my first boyfriends in Seattle and I still have chemistry. It's interesting it's still there - especially since he's so over the line of metro dressing it's not even funny. Today I swear he looked like something out of a Backstreet Boys video, but we still love each other and he's awfully sweet and endearing sometimes. It's nice to feel special to someone after that long.

* I finally found the right color for my kitchen. Realizing the greens I'd picked out weren't going to work, I had to change my palette design completely. Red on the cupboards added a large touch of crazy I couldn't live with so those will now just be a clean white and the walls a bright and light sunny yellow. Warm and inviting even for its small size. Now, I just have to get going on that, then the bathroom and then the bedroom. The goal of getting it all done by the time I leave for Barcelona on the 25th seems a bit daunting and impossible, but we'll see. Thanks to Cupcake, Eight's fiancée for spending time with me last week and helping me pick out just the right colors.

* A lot of my close friends have left for Burning Man for the week. It's really kind of sad to miss it this year. It would've been my third in a row and with as much money as we spent last year doing it up right and comfortably, it was certainly worth it, but my ticket to Spain round trip was cheaper. I couldn't justify doing both nor did I have the time off. But I know they'll have a fantastic time and maybe I'll join them next year or another camp. I know we all have to experience our own adventures and Spain is looking like my transitional point of the year.

* Netflix. I love watching every movie I'd be embarrassed to pay $10 for or watching a whole HBO/Showtime series (sooo can't wait til the next season of The Tudors.. helllooo!) or the ones Boy couldn't manage to see with me because there was suddenly no room for date nights because theater took up our lives, his life.. and I was left alone. So you know what? Fuck theater these days. I have movies. Next up is Frost/Nixon and I'm practically salivating waiting for it to arrive on Wednesday.

* I love writing to this girl. She's smart and pretty and funny and she's been super helpful and inspiring to me. She also talks with a very lovely accent I'm sure even tho I've never heard it in person and that makes her even awesomer. She has a very strong shoulder I've been leaning on quite often and she never complains or makes me feel even the slightest bit silly even tho she's a kajillion miles away and really can't do anything for me except say very nice things, which she does all the time. I hope one day we can meet for real and have many drinks and eat chocolate together. I think our cats would make the best of friends and her mom would make me pies and I would be 400 pounds. I mean.. whatever. It'd be great.

* I'm learning Spanish little by little. Boris convinced me to forego the expensive Rosetta Stone purchase for the online download of Coffee Break Spanish. And let me tell you - it's fucking genius. And free! I love free, don't you? So the best things: first, it's in 15 minute increments so you don't get bored and you can do it in the morning while you're getting ready for work like I have been and puttering around making coffee and feeding Ms. Kitty, etc. Second, the host is Scottish. It doesn't seem to affect his Spanish accent at all and I actually love listening to him go back and forth in both languages so I'm really developing my Scottish accent for any random acting I may want to do in the future (as if!) and learning the Spanish basics as well. Plus, and this is the best part, the intro song is sung by Ricki Martin! Ok, ok it's probably not.. but it definitely channels La Vida Loca in all it's rhythmic dancing glory. Seriously, if you don't want to go to Spain after the first five lessons, you haven't been listening. I'm up to lesson 11 and I'm not amazing or anything, but I'm better than I was!

* When a 22-year-old former Mormon thinks you're hot.. there's nothing better. I mean, seriously..

That's all I got for now.


Buzzdome said...

* Improv Everywhere is my f*ckin JAM. I love that site. My faves are The Moebius, Ted's Birthday, and Best Game Ever.
* Ex-Mormon is right.
* Glad you're doing good. Portland still has beer for you.

smells like hot dogs said...

The shoulda had an angel cam for the flash mob!

megan said...

Funny stuff, yay for lists!

lisaf said...

love your blog. sorry it's a difficult time. but blog more!

"the b" said...

Heh he - the Michael Jackson thing looks awesome! I was checking those out the other day and thinking I want to do one in Plymouth for Refugee Week. Watch this space in June!


Miss Devylish said...

buzz: Thanks sugar. I'll have to look up those other pranks on improv everywhere.

smells: Aww.. thanks!

megan: :)

lisaf: I'm trying to! Promise!

the b: Ooh! You go sister!