
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

50 Things

The list virus: It's going around..and I'm a big copy cat. Yes. Yes I am. All the cool girls are doing it.. and besides, anything good I've ever said was probably stolen anyway..

50 things about me (more than you ever wanted to know):

1. I hate my middle name, which was my grandmother's first name, and she, incidentally, didn't like it either.

2. My mother wanted to name me Babette Marie. Babs for short. My father wanted to name me Angel. Guess who won. And, also.. Babs?! WTF?

3. I've been fired from 2 jobs and forced to resign 2 others - in the last 10 years. Not an authority issue, more of a this-job-sucks-and-I-have-a-bad-attitude sort of issue. Yeah.. nice. I'm working on it.

4. I'm afraid of water I can't see thru for no apparent reason.

5. I've had very deep, happy, movie-type love twice in my life and even tho they ended, I'm still good friends with those exes.

6. I've been an extra in an independent movie.

7. I've waited on Helen Hunt and Matthew Broderick (when they were dating), as well as Joe Cocker, who called me 'love', shared an elevator with Lorenzo Lamas (who is actually, really hot and way tall even if not the most incredible actor ever..), Keith Richards brushed by me in Vegas, and I partied at Wesley Snipes' rented bungalow (and by bungalow, I mean fucking AMAZING pad) in Vancouver, BC til the wee hours where I also saw Vin Diesel, and then I shook Wesley's hand and he smiled at me and said 'Thank you for coming.' He's much much shorter in person and not a good dj. Don't hire him for that.

8. I went to Norway on foreign exchange for a year after I graduated high school and cuz I got into trouble 2 different times - once for riding in a boat with a bunch of drunk friends (a big no no there) and the second time, for skipping school and lying about it, I was sent home after 2 1/2 months.

9. I had a drink thrown on me in a bar after I had a large group of complete drunks kicked out for throwing ice at me and being complete asshats. My attitude and sharp wit, not to mention their idiocy, may or may not have had something to do with that.

10. I've wanted to change my last name to my birth mother's for at least six or seven years.. and haven't because I don't want to hurt my (adoptive) mother.

11. I can't not bite my nails unless they're manicured every week - which is expensive people.

12. Fuck is the best cuss word ever - in my opinion.

13. I don't think I could live without hummus, peanut butter, Thai food, Mexican food, or chocolate.

14. I really am within six degrees or less of Kevin Bacon. More like one actually.

15. I have three pairs of jeans. Yes, really.

16. I'm actually fairly ashamed to be an American currently.

17. I'm really hoping the Mariner's don't completely suck this year.

18. After moving anywhere, I always have about four or five boxes that I just don't know what to do with and that sit for a minimum of six months out in the open, in a state of half-unpacked. I really suck at that.

19. I can't watch horror movies - I was scared to death after the stupid Blair Witch Project and The Ring.

20. I hate to lose.

21. I was a cheerleader in high school - and have pictures to prove it - but quit when it stopped being cool - tho I think that was always the case. It just took me two years to figure it out. Still, I was always on top in the pyramids so shut it.

22. I won second place in our high school talent contest my senior year with 3 other ex-cheerleaders making fun of cheerleaders in a little number we choreographed to 'Oh Mickey.' Let me tell you, it was awesome. Treena, Kari, and Megan - you better back me up.. you were all there. Wait.. Treena.. weren't you in it with me or am I totally wrong?

23. I won second place (are you seeing a pattern?) in my grade school's spelling bee ONLY because we ran out of time and the official was hurrying and didn't define the word 'reign' after giving it to me, so of course I spelled it r-a-i-n. Um, yeah, then he defined it and the other kid won. Bastards. I'm not bitter tho.

24. I stole a really expensive office chair from one of my jobs that laid off its entire staff when they went bankrupt and finally sold it this year for $300.. and it made me really happy.

25. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy.

26. I also stole nail polish when I was 12 or 13 from the store where my own mother worked.. and was caught. Was so grounded.

27. I've wanted to be the lead singer in a band for as long as I can remember.

28. I had braces for 4 1/2 years. FOUR AND A HALF YEARS PEOPLE!

29. For any wound, injury or little hurt I ever had when I was a child, my grandfather would always say I'd be alright by the time I got married.. and I didn't find it funny til much later.

30. I can still fit into my prom dress from my junior year.. and it's actually a little too big.

31. I was painfully shy til high school.

32. Tho I can't stand Britney Spears, I have to admit I still really like 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' and 'Toxic.' I still like 'Genie In a Bottle' by Christina too.

33. I believe in some form of higher power, tho not necessarily God, plus angels, ghosts, life after death and reincarnation.

34. I don't, however, believe in a hell or the devil. I think we create those things for ourselves while we're alive.

35. I'm pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-whatever the fuck you want to do with your life as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and you don't try to tell me what to do.

36. I believe in soul mates, but don't think it has to be in a lover/husband/partner-type.

37. My longest relationship was one year. Yes, go ahead.. cry.. send money. Or chocolate. Or wine.

38. When I was little, I thought I'd grow up to be a waitress, a librarian, or a nurse and my brother would be a fireman and we'd get married. Um.. ew.

39. In second grade, my best friend, Laura Gillette, and I shared a boyfriend, Sean Dewey, who would put his arms around both of us during show and tell.

40. I met Luis, from Sesame Street when he took a directing class one year at my college, Southern Oregon.

41. My birthday is my favorite 'holiday'.

42. I'm afraid of dying - especially being stabbed or being completely deformed and harmed in some sort of awful car accident.

43. I was a virgin until I was 18.

44. I hate being cold.

45. I'm always cold.

46. Anything carbonated gives me ever-lasting hiccups.

47. I can get rid of hiccups every time by eating a spoonful of peanut butter.

48. Of the many pet names given to me, my favorites were from my father: Suzie-Q, and various lovers: Kitten, Boo boo, and Babygirl.

49. I've been in A Midsummer Night's Dream three times and played a total of five different parts inlcuding one lead (Bottom).

50. I talk in my sleep.

Phew.. that was much harder than I thought.. Who's next?


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

3 pairs of jeans?! Are you insane!?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I WASN'T in the "Oh Mickey" skit with you guys - It was you, Becky Young for sure, Erica Buckland and....crap. Kori Peach maybe...Anyway. Everyone!!?? The "Oh Mickey" skit kicked ass. And I have pictures. Just

Miss Devylish said...

Bloggy: I KNOW ok.. but the ones I like are EXPENSIVE! And the ones I have.. work just fine. Trust me. Good butt jeans..

Treena: Ok.. Erica Buckland?? Really? There's someone I completely forgot about.. you think? Or Mandy maybe? We must find pics of that from somewhere. I know Kori and Becky and was the other Melissa? Ugh.. I don't know and it's killing me!

It did kick ass didn't it? Definitely a high point. Tho Charlie's band won, we were still funnier.

anywherebutTX said...

I love this "lists trend".... And I LOVE, I mean love, number 29!!! Too funny....

And I wish everyone could think like you do... 35 was good!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Is there any way we could have samples of these "good butt jeans" (with you in them) posted on the blog? You know, for purely scientific review?

Amy said...

Wicked list. Not sure I could manage fifty statements worth reading though... I might have to think for a week about it... I know one would be about how I always come second too though.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh yes! I think it WAS Mandy! Hmmm...gosh, it's not like it was THAT long ago...WHY CAN'T WE REMEMBER???

Miss Devylish said...

Texas Mandy: Yeah.. my grandpa was the sweet funny kind.. and yes, everyone should think like me! :)

Bloggy: Um..

Amy: 50 was frickin hard but that was my goal cuz I was completely copying the Texan and if she could come up w/ 50, so could I. Tho I can't remember how many Pomgirl had, but I did have to think about them..

Treena: I think it was Mandy as the 4th cheerleader.. Crap if I know tho.. and hi.. you know why it's hard to remember? It was 18 FRICKIN YEARS AGO girl.. We are OLD! Just remember tho, you, Kari, and Megan are all older than me still. HAHAHAHA.. *ahem*

kario said...

Definitely Becky, myself, Angel, and it seems like Melissa started out with us but then got offended (since she was actually fairly invested in being a cheerleader and we were pretty brutal) and quit. I'll find the photos, yes, I have them, and get back to ya!

Miss Devylish said...

Art: yes.. I'm nothing if not full of attitude..

Kario: Wait.. you were in it w/ me??? WTF? How come I can't remember this??

Cameltrooper said...

Ok if you want to sing, I'll play guitar. Any drummers/bassists out there? Preferably one's who can cover for my discernable lack of talent.

The 'Oh Mickey' skit sounds great. You don't have to have it streaming on the web by any chance do you?

I know I couldn't live without hummus. My family would disown me.

What was the independent movie btw?

Oh yeah, this was a great list

Anonymous said...

Wait, What? Kario, YOU were in the Oh Mickey skit? I'm just..WHAT? Well, that's one way to shake up a memory - no wonder I can't remember that.

Angel - It's only been 17 years, darlin, don't get ahead of yourself.

Miss Devylish said...

Radiosilence: Um, this was before the web.. that is how old I am. I'm betting someone has pictures tho.. it was damn funny.

The independent movie was called 'Flying Fish'. I don't know whatever happened to it.

Treena: Ok, but you KNOW I suck at math.. 17, 18 wtf is the diff? You're still older than me. Ha!

P said...

Darlin': I saw you put this on and have been saving it to read. Funny how little tidbits can say so much...
Love ya, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Margaret's a great middle name! Have to post this anonymously so you don't kick my ass. I'm so evil. :-)

Miss Devylish said...

Anonymous: Um.. you SO just did not do this.. don't think having children will keep you from my wrath.. I'm just sayin..

Rigmor said...

Apropo point 8...

On all the countries in the world, I never understood the foreign exchange students that came to Norway. I mean, when I went abroad I aimed at picking up a language, but when this American guy called Eric From New York (Yes, we called him "Eric From New York") came to stay with us for a semester then

First nobody wanted to speak to him as that mean they would have to practice their English and we were way too embarrased to try and then...

we realised he was from somewhere way more cool than Norway and started to practice our American accents.

But why Norway? Would anyone want to learn that language? Or was it just for the experience of... erm... fjords?

Miss Devylish said...

Rigmor: Tho I already sent you your reply, I'll post some of it here.

Norway wasn't my choice.. I actually had wanted to go to France for as long as I can remember, but when we chose the company I was to go with, and it was a smaller one and therefore cheaper than the bigger foreign exchange company most kids went with, they didn't have any host families in France due to the coordiantor's father there dying suddenly. My opinion was that she stopped looking cuz she also said I didn't know enough French, which was bogus cuz I'd taken 3 yrs and they only required 2. So since it was August and already too late to apply for colleges and I didn't want to start mid-term, I didn't have much else I could do and Norway I was bound!

It's a gorgeous country tho and one day, I still would like to return. I still keep in touch with a friend there and still know the host family I lived with.

Rigmor said...

Ah I saw this after that... !

Well, I live in London at the moment, but Norwegian from the Bergen-Stavanger area.

I do sometimes miss our fjords, the Thames isn't the same thing, but, I don't miss the 24 hours of darkness, so the deal is not too bad.

Anonymous said...

You're adopted?

freckledk said...

"For any wound, injury or little hurt I ever had when I was a child, my grandfather would always say I'd be alright by the time I got married.. and I didn't find it funny til much later."

That's EERIE - my grandfather used to say, "By the time you get married, you won't even remember it." All. The. Time.

generic cialis said...

Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites