
Friday, June 03, 2005

One carry-on please

I have to move. Ugh.

I hate moving. Where's that ballpoint pen I should use to stab myself in the eye... cuz that's less painful than moving. You think going thru craig's list and the paper and checking out new digs will be fun.. and it is, for like a minute. Then you realize how much you have to drive around to places where they're asking WHAT for HOW MUCH and YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.. and you roll your eyes as you walk out, after trying nicely to say thank you to someone who obviously only wants to rip off their tenants and Jesus-on-a-tricycle, this is a pain in the ass!

I found a very cute place tonight - on the hill - not the yuppie family oriented hill, the 2-hour-disheveled-looking-almost-heroin-addicted-wanna-be's hill.. you people who live here know exactly where I'm talking about..but goddamn, the right place can have a killer view of the city. And that's what I found.

It's a condo this lovely woman owns, all hers.. like, just redecorated so um.. she wants me to keep everything I own, or close to it.. in what would be my room. Let me just say currently, I'm in a house.. a run-down sort of thing, but a house nonetheles with rooms.. like, MULTIPLE.. and I have stuff people.. real stuff that takes up space and which you can SIT on..THAT kind of stuff.. and it's not bad. Mostly. And this room I'm looking at... it's just tiny. I think my freshman dorm was bigger and that was a Kleenex box of a thing. It's not unbearably small.. but it is small. Ghandi would be fine. I, however, which I'm sure you've noticed, am not Ghandi. Or anything close. Like, at all.

Other than that, I love this place. She's ripping up the carpet and putting in hardwoods, she's repainting, re-doing the kitchen.. great! So what if I can't put anything of mine out.. that's cool. Most could be garage-saled or stored.. So what if there's nothing but street parking.. ugh.. oy.. but.. ooooook.. ok.. I can get used to that.. but the issue really comes down to Miss Emma kitty wouldn't be able to romp in the grass and neighbor's yard anymore making eyes with all the boys.. and she'd only have the deck to daydream from... People, there's a deck - looking out to this beautiful 180 degree view of Seattle that I dream of.. DREAM I tell you.. God I want it.. but then my little kitty, who only wants love and affection and food and little tuna treats every morning, would be stuck with a litter pan and major freaking out when I let her out front. Too many cars and too much sidewalk and not enough grass to eat and puke back up.. and someone else hinted she could actually just get picked up and stolen. STOLEN??? God, do I have to worry about that too? Are there crazed kitty kidnappers out there? Is there some kind of kitty security system I can get? Are there breeds that are more stolen than others, like Hondas are? These are things I never thought about.. and don't want to think about. She's my baby.. cuz sorry to break it to you Mom, tho the rest of the world will be greatly relieved, you'll probably never get any grandchildren from me.. not ‛real' ones anyway.. For now, it's just the cat and we, meaning, she, the cat, Emma, and I are very happy with that sitch.

So more thinking. I have to think about it. It's the first place I've seen, but I really liked the woman.. and the space, minus the lack OF space..but that's just in the room I'd be in and I wouldn't be in there ALL the time, right? Ok, thinking.. Must think of Emma, must think of the children! Must see some more places when I get back and get a grip. God I'm already tired and bored of THAT idea.. (the seeing of places, not the getting of grip..) Blech.

Oh yeah, I'm leaving for San Fran in the morning kids. Whoo hoo! Going to see the faux bro, SD, who I met thru a long-ago ex. The ex, AM, and I have been friends since our break-up forever and ever ago and we're actually traveling together this time. SD is like a brother, but not actually related, hence the faux.. he's much smarter than my real brother - not that my real brother is a dolt, but.. well, he's eccentric and sometimes he has a British accent.. and a kilt.. and he's never been to England.. or anything close.. Oooo, he's a long story for another time.

But SD is always looking out for me. He's rad. With a capital R. He and the ex, AM, are into cars.. so this big event we're seeing Sunday is about watching some really old ones race around a track while the part I like the best is the tasting of many, many wines and champagnes from around Sonoma and eating yummy, greasy California-white-trash-who-attend-racing-and-wine-combo-events-in-Sonoma food.. yay!

Did I mention the SUN? Oooooooh yes.. that missing bright yellow object from the Seattle sky will be more than present in Cali and in the high 70's-low 80's.. I'll be there just long enough to remind those freckles from last weekend they have come out to stay.. and they'll not be allowed to go back into hiding. Is anyone jealous? No? Well, you probably HAVE sun where YOU are. On a regular basis. Don't rub it in. Seattlites need all the light therapy they can get - away from here sometimes even.. but I'll be back, Sunday night.. tho you'll have missed me, and I you, I'll have pictures and stories and treats for everyone, I promise.

You kids be good while I'm gone. Ciao!


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Poop. I wanna take a trip. :(

But moving sucks. Don't do it. Lock the door and stay put. Close the blinds even.

RedKev said...

The apartment next to me, on the hill, just came available. If it's anything like ours, it's very nice. 1bdr I think and cats are OK and not too expensive for pet deposit. It always pissed me off how much places would charge when we had a cat. If you have snot nosed kids running around, you don't have to pay a deposit on them and I know they can do more damage than our cat ever could.

Ballerina said...

Hi I like your blog ..