
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Speaking as an adult

I think I'm the only 33-year-old alive who can't keep her finances straight. *Sigh* I hate being overdrawn. Again.

It's not like this is the first time it's happened, obviously, but since college, I've had this constant worried feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm broke or soon will be. I had virtually no debt then since my parents paid for my school, but if I didn't want to live in the dorms - and no one did after freshman year - I had to get a job and pay for my own rent and books. Neither was cheap in my never-having-done-this-before opinion.

Still, it hardly compares to flashing forward to the present where I'm a 'real' adult these days. Apparently, that is what debt and bills and planning for retirement make you.. well, ok, 2 out of 3 isn't bad.. right? I have credit card debt I'm paying off - miniscule to some friends who owe literally ten times more than me and I'll be done next January, the car payment - and get this.. the car is worth $4K less than what I still owe on it.. yeah, nice! - car insurance for said worthless vehicle (If you ever heed ANY advice from me ever, please, for the love of all that's holy, DON'T BUY A FORD!), monthly gym fee, and the ridiculous cell phone package I have that 'saves' me money when I call my friends in BC. The saving part is actually true, tho the plan is still fucking expensive.

Let's not forget besides those bills, I still have to pay to live. Food, toiletries, utilities - gas, water, sewer, garbage, and light - tho since I've moved, we have yet to be billed and we're bracing ourselves to see what that will amount to when it comes in its 2 month increments. But truly you'd think that since I haven't paid utilities since the end of June cuz of all the cluster-fucked living situations I got myself into when I first moved that the benefit of those would be that I would've had some money left over.. and you'd probably be right.. except uh... yeah.. I don't. Um.. must've spent it.. hmm.. damn.

And where, with all of that I'm required to pay, do I find the cash to front the rest of the needed things in life.. like dinners out, wedding and birthday gifts, new clothing and shoes, haircuts and dyes, and you know, general socializing which requires extra money for covers, drinks, and coat checks? I don't.. not really.. and let me tell you how much that sucks.. A LOT! I don't go out nearly as much as I used to when I had a used car that was paid off or before I was laid off like 3 times in a row, which is how I acquired said credit card debt cuz you know.. unemployment really doesn't pay all that much.

When I have money, I spend it. It's that simple. Savings account for rainy days, retirement, Christmas.. uh.. what's that? I don't have one. Yes, I know.. I KNOW.. STUPID! But I don't make that much comparitively to the rest of this area's population from what I understand. Not that they should be put down for what they're making at Microsoft, Boeing, Washington Mutual, etc.. but I have tried to find other things that are more lucrative.. and, at least in my opinion.. having, for example, applied for an open position at the Gates Foundation where you have to KNOW someone to get an interview and I DID and STILL didn't get a call... it's not easy and I feel like what I have I should keep cuz I need it right now. But I realize there's nothing to cushion an unexpected car repair, kitty illness, or even the positive and fun things like *gasp* a vacation! I'm just afraid to have less now by planning for the future cuz as I discovered recently while checking my rights as a renter, I sort of make less than what is considered to be 'low income'. The ceiling for low income is actually $3K more than what I make now.. uh.. yeah. *Sigh*

So, the next RESPONSIBLE step I'm taking is talking to an advisor. Yes! Can you believe it? I'm going to take responsibility for myself instead of calling my mother.. and yes, go ahead.. make fun of me for calling her to bail me out once in a while.. or another friend much more established than me - and you can poke fun there too cuz there are currently two of those I owe more than $100 to cuz they saw the situation, wanted to help, and love me completely unconditionally. But when I've been more financially stable, I've also been the on the receiving end of those could-you-possibly-lend-me-I'm-good-for-it conversations and at that point you have to understand the key to lending any friend money is that you can't expect to be repaid. Not that it's a gift, but if you need that money, I recommend not lending it as it will not come back to you quickly and no one wants a rift that could damage the friendship beyond repair. No, not a good thing.. far from it..

Luckily, and coincidentally I might add, a lovely Fidelity man came by our office to discuss financial planning. He gave us a little survey to fill out that asked us if we'd be interested in .. well, planning, um.. financially.. for ourselves.. and since I can't seem to budget myself well enough to keep my ass in the black, I said yes. Like.. duh. And they called me last week, but I was so busy I haven't called them back.. which will also be remedied tomorrow, first thing, when I get into the office.

Um, hi, Fidelity.. yeah.. can you help me be an adult now? Yeah.. thanks!


Anonymous said...

Getting headed in the right direction is half the battle....ok, did I just turn into a motivational writer of sorts? By the way, please buy more Fords uncle would appreciate it ;)

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

With respect to Ryan's Uncle, I so loved my little Ford Probe, even though it was part Mazda.

Miss LISH? I have two years on you and I'm in the same boat. In fact, listen to my latest audio post and you shall see, or hear.

Always room for improvement, and I'm glad you...we...haven't given up hope. :)

P said...

Bravo, kitten.
I'd rather be the single girl clawing her way to independence ANY day than the cushy, married housewife asking for an allowance.

You go, girl. Btw, you have a perma-invitation to come by my house for FREE coffee or drinkies anytime.

Also - random, but some insurance companies offer free financial planning. My ALLstate guy does; don't know whether it's available w/ just car insurance or whether it was the sudden opening when I got homeowners too. Kinda cool perk...

Anonymous said... brown font!!! How did you do it?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, there are many who feel the same.
I have no debt and my school was paid by my parents.
I lost my house in a divorce, lost my well paying job do to down sizing and holding a BA in Seattle is useless. I know things will get better for me and others who are in the same predicament.
If you can figure out a way to rise above the current situation, please let us know so we can follow in the success.
I think you will succeed.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Great advice alison...and no offense to financial planners, but remember that they are in business to make money too :)

That being said, I would love to be a cushy married housewife asking for an allowance! Can I get fake boobs with that?

Miss Devylish said...

Thanks y'all.. I'm just thrilled I get paid today at midnight! Do you think I've already got plans for where the money is going? Oh yes.. but don't you know I'll be watching my acct like a hawk for the next 2 weeks to make sure I don't keep doing this. One day I'll have a funny story for Dave Letterman.. ya think?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but it is much more complex than that. You still have much to learn.

Miss Devylish said...

Anonymous - Uh.. ya think? That was sorta the point of my post. I'll gladly admit to not knowing everything, but I don't think once I said, hey, this is easy now, I've completely solved my troubles, but hey, thanks oh so much for stating the obvious.. and for joining us.. come back anytime!

Anonymous said...

you are too easily defensive. I must tone my conversation down to be much simpler my dear. I do not mean to offend or rile you as it may appear. You are very sensitive and i will respect that. :)

Miss Devylish said...

Anonymous, 'my dear' -

Telling someone they have much to learn like you're the Yoda to their small wanna-be Jedi life would put anyone on the defensive..however, I did say come back anytime. But then your next comment says you must make your words simpler so that I'll understand and not sure you realize this, but that still comes across as condescending, tho I'm sure you mean no harm.. right? ;) Just sayin..

Anonymous said...

You said you are learning and trying to improve yourself (I take it) is the only reason I offer comments. Not to set you back, but to give you another view point.
No I don't mean any harm. I come across that way that you say. I am not certain how to do that in a way that does not trigger a defensive reaction in your responses. How about this.. What if, just "what if" I had Yoda like characteristics? Is that so wrong to be myself? It would be different if I was intentionally putting you down but I am not. "My dear" is meant as an endearment, not a put down. Hope you understand and do not take to heart my comments, they are meant to think about, not take to heart. Does that help? :)

Miss Devylish said...

Yes.. it does. Thank you..

Now, my personal Yoda.. what CAN you do about my love life? Hmm?


Anonymous said...

Well, if you can be more specific considering this is public, I will give you a thoughtful response.

Anonymous said...

I know a guy who took a stage-dive through life -- he's still flying, from sofa to sofa, continent to continent... you'll probably see him at Burning Man.

My stepbrother Chris has horses that live better than most people. Their stalls have heating and air-conditioning. They have their own washer and dryer.

I have a friend who went on the bartering tour with The Rainbow Family; she was off the books for a while.

When my family went to Thailand, we had no trouble smuggling ammunition because a friend knew the person in charge of customs at the Bangkok airport. As the tourists went through customs, we sat in the dignitary lounge while someone from customs brought us the gun mount in mom's suitcase and other unmentionables. Our hosts had enough wealth to not have to worry about fasion trends -- one of them writes a check for hundreds of thousands of dollars with a cheap bic pen.

Some friends of mine were raised on a Christian Commune that the IRS eventually confiscated - apparently they didn't charge eachother for services.

My point: you can drop out, or float above the rat race; it ain't the only game there is!