
Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Little Of Diss.. And Some Of Dat..

Thank you all for the get-well's and all that.. I'm FINALLY all better.. So much better.. that PMS decided there was room for it. Awesome.

Now.. please excuse the mishmash I will heretofore impart to you..

..but you can't blame me because thinking is becoming fogged in with The Grey that is the Seattle Weather System. The lack of the sun's Vitamin D is causing the natives to hibernate and zone out in front of uber-awful reality shows like 'The Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search For The Next Doll,' which I refuse to link to cuz hi.. one of the trashiest excuses for a tv show ever. I seriously was only innocently flipping thru channels and it came on after America's Next Top Model, which um.. no, is not any better and could someone PLEASE tell Tyra she's a wee bit too self-absorbed for her own good? Somebody??

Anyway, finding the 'next doll' quickly became a lot of skinny, immature (well, they're supposed to be since they're young(er)), and whiny under-25-year-olds auditioning for a single opening in this Isn't-Six-Too-Many-Girls-As-It-Is- And-How-Do-You-All-Manage-With-All-Your-
Hair-Products-Anyway group. While the lead singer of the PCD (yes, they call themselves that.. and the lending of their acronym to any number of STD jokes is all too easy.) might as well been created by her cosmetic surgeon. Good God, woman. Fake boobs, fake personality, fake face muscles.. I swear, she talked, but they didn't move.. could she be botoxing already?! All she could muster was a vapid expression when telling Punk Rock Girl With Incredible Sass that she loved her. LOVED her. Hm.. fake love too, I'm sure.

But the girl is hot. Like.. holy cow.. and always always in the center of every picture (I mean.. SIX girls.. and there's only ONE lead? Can the rest not sing? I don't get it.). Still.. I might like to look like her for five minutes, however, the girls auditioning are so infatuated with possible stardom that they're confusing the selling of sex for actual female empowerment, which they think the group stands for. Stands for? We are talking about a POP GROUP, right? I didn't hear mention of any non-profit status or giving some of their bank to charity so I'm going to guess the cause they are best at serving is probably their own and making themselves more world-reknown so they can become richer so they can afford more high-heeled boots and more hair products. I'm just saying.

Speaking of reality shows.. our adorable local boy, and my friend (yes, I had to add that in, didn't I?), Blake Lewis, has made it to the top 12 of American Idol (Can you believe that myspace page?! T-shirts already! I so want one! I know.. how old am I?!) Honestly, I hate watching the show, but I have to.. and Blake is talented.. tho he's got the female voting ratio locked up as well cuz he's quite the cutester. And tho I think Melinda will win the whole thing.. cuz damn.. that girl can sing.. I think Blake isn't hurting for doing well. Yay!


Alright.. enough of the cotton candy.. now for the hard stuff.

So, Emma has been thinking.. Emma, my cat. She has. She tells me these things. Shut up.. she does. So she said one day that she's grown tired of her blog. I know! Can you believe it? It's practically blog blasphemy! But I'd been harping on her to update.. I mean, hellooo.. it's been a while girl. But every time I asked when she was going to do it, she looked at me and yawned.. and then went back to sleep. I know.. no ambition. Actually, that's not true.. she's just.. pursuing other directions.. um.. not that she knows what those are yet, but she mentioned sleeping on them.

Thoughts? I mean.. she's a cat. With a blog. You knew it wasn't going to work.. but it's not like I could tell her that. She had to find out on her own. I can't protect her from making mistakes in life. As a mommy, that's just not right. I mean, she has kitty blogger friends like Lenman, Connor, and of course, Oscar, who inspired her to start writing in the first place.. and even they look like they've been on a bit of a winter hiatus. Ooh.. she likes that word.. hiatus.. she says to tell people that's what she's on. Yes.. fabulous. Good to know. *eye roll*


Can I please tell you that Snow Patrol seriously knows how to rock? Yes, I can tell you that because they do! I've almost lost track of how many times we've seen them (three, actually) in the last couple of years and I love them even more after seeing them than I thought I did especially when Gary asked some random girl to COME UP ON STAGE AND SING WITH HIM. And then we all become all high school and 17 because hi.. whyyyyyy wasn't that one of us?! Well, in Gary's defense, he couldn't see us.. tho our seats were fine seats, just you know, not front row. That's ok, we had 4th row in August, thanks to Irony who always pulls thru with the arrangements and from where we were so close we could see the sweat glistening off his forehead. I probably wouldn't even know who they are if Irony hadn't pointed me in the right musical direction from the very beginning.. She's always got her finger on the Music World's pulse, I tell you. She's hip. She doesn't even need a white belt to prove it.

And then, you know what else?? That handsome Brit, Sting, called me up and said he'd like to put on a show here.. possibly the second stop on his WORLD TOUR as part of The Police Reunion. And I strongly supported him and said he wouldn't even have to comp tickets for me.. I'd be at the first show, in my own neighborhood even, no matter what I had to pay.. and I'm SO excited I can hardly contain myself but we got tickets yesterday and they're great seats! Ahem - I mean, I texted Sting since we're cool like that and told him the date is set. He's very excited.


I'm out of here for the weekend.. it's taken me aaaaall day to write this.. soooo busy! Soooo headachy (WHERE do these headaches come from anyway? Are they gifts? Can I send them back?), and loooook at all these extra letterrrrs.. Going to grab a quick drink for a co-worker's going away party and then out for the night for the opening of the Solo Performance Festival (SPF) at Theatre Off Jackson where I'm setting up the opening night par-tay and where I'm also doing sound for each of Keith's and Mary's one-acts tomorrow - which translates roughly into me pushing 'Play' and 'Pause'. Awesome, right?

Hope you all have an adventure planned this weekend! Do tell me all about it! Mwah!


me said...

a) snow patrol does put on a darn good show!
b) america's next top model is my favorite guilty pleasure! I love it!
c)You're lucky the Police are coming to visit you...they have no ATL date and I'm so distraught!

Miss Devylish said...

kittenpower: a) glad you agree, b) I used to watch it but I just can't get over Tyra saying over and over and over 'you're still on your way to becoming America's next top model'. Don't the judges just want to kill her after saying that 24 times?? c) I so am! But they have to be coming somewhere near you, no??

me said...

Tyra does say it ALL the time! And it is annoying...but I find it ignorable.

The Police are headling the local 3-Day Festival (Bonaroo). But it's in Tennessee (I'm in ATL). And I'm kinda over the 3-Day Festival/camping thing. Been there, done that, got really dirty, had my things searched for drugs by peers while at show (thank god they didn't find them;), and had a fabulous time. I don't think I can top it. Plus, I'd have to take time off work and I'm all out of vacation days! Ugh. I'm thinking it may not be meant to be...
But who knows, maybe they'll release more dates??