
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Further Observations.. What? It's Not Like Anyone Is Reading These. Are you? My 4 Readers??

I wasn't really done with the first one apparently.

* Target brand floss is no second runner up to the Crest Glide. I have to be honest. Really not the same league at all. So take my advice, don't be cheap when it comes to your teeth. Spend the extra 79 cents or whatever and just get the Glide. Your gums will thank you. And get the mint. It's yummy.

* Girls, the Philosophy big gorgeous eyes mascara is my new favorite bit of make up. Holy crap my lashes have never been so long. They leave a little schmutz on my sunglasses they're so long! The eyes are popping all day, I tell you. It's insanity.

* Philosophy also has this AMAZING smelling scent called 'falling in love', I know.. cheesy, but it really is fucking fantastic.. and that's how I smell when I lather on the lotion I got as a free gift when I spent a kajillion dollars getting the perfumed oil and the lotion for Fatima's birthday.. and it wasn't really a kajillion dollars.. because I maybe didn't get her anything for Christmas so I really needed to make up for being a complete loser, but still, after she got everything full sized, I knew she wouldn't mind if I kept the freebie stuff and smelled just as good as she would. Blackberry and vanilla.. seriously, go get some now. It's all kinds of awesome. People will run to make out with you. Ok.. if they don't, they certainly should. I mean, if they're cute and all.

* ALSO, since we're talking girl stuff - the M.A.C. Plushglass lipgloss is pheNOMenal. Also also.. it smells like cake. I'm not kidding. They all do. How great is that?! That was the clincher on the sale for me since that is the best ever four-letter word, people. CAKE. Do you HEAR me?! I got it in 'Wildly Lush' and I have been lushing wildly ever since.

* Gorgeous eyes, lush lips, smells good and general all around bad-assness? I mean, why the hell am I still single?! And, yes - this was an official observation. It's asterisked, isn't it?

* Speaking of being available.. I just saw The Bourne Ultimatum.. and I decided I'm saving myself forever for Matt Damon. Ok.. no, not really. He's happily married with baby, but there is some oh-so clever ass-kicking all over the damn place.. and a lot of really hot go-get-em moments and yet none of Matt taking off his shirt or anything, which would've been more disappointing had all the action not sucked me in - but it really did. Action over shirtless Matt? Ok.. I'll take it.. not every day, but this was well worth it.

* Getting a pedicure in the peak of summer is what toes were made for. My feet are so pretty right now they should have their own musical. Even if I have to wear sneakers due to this winter-like weather that has suddenly afflicted us here, which = lame, my toes = still rad.

* I never did get my wisdom teeth removed as a kid because you know why?? Because I had braces for four and a half years. YEARS PEOPLE. You know how long 4 1/2 years is to a kid??? Well, it was the latter half of 8th grade and ALL of high school. When I was getting ready to leave for Norway they were still on and I made a special trip to Mr. Dentist and said, 'Look.. I am NOT going overseas with these babies still on. I think my teeth are straight enough, don't you? Let's get them off oh, say now. Yes?' And he complied. So you'll understand that I've been thru the ringer when it comes to orthodonture. Headgear, many teeth pulled all at once with tears streaming down my adolescent face while four or five doctors looked on, too many appointments for x-rays, novacaine, gauze and numbed and sagging lips and chins. I mean, I HATE going to the dentist, but I've got these top two wisdom teeth that are giving me a hard time. Instead of pointing straight down, they point outwards towards my cheek and always poke at me, like they're pulling a Jackie Chan and trying to kick their way out of my mouth. But you guys.. I'm scared. Do I have to go? Because - and you'll be shocked about this - I haven't been to the dentist in 10 years. Yes, believe it. Is that bad? Before that, it was another 10. Aaaaand the rest of my teeth are so pretty that passers by comment on them all the time and no one believes I haven't seen a dentist in ages (this is because I floss - ("Only floss the ones you want to keep," the last smartypants dentist told me) and use white strips) so you'd think I'd be covered right? Right? Do I really have to go? Ugh.. don't tell me.

* Last but not least, there is a new and exciting development in the works planning for a crazy little trip in just a few weeks and you'd never believe it because it includes things like 1) dirt and 2) camping, which are only high on my list of Things That Annoy Me Or That I Don't Really Like Doing. But, I've been coerced and actually bribed, which still has me shocked, by a couple of lovely girlfriends/cohorts and if I get the time off that I requested, at the end of the month we will all be among the masses here in the Nevada desert. For a week. God help me.

Now, can someone find me a cute boy who is not moving from the area, who isn't crazy with metaphysical spirituality, doesn't lie, doesn't drink too much, doesn't smoke at all, isn't 'working on himself', isn't flakey, isn't scared of the word 'plan' or doing that more than three hours in advance, is uber cute, adorable, funny, smart, thinks I'm all that and a bag of chips, laughs WITH me at all my 80's clichés and digs my Rod Stewart hair in the morning? Like.. before I'm 36 would be lovely. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Okay, you now have five readers and if I didn't view my life as a work in progress, and wasn't a touch crazy with the metaphysical, I'd say I was your boy, so sorry I can't help, but I still find you entertaining.

Anonymous said...

-The first half of this post doubled my estrogen levels. Thank you.
-Glad to hear the new Bourne movie is entertaining.
-I feel your dental pain...many years of tooth yanking, wires, etc.. You gotta go. Grab a good friend to take you there and fix you dinner after you get those teeth out.
-Finally, with my new found estrogen levels, I have tapped into my inner Miss Cleo. Dirt between your manicure toes will lead you to a dancing shirtless burning man of your dreams. Have fun!

Miss Devylish said...

kevin: Hi. You're new. :) Um. Ok, let me clarify. 'Work in progress' is fine. Great even. I'M a work in progress. Aren't we all? But when a man tells me I'm awesome BUT he has to 'go work on' himself.. well, you see where I'm going w/ this? Yes, he's probably lying, but still. That was what I meant by that. And the metaphysical spirituality is also fine. I need the hardcore Christians to stay away, but again, same guy used his evolved spirituality to say he wasn't the 'typical guy' and then proceeded to use an overly 'typical guy' excuse to not see me again. YOU are probably fine. Or better than fine. Hell, you might be perfect.

oneday: Oh come on. You are totally hot for your feminine side right now and you know it. And bite your tongue on the burning man of my dreams. Pixie said the same thing, but we are only hoping for an experience and.. to be able to say I survived the camping! ;)

Anonymous said...

I do feel pretty and I'm watching the Oxygen channel.

Uh oh.

P said...

Haha - during the girl bonding, camping fun, there's the convenient reality that you'll be tripping over about 20,000 men...

You may grow to love the outdoors, dear...


Anonymous said...

OMG, this thing is on! I didn’t realize this could be interactive. New, yes , 37 years new actually. You’re funny, your sarcasm seems to border on flattery. Perfect? Well I don’t know about that. If I was perfect then you wouldn’t have to go to Burning Man, endure the camping and dust, then your friends would be very upset with you and I wouldn’t get to read about what I think will be a funny as all hell blog entry. Can’t wait till Sept! Was I not supposed to use my real name?

Miss Devylish said...

oneday: Oh, don't lie. You're watching Lifetime.

pix: Oy.. I'm nervous I've already dated and discarded half of them and the other half are the ones who were never interested. We shall see my dear.

kevin: Whatever name works is fine. You could still be perfect and I would still go to BM because I was coerced by two very convincing gorgeous girls to do so. Ho's over bro's they say.. or someone does. But it doesn't take anything away from your perfect-dom I don't think. :)

Anonymous said...

I only watch Lifetime when 'Beaches' is on.

If this keeps up, I will be forced to go hunting or fishing with explosives to reestablish my Montana man-ness. So for the sake of the wee forest animals, please stop.

P said...

Darlin' - this will bring in some fresh non-Seattle blood for you. Less passive-aggressive Seattle. More other stuff.

**Note: I am online from Victoria because your blog is so addictively compelling. COMPELLING. Compelling, I say.

Miss Devylish said...

oneday: I was in Value Village today looking for BM attire and saw a whole VHS display w/ Beaches right in the midst and thought of you. I know you have the DVD so I didn't bother.

pix: Oh.. I know it and I am still worried. That's the last thing I need - half/all naked hot hippie boys who don't live remotely close.. Yeah, that'll do it.

Compelling. I think you're high right now.

Anonymous said...

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but you intrigue me so in the interest of not being passive aggressive this ex-east coaster wants to be put on that list of yours of men that you seem to be shredding. Just point me in the direction of your agent, automated online secure data analyzer or focus group and I’ll get my application in pronto. Hell, I think it just comes down to the fact that I adore your freckles.

Miss Devylish said...

kevin: Shredding? Well, I have men in my life who can't figure out if they want to be my friend, call me a friend but don't treat me as such, want to sleep w/ me even tho they aren't single, seem to want to lie because they can't bear telling the truth, but when I need them for support or to date, they run away or they're no where to be found. Forgive me for feeling frustrated. No, you don't want to be on that list.. I'm sure you're a better guy than that, but I can't promise anything you know, but you're more than welcome to use the email contact on the blog. And I appreciate the compliments. :)

Anonymous said...

So I have to weigh in on the dentist thing. I too had a Jackie Chan upper wisdom tooth, ‘though just the one (on the passenger side not the driver side – unless you’re in England). The problem for me was the sideways tooth created a ‘deep pocket’ (deep pockets – good for cash, bad for teeth) with the tooth adjacent to Jackie. When I finally got Jackie pulled, next-in-line-tooth also had to go.

Hopefully you don’t have the bad deep pockets and just the good kind. You should go. I can recommend a couple of good dentists.

Paul Barclay said...

Dentists are fun. No, wait, that's rollercoasters. I think I'm the dentist's battered wife. 16 years of abuse followed by 15 years of neglect, and I still keep coming back. Is there a support group for that?

Rigmor said...

I can only sympathise regarding braces! I had mine on for years too... and, wait for it, at the age of 26 I still have bloody babyteeth in my mouth! no wisdom teeth, though. Only stupid ones.

Miss Devylish said...

zymurgy: Welcome! Ugh. Deep pockets = scary. Ok. After the BM camping marathon, I will look into it. Y'all are scaring me.

paul: I bet there is. There's a support group for everything these days. :)

rigmor: You made me laugh outloud girl. That was cute!

Jake said...

You ARE all that, and a bag of chips...and a bag of Oreos too.

That "Burning Man" thing might be kind of freaky. I look forward to hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

I have this image of dentists going home at night and laughing about the pain the caused during the day. Yeah, they freak me out, too.

The whole summer flingless, romance-free summer? Yeah. . .

Anonymous said...

You may want to avoid a pretty good movie:

Novocaine (stars Steve Martin, Laura Dern, Helena Bohnam Carter).

Miss Devylish said...

jake: It's going to be freaky.. and all other kinds of things. I'm so excited! And thank you for the compliments sugar.. tho I'd rather be a bag of Reese's. Mm!

popeye: I know, they do freak me out. The summer hasn't been flingless.. just not fling-full enough for me. A weekend or one night fling is just not satiating, if you know what I mean.

oneday: I know! I haven't seen it yet, but I do hear it's good. Scary!

"the b" said...

Oops late to this party but I'm a reader too!

Burning man - I was reading about that the other day and it sounds like the craziest thing ever and totally cool. Please please please tell us all about it when you get back - and don't say the first rule of burning man is not to talk about burning man (it looked like that kind of party...)
