
Friday, August 24, 2007

Shed Your Skin

The 11th hour is quickly approaching. The errands are just about finished, supplies acquired, and lists are dwindling. The pre-meeting/packing bash with the other two partners in crime is set for tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. Pixie's place, who's very antsy to get going, I can tell from the multiple calls we're making back and forth.

These boots were a magic little expenditure that I felt I absolutely needed, not to mention the pink kitten hoodie hat complete w/ pink fuzzy tassles. And no, I won't be wearing just those, thank you.. It's not surprising every boy I discuss this desert party with directs the conversation immediately to how I will suddenly tear off my clothes and dance naked and free among 40,000 other naked and free people. Hi.. have we met? I'm just not a naked type girl. Underwear, most likely.. but naked? Probably not. Well.. just in a few instances.. where it's necessary of course.. not that showering will be one of those.

God.. I will survive this, won't I? Yes yes.. I will. Seven days. In the desert. For realz, Treena.

Speaking of.. in my absense, as sad as it is to leave all of you for the disconnected land of the sizzling and dusty playa, I have secured a couple of very friendly, very talented, as well as very attractive writers to take my place. Indiana, from The Dog's Name, will supply a little titillation as he is one of the best examples of the male perspective in the world of he said/she said. An Aussie man's man, is my guess.. tho we've never met in Real Life, but we've struck up a very real friendship in this virtual world and I'm honored he's going to grace my pages with his gifts. Wait.. that came out wrong.


Treena is an old friend from high school, goes by the alias, Ammogirl, and is funny as all get out. To this day I don't know how we weren't closer in school since we grew up to be basically the same person, tho she has the oddest phobias of lint, lettuce, moths.. you get the gist. But again, total crack up and it's a privilege for me knowing she'll step in later next week to keep you all entertained.

So be good my pretties. I will have many many tales of adventure when I come back completely exhausted, smelly and greasy.. but smiling, I'm sure. Be good, but not too.. if you know what I mean.. and I'm sure you do.

1 comment:

P said...

ONE MORE SLEEP UNTIL LAUNCH!!!! Your boots are rockstar and the kitty hat is almost too cute to handle. Too cute.

I just keep getting these emails from friends from all over the country that I haven't seen in the last year since the last BM. Each one is giving me their desert coordinates. Am I coming out again? Yes. It's magic. Sparkly magic. I'm so excited you're coming, honey!!!