
Monday, August 20, 2007

My New Favorite Fairy Tale

I have always loved fairy tales.. always been the little girl who wanted the prince to come find her. I admit it. I was one of those girls who loved unicorns and wished for wishes and fairy godmothers - and the luminescent skin all the heroines seem to come with. I rather thought I'd grown out of that tho I still treasure my little girl hopes. I was totally brought back to the age of seven when I adored the idea I could grow up to be a princess and live in a magical kingdom when I saw Stardust tonight. This is my new favoritest movie ever. It has everything a fairy tale should have - wicked witches, dashing, tho evil, princes, unicorns, pirates.. and an awkward boy who seizes his moment - and the girl no less - all just in time to save the day. There were campy moments within a very witty script, which kept the story from being overly cheesy and reminded me of the wryness of Princess Bride at times. Of course, there were a couple of holes Boz and I noticed.. but we let them slide because in fantasy land, not everything makes sense. Plus, it was just charming as hell. Go see it. See it twice even. I'm putting it on my wish list when it comes out on dvd.. my birthday is right around the corner.. hint hint..


Steph/ven said...

I haven't seen this film yet. However, I have read the book, which is very good indeed.

Anonymous said...

oh, so good to hear. i have been wanting to see this, and now i definitely will not pass it by.

Thomas said...

I was looking at your list of movies and was digging it. Office Space - great. The Hudsucker Proxy - funniest movie of the 90s. And Dogville - huh?

Miss Devylish said...

stephen: I have never heard of the book but just fell in love w/ this movie. It's stayed w/ me thru today.. I keep going back to this charming feeling. I'll have to check out the book too.

treenster: It's good.. take the girls.. or make John go. ;)

thomas: I loved Dogville.. all about how people change their perspective en masse. And it was done so theatrically, so original. It was a really stong film - deliberate and different. Loved every actor in it and how it was staged, but it was hard to watch at times too. Just amazing in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

One of my friends told me this movie was great.....

But she's a female....

I'm guessing if it's a fairy tale, it's pretty close to a "chick flick"?

Miss Devylish said...

slick: Yes, chicks will like it. In the realm of fantasy a la all the hobbit/adventure stories for sure, but certainly a bit more on the romantic side of things and as I said, more Princess Bride-ish. I think there's something in there for everyone. C'mon. Claire Danes is pretty hot.

Paul Barclay said...

The book is good. It's not as good as Good Omens, which you should definitely read, but few things are that good. I'd go with "date movie" rather than "chick flick" to describe the movie, as it's definitely not a sappy romantic dramedy. And yes, yay for Claire Danes. :-)