
Thursday, April 03, 2008


I closed a door today. I don't think he recognized it when it happened. I said I wouldn't be going away for the weekend with him because upon our return, we'd still be exactly where we were before we left. Nothing has changed about what I want.. or what he doesn't. So would a weekend trip change that? Unlikely. It's the same pattern we've had for six months. You'd think one of us would start to see it.

He later asked how I was doing and I didn't really want to talk. I mean, what would I say that I hadn't said prior - that had already not made a difference the first time? Second time? And why was I feeling more and more sad about the whole thing?

Because I guess I love him.



No. Loved. Or it will be that way.. eventually. Whatever.

He wasn't really getting why I was down and I just couldn't explain it.

I said, 'I'm letting you go. I think you need to do the same.'

And I let that sink in.....

He replied, 'Ok.'

I might've cried at that point. It's unclear. The only witness was the cat and she's not talking.


Indiana said...

Moving on, and leaving something that lessens us and that is less than what we desire is the stronger and braver act.

Anonymous said...

{virtual hug}

Miss Devylish said...

indi: Thanks sugar. I needed that. Hugs to you. xo

anonymous: Thank you!

kario said...

I'm giving you a standing ovation over here. Can you feel it? I am so proud. Good for you. Yes, you.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I just go an email, with video, from some cat. Cats cannot be trusted.

Miss Devylish said...

kario: Of course I can feel it. Thank you sugar.. Love you!

popeye: Heh.. I will be investigating that.