
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

That's It, I've Got The Plague

OHMYGOD WHO is ready to NOT be sick anymore??! I'll give you one guess.

You would've thought things might've quieted down, that drama would have subsided for a while and shockingly.. wait for it!.. you would be right! In fact, it's actually damn boring these days.. but Lo! Behold! Ack! And there I go, catching the friggin flu. Again. SECOND time in TWO months. And I'm still coughing like a wretched TB patient. COULD IT STOP?! Anytime would be great. My sides are also crying in unison 'Oh ow! A thousand times ow!' 

I stayed home with a minor sore throat last Monday, went back to work feeling fine til Wednesday morning when by an hour after arriving, just blinking my eyes hurt. I was hot then cold, woozy and whiny. I left before 10am, had an appetite when I came home, ate something and went to bed. That was the last day I remember being hungry til this Monday. I did have some really nice dreams while in and out of fever sleeping and of course got a nice reprieve from work - tho a little overkill with this virus for sure. I was practically begging to go back sooner because five full days of this and I was climbing the walls. I mean.. have you SEEN what's on daytime tv? Oh dear God. I can't even discuss it.

And if I'm going to have the flu - fine. But leave me at least one good nostril to breathe thru. Congestion, sure. It sucks ass.. but both nostrils shut down for the better part of two days? Did I just descend into the 4th level of Hell? Because I thought I was going to go batshit. And you know there are things in the store that relieve this symptom? Yes, there are! But you know what else? If you use them longer than three days, your wee little snout gets addicted. Addicted?! Yes! Like.. even when you're not sick, your nose continues to be congested all on its own! Like magic!  Why why WHY do they make things like this?! That makes no sense to me! But hey! It worked! Air! I could breathe! I was so frickin scared my nose would end up in rehab tho that I found this 12 hour Sudafed the doctor said to take instead. Also, note to self: Don't take this at say.. 7pm. That would've been helpful since the idea at night is to eventually sleep.. if sleep ever came.. but it didn't. Ever. At all. 

Thank God for distraction because between the sniffling and the channel surfing, I had The Tudors! As in DREAMY! Have any of you seen this? It's about Henry VIII and his reign starting near the end of his first marriage and taking a few creative liberties in keeping him young and roguishly handsome while he woos Anne Boleyn. I believe he was a lot older when that happened and tho some facts remain the same, they do fudge a lot of accuracies historically, which I wish they wouldn't do. Still.. in three words: HOT HOT HOT. Or if you ask Shine, who went with three different words because she's always over-achieving that one: well-written, addicting, and.. British. Um.. ok. Whatevs. We'll go with it. I would agree with her, but I don't know that it matters because I'm usually so distracted looking at Henry Cavill that I'm not always paying attention to what his philandering Charles Brandon, the Duke of Suffolk, is saying. I mean, can you blame me? Oh it doesn't matter cuz I don't care. That boy is fierce.

The counseling is going well and from that, I find I'm getting past the conflicts at work because they've mostly died down now and moving on to the standard love life complications - or lack thereof. I mean, you have to have a love life to have complications. And you know.. I'm kind of tired of talking about the men in my life who want to show affection, want to live in the moment, and want no further attachments or responsibility beyond that. I need to get beyond that and them and focus on me. I still have work to do. Five sessions doesn't an enlightened person make. I mean, don't get me wrong.. I'm almost there.. you know.. enlightenment is right around the corner for me people. Don't be jealous tho. I can put in a good word for you with the Pope. Oh yes I can. He's here you know. Ok.. he's not HERE per se.. but you know.. he's everywhere so.. 

And for the love of Pete.. er.. the Pope.. whatever.. I'm signing off for the night. Take your vitamins, kittens!


"the b" said...

Heh heh heh... this chimes with me. You know that old thing people say about needing to be happy with yourself before you can find a man? Well a) I reckon it's rubbish anyway but b) look at the irony... you might be single and miserable for YEARS (yes years) trying to resolve your feelings and the minute you learn to live with it of course some bloody man comes along and turns you topsyturvy with no guarantees as to how long they're going to stick around...


Anonymous said...

Heal up! Thanks for the good thoughts on my posting.

And I'd like a cup of enlightenment on the side (I'm willing to wait until you are able to breathe through one nostril). Not that you need health suggestions from an enlightenment-parasite, but I use the nettie pot...kinda gross, but it works.

Anonymous said...

the old formula sudafed you have to ask for is way better than the new stuff on the shelves. Sounds like you got the old stuff if it kept you up. It's magic! Hope you feel better soon.

kario said...

Oh, baby! I am so sorry this crud held on for so long. I am pleased that The Tudors kept you somewhat occupied, though.

Take it easy, my dear, and give yourself the weekend to recover slowly.

Sending love and light.

Miss Devylish said...

the b: I hear you there.. AAAGH.

oneday: Uh.. the nettle pot? I'll leave that to you. ;)

flatgreg: Ahhh.. the old stuff! Yeah the doctor didn't tell me that. Bastard! I'll make a note! Thx!

kario: Thanks sugar.. but how are you? Can you hear yet?? xo

Cameltrooper said...

I hope you're feeling better these days MissD.
