
Monday, April 06, 2009

A Good Day

I'm feeling listy today.. and that's long overdue.. 

What makes a good day? I'll tell you:

* Feeling the first REAL day of spring - almost summer-time weather in Seattle.. a lovely 65 degrees that built into around 72. 

* Wearing sandals.

* Feeling like for once, I got enough sleep.

* Not yawning all day or feeling like I need a pick-me-up cup of Earl Grey.

* A good, long cardio-ish walk around my office's neighborhood for lunch instead of going to the gym. I got a little color on my face, broke a sweat, ran stairs and took in all the blooming trees and gorgeous water view of Lake Union. 

* Taking a picture of my lunch destination, under the University Bridge, where there's a pretty view of the canal and the pink trees and weeping willows to send to Boyfriend. 

* Opening the windows at work and feeling the breeze.

* Having a good day at work and feeling productive.

* Eating a yummy sandwich. 

* Feeling appreciated.

* Feeling pretty.

* Humming.

* Actual singing.. like.. loudly.. 

* Leaving work and feeling like the day wasn't and still isn't wasted.

* Driving with the window down and the sunroof open.

* Hearing church bells loudly as I drove by playing in time with the song playing in my car. It's kind of awesome.. I felt like the queen or something.

* Happy scooter people.

* Kids playing little league baseball.

* Watching Emma Kitty take another tentative visit outside our new apartment because my front door is wide open to let in the light and the sun and the warmth.

* The curried chicken salad I'm just minutes away from buying at Madison Market right before I'm headed to rehearsal tonight. 

* Honey Dijon Kettle Chips.

* Passover treats from the Boyfriend.

* Sweet notes of condolences from the Mom of said Boyfriend.

* The smell of my neighborhood from all the pink trees, magnolias and dogwoods.. God, it's fantastic.. 


Buzzdome said...

"Feeling the first REAL day of spring - almost summer-time weather"
"Driving with the windows down"

THIS. Yeah for happy days.

Daren said...

Nice list, thanks for sharing. Not sure wearing sandals has ever made me happy, but there you go.

Have fun!


Miss Devylish said...

buzz: Aww.. thanks hon. xo

dazza: If you lived in Seattle, you'd understand the appreciation we have for getting to wear sandals when it rains practically 10 mths out of the year here. It's nice to have toes that get to breathe and celebrate spring too! :)