
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This isn't the real thing, but I promise it's coming!

Ok ok ok! I didn't fall off a cliff or anything and I know you're all just DYING right where you STAND of curiosity over what happened in Vegas.. and for the love of everything that's good and holy.. I'm working on it.. really and truly! Let me give you the break down of the last week tho:

Monday: Day off for Vegas recovery - no computer. You people KNOW I haven't yet found the Sugar Daddy store or the Free Computers and Free Money For Angel store so, you know.. issues there.

Tuesday thru Friday: Work work work, blah blah blah - fighting off cold attempting to attack my oh-so-innocent immune system and not doing a very good job of it.

Wednesday night: Saw boy for second time since break up in January and the evening went well actually - much LOST and Vegas catching up and positive feelings after.

Thursday: Um.. yeah.. screwed the positive feelings apparently.. could I have cried like 8 rivers? ALL. DAY. LONG?! Probably.. but this was also attributed to girly hormones and not just the company of the ex the prior evening.. honest! I mean, estrogen and progesterone are very powerful forces in a woman's body. We could be superheroes.. if crying during those cotton commercials saved the world from evil or something..

Friday: Better - also, cool banquet my friend Matt took me too and random university party after where I felt sorta old. Sniffles and general achyness finally took over.

Saturday: Again, no computer on weekends kids - and off I went to Woodinville to see my friend Kari and her darling family. Was tortured by cuteness of Erin and Lauren, ages 6 and 3 respectively, who begged, pleaded, and bribed with adorable dancing and acrobatic feats in order to get me to stay over night. I mean.. what's an auntie to do under such extreme circumstances? Deny them?! Oh right. YOU try it.

Sunday: After breakfast with the girls and leaving Erin in a puddle of tears (knowing full well this was my fault since she's clearly inherited her auntie's drama-queenness) upon my departure, there was much oohing and ahhing during the late-morning manicure had by me and Ironika B. I was then supposed to hit Bainbridge Island to see yet another niece I haven't yet met, but plans were changed and my schedule was revised to errands about town, then back to Ironika's for a little Pride and Prejudice which was actually very funny and don't let it fool you, a total chic flic.. and then right off to a drink with Keither, for brotherly mentor-ish career advice til late in the evening.

And hi.. we are then back to the work week where people are thinking of quitting (not me) and I have a doctor appointment for possible hip issues cuz I'm apparently 78 and not really 34, and there's another girlfriend in crisis.. I mean, if there was a way to create three of me minus the part where I talk so much, it could really be useful!

Hope you are all well and I'll catch up with you soon.. promise!


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Awe, what cuties!

Hip issues? As if you're not hip enough, trying to get it injected no doubt.

anywherebutTX said...

Angel?? Devylish? Very funny....

chindi said...

Ahh, kids, it's what I did this weekend too. I had mine and they climbed trees and I posted pictures of them (which I don't normally do).

Anonymous said...

Did you breathe in there somewhere? Hope your immune system is doing better, and the neices will remember your caving to their cute pressure forever. You are the greatest auntie ever!