
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

LOST, Dreams, And Lost Dreamy Dates. Yes, I Know.. You So Wish You Were Me!

Ok.. hi.. who the hell can sit still with what has happened on Lost???!! I don't see anyone talking about it.. and here I was, sitting here, not watching the one from last week cuz it was recorded on my oh-so-snazzy DVR gadgety thing and I'd heard it was so good and stuff happened.. STUFF PEOPLE! And I finally saw it last night! What the...??! No one TOLD me it was THAT good! Ok ok.. Loren did.. but I thought.. they've teased us left and right and left us with mysteries all over the place.. but noooooooooo! This one was revealing! They told us things! THINGS PEOPLE! I can't even go into it all it was so much! And I'm watching the new one RIGHT NOW (well.. not by the time you read this.. duh)!!


Ok.. calming down.. breathe.. until, you know.. the commercials are over.

Other than that, yours truly has been quite the busy bee.. moving mountains, saving the world.. well, one little broken heart at a time. Have you noticed this? It's going around.. break ups all over the place.. hiding amidst frolicking pregnacies and engagements. It's weird. Is it a strange hiccup of spring? Spring should be happy and light, which = good! Not all dreary and grey, which = bad.. argh! But I'm hoping within the bad there can be found a fresh start and that this is an especially good thing in the long run for my friend who's having a hard time of it right now.. and I should also send an extra virtual squeeze to the one who narrowly escaped such finality.

On the brighter side, there was much celebrating at Wazhma's store, Retail Therapy, where she had her three year anniversary last Friday. If you haven't been in yet and you live here, you really have no excuse. She has all kinds of gifty girly things, not to mention it's where Pixie gets all her sexy undies.. Ooh!

AND speaking of our fair Pixie, she showed up to Wazhma's big event and inundated me with a lovely little piece of bling from the French Riviera (I have no idea if that is capitalized or not.. but we're going with my grammar gut) from her most recent trip to far off foreign countries.. like um.. France. Ooh and my bling is soooo pretty! It's better than regular bling.. it's like superbling! There must be a belated birthday gift I can come up with for my adventurous friend, but oh, I'm afraid it would lack the same kick as what she's already surprised me with.. but then again, maybe a sunny afternoon of catching up over lunch will do.

I did have a couple of early morning setbacks this weekeend.. vivid dreams on Saturday morning involving the ex and another friend, both in different scenarios, both having lied to me, and of course, the ex's being more painful and harder to shake once I awoke. Tho I knew each situation hadn't actually happened, the feelings of betrayal remained nonetheless. And I wondered what my subconscious was trying to work out or what it was trying to tell me - and about who. Myself? Random friends or strangers? The specific ones who occupied my dreams? Or do I just chalk it up to over-thinking and let them go (the dreams, that is.. tho probably parting with the people might help too - sigh..) ? Dreams with similar messages aren't something I usually have.. and I actually had three of them, but can't remember the third for some reason.. and still, I paid attention cuz.. well.. it felt like I should. They all circled around the same idea so there must be something I'm struggling with.. right? So.. um.. tune in NEXT episode when my personal writers frickin reveal it!

Overall tho, days are shiny, girl is fairly sparkly - if still in dire need of a foil and dye before Mom's upcoming nuptials - but hey, that's not bad. So maybe the dating options have become non-existent.. pffft.. whatever. The last one blew me off before we even officially met - yes he was one of those PYMotI's - People You Meet on the Internet (another something I've stolen blatantly, and probably badly at that, from our little English bird, Léonie (which, incidentally.. girl, I get a lot of good shit from you.. what is up with that??)). And you know.. it's fine. The choices aren't all that compelling anyway and if they were, they might try a bit harder or stick around a little longer.. or be a little less gay-er/duller/childish/obsessive.. you know.. some of those things just aren't appealing. I know.. call me crazy.

But hey, dating is way overrated. Trust those of us who are professionally single.. really, it is. And besides, I have lots of friends who need an ear, nieces who need entertaining (not tattoos or piercings as their mother might believe I would allow.. ahem..), and a stunning dress in which I must look fabulous very soon so some gym time will be clocked. Things to do people.. things to do!

But um.. hey, if you know anyone you might want to set me up with.. I could sure use a date to that wedding..


MrCatalyst said...

PYMotI's? I like that.

Another person who raves about LOST. I know if I started watching, I'd get sucked in!!!

kario said...

Love to set you up with someone, but all the single guys I know are six and under (years, not feet). Glad things are sparkling again for ya - you happy = big happy for my family for sure! Now go read my blog and comment, dammit! I've gotten lots of readers but nary a comment in the last week, arghh!

Anonymous said...

Angel darling,

Due to the nature of my job demographics, I happen to know a PLETHORA of single men. See, yet another reason to come to Italy and visit!

anywherebutTX said...

I gave up on Lost about a month ago.... NOTHING was happening..... And then last night I was flipping and stopped for a second and wow!!! It was GOOD!!!

And yes... set ups are much welcomed for me right now too!

Léonie said...

You're welcome to steal anything you like from me. Although actually I didn't coin that phrase. I mentioned on my blog that I was going to meet a Person I Met On The Internet, and then the next time I met up with him and someone asked how we met he said, I'm her PIMOTI, or something along those lines. All credit must go to him.

Although he isn't here so I'll step in and take the credit. Very noble of me.

I'd set you up with people but they'd all be in London. Which is really far from you. I heard it's like a three hour drive or something. Not practical.

P said...

Darn it - blog comments aren't working lately. Anyhoo...never seen Lost girl - I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. The Tv-less folk are the truly lost. :)

Yeah to panties and lunches and blingie things!
--The narrow escaper

L said...

I'm a huge Lost it, love it, love it and I can't wait to see what happens next!