
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Meme-ry.. All Alone In The Bloglight..

Yes.. I'm retarded.. but I still came up with the idea of starting our own orignal meme.. whatever the hell that word means. And I've gathered some questions from a few of the blogger girls around the world - seriously, they are around the world you know - and then passed the torch so maybe they'll humor me in this very silly little game and post their answers too. They know who they are but they're all on my list of recommended reads.. Go find 'em!

If you, dear reader, would also like to take part.. knock yourself out.. not literally of course.. do be careful with yourself.

* Dislaimer: I do not pretend to have made up all these questions, nor to be responsible if they suck.. but um.. they don't.


1. What is the dish you take to every potluck?
My homemade rockstar hummus.. cuz it rocks or the not so homemade but out-of-the-Knorr-box spinach dip that pretty much kicks ass.

2. Have you ever seen or felt a ghost, angel, spirit, or some sort of other-worldy being?
I feel like there are a few times I've seen strange little strings of light that were so bright I thought they were a glare from the window but they were in odd spots - like the glimmer of light off a single thread of a spider web.. I can't really explain it, but I felt they were not of this world.

I also had a very powerful dream of my father a month or so after he died where he told me to make sure Mom was happy and that I made myself happy. When I woke up, I knew he'd been in the room, somehow. His energy was just dissipating and the room was tingling.

3. Would you rather never workout again and be skinny forever or be able to work out whenever you wanted to and be a little overweight?
Um.. hi.. skinny forever.. and never work out.. that'd be rad!

4. What is the hardest thing you think you've experienced so far?
Death - physical or even the deaths of any relationship, friends and/or lovers.. The death of my good friend Nic at only 26. The deaths of my maternal grandfather, father, and paternal grandmother within 5 months of each other, followed by the break up of my boyfriend at the time and I the following month after that.

5. Do you like Snoopy or Woodstock better?
Hm.. this is tough. I think Snoopy cuz he's rather independent even if he needs Charlie Brown to feed him. And I played him in a musical my senior year in high school. So I'm sorta biased.

6. Can you talk and eat at the same time? And if so, can people understand you?
Yes I can.. I'm a talker. I've honed the skill of eating and talking at the same time.. but I think people can only understand me in relation to how long they've known me.. like learning a language, the more they've been around me, the more they understand what I'm saying when my mouth is full.... hm.. that came out wrong I think.

7. If you could be good at any profession, which would you choose and why?
I still would love to be a successful rockstar.. well, once I learn to magically play the guitar, I think that will happen for me. Just like that.

8. Would you rather be a Playboy bunny or a Hooters girl?
Playboy bunny by far.. they don't really have to work, do they?

9. Peanut butter – crunchy or smooth?
I like them both, but prefer smooth.

10. Bad boys, frat boys, intellectuals or dorks?
Dorks and bad boys.. never liked the fratty ones, tho they look cute til they start talking.. and tho I do like a good smarty pants.. the intellectuals often are a bit too pretentious for me.

11. Name 6 people, alive or dead, you'd like to invite to dinner.
Queen Elizabeth I, Tom Stoppard, William Shakespeare or the Duke of Oxford (cuz honestly, I think the Duke actually wrote all of Shakespeare.. but that's another question for later cuz you don't care do you?), Robin Williams, Katherine Hepburn, and Jon Stewart.

12. This is a two parter, and be truthful – when you are by yourself, do you get a 6 inch or a 12 inch sandwich from Subway? How about when you are with your friends?
Only Treena would come up with this one.. um.. 6 inch.. but now.. I'm assuming this is 'for realz' girl and not some.. um.. suggestive question.. How the hell can you eat a 12" sandwich? That's what we should be asking.

13. What was the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you?
Todd punched me once.. I remember that.. all I know is I was always getting into trouble for not getting chores done when I always did my chores and he screwed around all day.. Spoiled brat he was.

14. Location of the best sex you've ever had?
With the most recent ex and anywhere we had it. Seriously.. that good.

15. Oddest place you've ever had sex?
A graveyard - um.. it was very dark, ok? Spontenaity people..

16. If you were super drunk, and REALLY had to pee, but all the toilets were being used, would you consider alternate receptacles, i.e. the mens, outside, a sink?
Done the men's room before.. but um.. other than that.. outside.. no sink action.. ew ew!

17. If you had to pick, classical or jazz?
Classical... probably Chopin or Mozart.. love it.

18. What's your favorite kind of pizza?
Vegetarian.. w/ pepperoni. Mmmmmmm!

19. Ever flirted with a friend's significant other?
Probably, but not in a way that anyone would think I was doing anything devious.. harmless.. I would never do that to a friend.

20. What was the blog site or blog post that began your interest in blogging? Please add the site name and link to specific post if possible for completely entertainment purposes.
Miss Doxie was the first ever blog I discovered cuz a friend sent me a link to her post about seeing The Graduate, starring Morgan Fairchild, on stage. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to fall out of my chair.. I've read just about everything she's ever written since and convinced most of my office and friends to do so as well. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it.. That girl = funny.

21. Have you ever eaten a whole bag of Marshmallows?
Um.. no.. and ew!

22. Last time you drank so much that you had to throw up?
I think a couple of years ago.. a girlfriend and I went out to EMP with no intentions of drinking til we were sloshed.. had 3 drinks unbeknownst to us that the martinis were always served as doubles.. Oy.. accidental hangover for Miss D.

23. Do you have a stupid human trick you can do if you ever get on Dave Letterman? And do tell, if so!
I'm pigeon-toed enough that I can sit on my knees, turn out my legs to the side with the toes completely pointed in and then can bring my legs all the way in til my toes touch. It grosses everyone out and looks like my legs are broken. Hee!

24. Describe your perfect day.
Let's see.. I'm in the south of France with the person I love, just after a lazy morning, having petite déjeuner under a gorgeous sky with friends and family on their way. Oh and I've just become independently wealthy and quit my job.

25. Do you think the concept of a single best friend is outdated and unrealistic?
Single? Probably outgrown more than outdated.. I have varying degrees of best in my friends, but they all know how much they mean to me.

26. What about the idea of one true love?
I do believe in that - however, I don't think we're limited to loving only one person throughout our lives and sometimes, I don't think we're meant to be with one person forever.. I'd like to believe that's the case, but I also haven't found that person for me either. One day.

27. One of your favorite memories of all time?
When I turned 21, I was in college and living in Ashland. My closest friends and roommates at the time, Stephanie, Nic, and Keith were there.. and I believe a couple of others. Nic, who'd been a lover for a short time prior to us being roommates, and I had always had a strong connection since we'd met but we'd also had the uncanny ability to completely irritate the other any time one of us wanted. But that night, he suggested to the group that we play a game. They would go around the circle and let everyone know what their favorite thing about me was and the only catch was that I had to sit there, unable to say anything, and listen. I was so overwhelmed with how much he cared, I must've turned 7 shades of red. However, I can't, to this day, remember what his favorite thing was.. or anyone's for that matter. It was really the idea behind the game that mattered the most and I felt so special and loved. I'll never forget it.

28. What is your least favorite physical feature about yourself?
The fact I'm slightly pigeon-toed and it affects the way I walk. I hate it.

29. What's your most favorite?
Hm.. tie between my eyes and my smile.

30. If you had one wish for making the world a better place, what would it be?
That we could all agree that it's ok if we think differently and then the anger between people and countries would subside into a peaceful happiness where we could all co-exist at the same time.

31. What traits, good and bad, from your family do you posses?
Being adopted.. I have to guess a little, tho some are definitely behavioral and learned from my current family:
Good: Happy, energetic, kinda smart, thoughtful, empathetic and compassionate, and super soft skin
Bad: Procrastinator, negative at times, lazy at others, whiny, impatient, and short to name a few.

32. When was the last time you played a board game, which one, and with whom?
I think it was about a month ago with my friend Matt - we played cribbage at 611 Supreme. He tried to get me back for the last time we played on St. Patrick's Day at the Pacific Inn where I literally creamed him.. it was awesome. And, for the record, he did beat me this last time, but not like the creaming I gave him.. aw yeah.

33. Name some person/place/thing currently that infuriates you.
The current president of America.. grrrrr!

34. Name some person/place/thing currently that makes you happy, deliriously or otherwise.
This gorgeous weather and feeling lighter than I have in the last 3-4 months.

35. Ever been in a car accident? If so, how many and spill the details.
Oy.. a few.. Mostly fender benders when I was younger.. and one here when I was texting while driving. Dumb! The last one was worse tho, about 5 years ago now when I turned too sharply in an exit and lost control of my car, swerving so much I couldn't regain control. I gave up and slammed sharply into the barrier and promptly freaked the fuck out. Within 5 minutes, I couldn't lift my head cuz I had some lovely whiplash.. but nothing that muscle relaxants and ibuprofen couldn't address. Course, nothing could save the car. It was totalled.

36. What's your favorite word?


Anonymous said...

Nothing suggestive with the sandwich question, I was in the grip of raging pms when I wrote these, remember? Food was my obsession. And, duh, of COURSE I can eat a 12" sub, AND the chips, and still be hungry. Bottomless pit, here.

Wendy said...

Texting while driving? I didn't realize that was even possible....

anywherebutTX said...

I HAVE to see that stupid human trick!!! It sounds painful....

lady miss marquise said...

Okay lovely ladies. I have done my interviews and looking for jobs palava already today so I'm taking my unemployed ass down to the beach to write these out...

Miss Devylish said...

Treena: I never knew you ate like that girl.. hm.. the things you find out. Course I'm not much different.

Wendy: Yes, trust me, you can.. or rather, maybe I can't.. which is why the accident.

Mandy: Well, get up here girl. Will be happy to comply. It doesn't hurt me.. just looks awful.

LadyMiss: Yeah.. get on it girl!

chindi said...

I would put this on my blog, but I have Europe travel stories and pictures:
1. Cookies - I make a pretty mean chocolate chip cookie and I have even been known to use flavored chocolate.
2. Yes.
3. Never work out and be skinny (but not too skinny like the movie Thinner).
4. A cheating wife.
5. Woodstock just because he kind of flutters around.
6. Yes, but I try not too.
7. I'd want to be the president of some large multi-national corporation.
8. Uhm...neither.
9. I can do either but prefer smooth.
10. Smart girls are a turn on.
11. James Stewart, Jesus, Cleopatra, The lead singer of bad religion, Jim Morrison
12. 6 inch sub.
13. My brother hit me in the head with a mini baseball bat and I had to get about 8 stitches.
14. IN the care in the woods.
15. A girlfriends parents bed while they were home downstairs.
16. The world is my urinal. THe #2 would be more difficult.
17. Classical
18. Pepperoni and extra cheese (also not sure how you can call a pizza vegetarian if it has pepperoni).
19. Not intentionally.
20. My friend Jon. exhibit5a
21. no.
22. Last Monday. But I didn't throw up.
23. It would be hard to explain but I can get out of handcuffs.
24. Winning the lottery.
25. I think there is someone you ALWAYS go to for everything and then there are others that you only go to with certain things.
26. Definately (no matter what has happened)
27. The births of my children.
28. My hair (damn callic)
29. my brain.
30. Equality.
31. weak teeth being the biggest bad and the best would have to be the jack of all trades thing my whole family seems to poses.
32. Trivial Pursuit (which I won) about a month ago with my friend Ashley.
33. My boss.
34. My 3 kids particularly Ava.
35. I flipped a car at 16, hit a bus at 17 and rear ended someone (slipped on ice) 2 years ago.
36. damn

Pomgirl said...

I loved your answer to 27. What a great memory to have (even if you can't remember all of it!).

And I nearly invited Katherine Hepburn to dinner too...

This was a really good meme, methinks.

*pom hugs*


Anonymous said...

No blog so I'll leave mine here:
1. I don't repeat dishes. Last potluck I took pasta w/ fennel and olives.
2. Yes, I had an imagination as a kid.
3.Hello? Who came up with #3. I'd rather be thin but I choose to not work out=comfortably chubby.
4.(The fear of) child birth followed very close by parenting....
5.Scooby Doo. ;-)
6.No. Sometimes I can't even think and talk at the same time.
7.Racing. Wouldn't that be so cool to be the best, legally break the law and get paid for it?
8.Playboy Bunny. Fantasy of mine. I'm too (old) fat.
9. smooth
10. anyone who flatters me (yes, I'm that introverted)*grimace*
11. too much brain power required. Rod Steward Miss D? For real?
12. 6 inch, chips,drink
13. Badger, bully!!, boss, etc.etc. I hated him but were ok now.
14. In bed with husband. It can be that good people!
15. On the beach. Drunk. With future husband. ha! I puked. He held my hair. That's love.
16. yes, would consider it. am I alone? Sink - no.
17. classical
18. Hawaiian
19. No
20. I'm a reader not a writer
21. No but since having children I do have a plain marshmallow every now and then.
22. Not within the last 3 or 4 years at least. Possibly longer. However I am guilty of drinking excessively while pregnant but I didn't know that I was pregnant at the time. I probably puked. That was 6 years, eight months ago.
23. No as stupidity itself is just too boring. Can we have a pictures of yours?
24. Real or fictional? I'll one up Doug: Multi-million lotto all to myself. I don't play so not likely. Or how's this for dreamin: In bed and catered to? Yeah baby.
25. Start with one and go from there? As an adult "best" friend says tunnel vision to me.
26. Yes, bless those who are so lucky. It's still work to "keep that lovin feelin".
27. How about, "Where were you on your 21st birthday" instead? More fun that way. Hmmm..fav memory: Lovin on my hubby and really good snow.
28. Can we apply for Miss/Mrs. America with 28-31?
32. Last week. Life. With my son.
33. Hubby. DAoC. I'm a gamer widow every night at 8. My 6 year old at times.
34. My silly kids.
35. Yes, as a passenger (cross my fingers). Side on with my boss of all people (not his fault). No injuries.
36. I love swear words. A really good one releases a lot of stress. Unlike my better half I'm good about not doing this around the kids.
36? we were going for a good 3 doz. eh? Now you know it all. Thanks and Goodnight.

Anonymous said...

Okay yeah, my Bad....Jon vs Rod. Thank God. I'd had a few OK. So sue me.

Anonymous said...

I really loved your meme. I'm definitely going to do it, but I want to put some actual thought into it. Not enough sleep for that sort of thing at the moment I'm afraid...