
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Drink, A Club, And A Set of Fluffy Knickers

Last Thursday I got an email from our fair little Pixie informing me of something called Seattle Urban Golf. Hmm, said I. Just like that. Hm.. this sounds.. interesting. And a couple of emails to Ms. Ironika and back to Ms. Pix, and before I knew it, Team Fluffy Knickers was born and greatness embarked upon!

Our big event took place on Saturday afternoon with a mass of costumed fanatics, including ourselves, dressed for the occasion. The burners arrived with their highly equipped golf cart that was dressed more for getting round the playa than making its way round a few city blocks, but they managed just fine.. yes they did.

The idea was to get thru 9 holes in and around the Capital Hill area.. each hole ending at.. oh.. a bar! Because if you have incentive, then it makes the golfing that much more fun - not that we needed incentive to have fun - we were golfing with plastic hockey sticks for children after all.. The first hole was um.. not so tough.. just a few short yards away and I think we walked further to the bar beyond the hole than it took to get to the hole itself! So I took my time.. what? Like we were in a hurry?? But we got going.. and phew! We made it to the first bar and first round of drinks.

We managed quite a bit with our original team of 6, tho we were added onto twice by the organizational leaders and made into 10 quickly. Two of them seemed to disappear as fast as they joined.. but they found others with whom to bond behind us. And everyone made friends cuz what is golfing AND drinking without a bit of friendly? I'll tell you.. dull, people. You're simply a drunk in plaid.. and that's just not ok.. no no, it is not.

Please note Blogger is suddenly not letting me upload pictures anymore and hellloooo Blogger PEOPLE... I'm so NOT happy about this, like AT ALL! Grrr! So due to technical difficulties to no fault of my own, thank you, I will continue on without the visual examples since my post has already been delayed and instead, will be forced to submit y'all to more sarcasm than usual.. yes, I will. Hey.. blame Blogger..


Pretty much after the first hole, guesstimates of scores were tallied. My first one? I think it was 4 strokes... times 12. It didn't really matter since by hole 5 or 6 we started noticing people we'd never seen before. At first we thought they must've started after us and because of our dallying, drinking, and nacho-ordering so as to absorb what was beyond my already 12-year-old girl tolerance to alcohol, that they must've caught us.. but nope that was wrong, as I found out when bothering asking them myself. No indeed.. they'd started well before us.. like an hour. We simply mastered the cement greens and thoroughfares too skillfully- and I think eventually, we just really wanted to be done (hi, those boots ain't made for that much walkin') - that we surpassed all but one team by the end - six hours later.. yes, really, it took that long.

The height of the buzz surrounding the event as well as caused by many a potent libation truly came during some back and forth trash talking with the team close at our heels, the Assimilators. Persistent in their efforts to convert our dearest and most attractive members, Pixie and Ironika, with their emblazened sharpie markings, I duked it out with them in a few bars and they could only stand back with mouths agape, but oh so impressed by the fear I instilled in them. And then, to the delight of the man in the neon-lit army helmet [imagine picture here *ahem*] following his jab at me for his stroke score (and oh.. just wait for it), came my comment, "Oh yeah, I'll stroke YOU,"..... which as you're experiencing right now, was followed by silence and then much, much laughter and maybe an array of every possible shade of red that one Miss D can turn. Yup.. that was me. Pure brilliance I tell you. After my graduation from clown school, I will be available for parties..

A few of the team members couldn't endure the rigors of the entire tourney and I know after an extensive chat with a gopher (pictures would be HERE if Blogger got their you know what together) and a large Guinness, Ms. Ironika, as well as a couple of other Fluffy Knickers, cabbed it home. And the five of us who lasted sat round our victory table after 9 grueling, yet fascinatingly entertaining, holes - fried mozzerella and pitchers of water already delivered by the time the other drunks teams finally started arriving. And tho we made some new acquaintances, Pixie and I left them to their final rounds of full pints and decided to head home when we felt our ability to drive had returned and our costumed journey had come to a successful end.

And then I spent ALL day Sunday editing pictures (after coffee and four ibuprofen)! Mine are here but there are a few others we found here and here! Go look! And read the captions! Yay! Cuz I'm so funny!


P said...

Whew - I was waiting for that so long, I'm still having my after-blog cigarette. That was a good one, Devyl girl.

chindi said...

After-blog cigarette - that was good. Sounds like you had a great day with a team of georgous woman I would be afraid to approach. Oh and the story telling didn't dissappoint, as always top notch. Now, if only my firewall at work would let me get to flickr, I might be able to check the other pictures out.

mushroom said...

man, i am convinced that cross dressing glof is the way of the future

Miss Devylish said...

Pix: Why thank you!

Treena: It was fun. And yeah, stupid Blogger.. pfft.

Doug: I'm sorry you can't see them... let me know if you need me to send them to you.

Mushroom: You're new. And yes, it's a good reason for dress up!

chindi said...

finally, I was able to view the pictures. Looks like a lot of bad we don't do anything like that around here.