
Monday, June 19, 2006

Glitter+Sun+Crinolines = Solstice Baby

It has come and gone, the weekend of Solstice, tho June 21st, the longest day of the year, is just hours away and Seattle celebrated in the brightest way it could in the heart of Fremont.

Again, helloooo Blogger IT people.. it'd be nice to post some PICTURES please.. No?! Was that some snickering over there in Blogger land where some mean and green being is maniacally planning to take over the world denying one blogger at a time the ability to upload pictures of our lives??! I think so!

Fine. No cake for you.. I mean, until this is fixed.. um.. if it will get you to fix the issue faster.. then of course, cake will be right up.. well.. just as soon as I can upload pictures. Got it buster? *Sigh*

** Update ** Oh um.. thank you Blogger for fixing the picture issue. Cake will be on its way.. or should be.. or hey, why don't you just go pick one up and then send me the receipt? Yes. There's a good Blogger. Check's in the mail and all that.

Ahem... now where was I? Oh yes..

I direct your attention to this link titled appropriately, Fremont Solstice '06, or as I started calling us, The Crinoline Brigade. I'm sure you can see why.

*** Update AGAIN *** Stupid !@#$% Blogger.. as you can see.. no further pictures.. the top one was a fluke people. Please, come put me out of my misery. And do not, I repeat, DO NOT, send cake to those Blogger people who apparently do nothing all day but laugh at cute little bloggers like me and our futile picture-uploading efforts.. Hmph. Hate you right now Blogger.. yes I do!

Moving on..

The theme was camo and crinolines, which, let me just say, got us a whole mess of attention. And my new camo t-shirt, a bargain deal at only $6.99 and a child's medium at that, I might add, was actually quite fetching, I found. Seriously, the military might have something on fashion and this stretch fabric.. you know.. when you're trying to blend in with the foliage, might as well look as good as you feel is all I'm saying.

Spirits were high.. and only after a short time, also tipsy, but mostly the bright colors found complete strangers smiling with us and even one gay friendly boy demanded we twirl.. and you know what?! We did - to everyone's delight! Oh yes.. we brought joy to the masses that day and if you don't know the Fremont Solstice, there were masses to behold.. um.. en masse. Er.. whatever.

And then you know what? The sun came out, which is rare here in June people.. but it did! And there was lots of yay! And then it sort of became 85 zillion degrees very fast and we weren't moving.. or in shade. Nope - we were just sitting there.. waiting for the parade - to start.. sort of forever.. and then it finally did.. Oh! Whoo hoo! And stuff like that.. and it kept going and going and going.. and we sat.. for hours.. in sun.. directly.. with no sunscreen. Ow, my scalp. But hey, who noticed?

Did I mention the drinks started happening pretty early? There were water bottles of margaritas which I only sipped cuz really.. me + sun + drinking = not so pretty so I was the designated crinoline brigade driver of sorts. The majority of the other kids? Well.. yes, they were trashed before the parade was over.. but it was rather humorous and entertaining and there was much fluffing and dancing with the crinolines and strangers and such - you know.. general merriment (which you would SEE - right here - if Blogger corrected their breaky parts! Argh!).

And I believe afterwards, there were many many.. many more bartender's margaritas and very little food and possibly a beer garden and somewhere in there, Ms. Ironika glazed over like a Krispy Kreme (I told her this myself - which I thought was a particularly brilliant comment, not to mention, simile, thank you.) and both her man and I noticed about the same time. We thought better than to jar her suddenly cuz she seemed on the verge, and yet I was proud she managed herself, crinoline and bobbly headband and all, to the restaurant facilities to have her moment of .. um.. eradication, as it were.

Hey, she was smiling afterwards..

I think there was some walking.. and then some lying down on the grass.. and then another attempt at walking but just to a nearby patch of grass in which to lie (lay??) again - or possibly nap. So to be clear: Walking = 0, Grass lying = 2.

Those of us who could manage the walk to the beer garden to extract keys, only managed to extract our host entirely from said beer garden in fear we would lose his one and only house key - and you know, we probably would've.. so in retrospect, he actually made the right decision to accompany us - and then we met up with the rest of our jubilant, and also, very plastered, friends who'd rallied and found a semi-grounded state enough to stand and walk. I thought it was a good sign. And then off we went for further private purging and the much-needed post-purge nap.

Oh the girls were silly and how I so wished I had video of the whole raucous event, but you will just have to settle for the link of pictures to Flickr and then write mean and nasty and pleading letters to Blogger to FIX. THE. PICTURE. LINK. ALREADY. GOD!

I think Solstice was done up - and down - and probably sideways by our pretty platoon. I, for one, was never bored.. and the fancy crinoline I wore did wonders for my popularity amongst the public. It never hurts to have a few adorable male strangers fawn and compliment.. and request a twirl or two..


chindi said...

geez, more fun and hijinks and here I am stuck going to the pool in the middle of nowhere (although it is an awesome pool) and sitting around until 10PM waiting for firewaorks which apparently were never going to happen.

selling my soul said...

Aww girly, things seem like they're going so well. Good freinds, good times. You make we wanna move out to seattle!

lady miss marquise said...

Wow - you, girl, will be able to keep up in fine time!

And how jealous am I of your crinoline?!

Miss Devylish said...

Doug: Well at least you have a pool!

Treena: You are silly.. that is so NOT true.. like flying fighter planes is dull.. yeah.. sure.

t: Come on out girl!

LadyMiss: Yes, the crinoline wasn't mine, tho I will have to purchase one or two soon.. just to have and play dress up. We'll see if I can get a few prior to our Van festivities.

P said...

Sweetie: I think you were born to wear a big, puffy skirt like that. Rumour has it that your red was "the perfect shade of red"...