
Friday, June 23, 2006

The Summer Glow

Today feels like summer to me. It's arrived early for Seattle. We really only have two seasons.. winter and August.. with the official day of summer starting the 5th of July. Those aren't fireworks, they're a scare tactic to let the sun know if it doesn't start showing its face, well.. something big is going to happen. Yes indeedy.. we mean business.

The short skirts are out in droves, dusted off and awoken from their wintery, closeted sleep and oh how they shift back and forth on their owners in a flippy little dance daring anyone who stares to come just a bit closer..

This is the plan anyway.. the game of allure. Show a little skin, a few more freckles from lazing in the summer day, add a spry skirt and a sassy blouse or tank.. top it with a smile and a flirty glance.. and girl, you are golden.

The gym has seen much more of me as of late for this reason and it's paying off from what I can tell in how my clothes fit. I love that. I found the gym is easier to hit during the work day once I finally realized even a shorter workout is better than not going at all and surprisingly, everything is just lighter. The endorphins work a number on my spirits and every call, every co-worker, and every issue once I return, damp and glowy from my feats of strength with a few free weights and the agony of 43 thousand lunges, seems like such a breeze to handle. I'm calmer, quieter - which is saying a lot - I think clearer and I'm more productive. Overall, it doesn't suck. And I need this cuz things aren't going so well at the office.

I've written about my bad habit before and how it gets me into trouble. I'm certainly an assertive girl, but I can get pushy and aggressive very quickly without thinking. I say what's on my mind and sometimes without editing silently first - I'm learning on that one, but I feel it's my job to be somewhat of a bulldog at work, tho I have yet to recognize where the line is that borders Friendly, Happy, But Gets The Job Done and Hard To Deal With Bitch Who No One Will Work With .. and then when I cross it - even just a little cuz I think I'm right, which ultimately doesn't matter in the least - I still pull back too late and inevitably, the boss will pull me into his office and tell me to shut the door. Sigh.. nothing is worse than feeling like you're walking on glass all day long, that your incredible work ethic (yes, it is very good, thank you) is the only thing that has kept you your job and the fact that if they lost you, they'd be in a very sore spot. Not to mention, you'd be everyone's favorite IF you could find that button that controls your tone that rubs people the wrong way and TURN. IT. OFF. Um.. please? Someone? Anyone? Is this thing on?

But I'm trying to be more positive in general and as I said, the gym helps, the sunny brilliance of this Seattle summer is a lovely beginning, and overall, I'm healed from my winter romance - finally. I don't think of him nearly as much and when I do, it's no longer painful. We're both doing fine without the other and maybe one day we'll have figured out who is good for us and what we really want and how we can be friends (and Sparky - I hope your trip is amazing).

And with all that good energy I'm mustering, I can't say I would mind a bit more attention of that boy nature. I do have a date tonight and one tomorrow.. and had another earlier in the week. I'm not juggling really so don't jump to conclusions. These are all firsts and it's been rather sporadic when I find someone interesting who might even pursue me a little, tho usually, the persistent ones are so much younger.. it's endearing, of course, but Miss D must start learning from her mistakes one day and play with the older ones who hopefully, have better timing and a clearer understanding of that balance of planning for a future and living in the moment.

Well.. one can only hope, right?

And yet, since the dating plane has been more of a dusty desert recently, I might be having drinks with an adorable 25-year-old tonight....... eh.. so my plan of learning from my mistakes starts tomorrow. What's one more day?

Happy weekend my lovelies! Mwah!


Anonymous said...

The gym is a great idea- I often don't feel like it but it works wonders when I go.
The dates sound fun, but it's hardly fair. i've NEVER been on an actual date and you get 3 in a week!

lady miss marquise said...

Enjoy, my friend. Life is too short not to grab what you can and make the most of it. Certainly when it's a 25 year old hottie...! *winks*

And so pleased to hear the change in your voice, you sound so much brighter...

And girl, you ARE golden...

(Now going back to sleep off my hangover....)

chindi said...

I'm with you on the work thing. I actually have one of those "come into my office" meetings today. One of my clients made a complaint because I couldn't talk with them one day (it's not like I don't have another 16 clients or anything) and now they want to tell me I have to have weekly calls with these people even though ultimtely, those weekly calls would not stop the issue of the client needed to learn to scheudle time instead of wasting mine.

Miss Devylish said...

kalebhammer: Oh you're sweet dear.. thank you! Let's hope the right attention begins to show its face..

Juliet: Well darlin, you should try it. Tho, I can't tell how old you are so maybe you're too young yet. Honestly, don't worry. I'm sure you'll have them lining up soon!

LadyMiss: I'm only golden now from the sunning on Saturday.. and a little red from yesterday and not strategically placing my shoulders elsewhere.. ahh but it was glorious! Will have to update you soon!

Doug: Good luck on the talk w/ your boss. I got an email from my cfo/hr guy saying how much he knew I could overcome this issue and how much they value me.. so I'm encouraged. AND it's going to be 90 today here.. I'm feeling very sunny indeed!