
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hope Is Slow To Arrive, But It's On Its Way.. I Hear..

I have to admit, I think God hates Seattle.. well, lately.. and these poor people were hit worse than me.. or at least.. more thoroughly.. don't you think? Bigger trees anyway. But I'm a smaller person, I imagine.. so smaller tree.. or something like that. Whatever more suits a small, poorly-made Ford and the destruction of it.

I went by the house yesterday afternoon and had heard from my neighbors that the city light crews had started their work. Thank God, I thought.. and I was on my way there with Loren, who couldn't drive fast enough. I was so anxious and worried and thought for sure I would hear more bad news. But when I arrived, the guys were so very nice and the supervisor said we should have power today - which I will check later this afternoon if I don't hear from the neighbors first.

To my surprise - the tree had been removed from the car! I was so relieved. The nicey nice man of a supervisor guy walked me to my car personally over the power lines he assured me were off or dead or uh.. whatever the term is.. and I got my camera out and took more pictures. He even advised me to get their trucks in a few shots so I could verify it was a power line issue. Smart guy, right? Very.

Then he wanted me to move it.. and shockingly, it started - not that the tree hit the engine or anything, but you know, when your car is completely fucking destroyed, things like getting it to start are still surprising.. you know.. when the back windows are completely busted out and the back doors were hit so hard they won't even open.. things like that.

So Loren and I emptied out the car entirely after I moved it.. and that was hard. I don't know.. the car was cheap and starting to have issues.. but it was just sad to remove everything and throw it in plastic bags trying to make sure I didn't forget any little thing in the dash or console. I mean, the car is toast.. and tho she was kind of just a boring stand-by, saying goodbye to her was hard. She was the second car I'd bought and bargained for all by myself.. and I only had one more year of payments. I'd also just spent $300 fixing a wire that had broken just before Thanksgiving. Figures.

The insurance adjuster hasn't called yet at all. Today I will be hounding them. I was also offered the assistance of two lawyer friends, one who specializes in going after insurance companies just in case they try to screw me.. as undoubtedly they will. Everyone says I will get a new car.. I just don't think it'll be that easy. I'm sure I'll have to be pushy for the amount of money I'll finally receive.. and then shopping for something I can afford again - sigh.. not fun. I hate car salesman.. nothing is more tedious than trying to buy a car, in my opinion. Just cuz I detest liars.. and they don't know how to do anything else but lie. Til then, Loren has offered me his truck and another friend offered me his VW bug he doesn't use often.. and that is so incredibly generous of them both. So I have a way to get around to work and errands, but I'm still plagued with how I'm going to find a way down to Oregon to see my family for Christmas. The insurance company will only pay up to $25 a day towards renting a car and then only up to $600 max. OR they can cover 80% and up to $1000.. That is what they said. What I heard was 'Blah Blah Blah Blah'.. they might've well have been speaking a foreign language.. I don't understand the difference, but I hear that is their job - to confuse me and apparently, do as little for me as possible. You're in good hands my ass.

Now I just really feel like I need my mom. You know when you think so much has gone wrong that you revert to needing parental care? Yeah.. I've arrived at that point. Haven't felt that in ages, but Mom's been very sweet lately and I just need to hear that everything will be ok. I mean, yes it's just a car and I'm glad no one on my street was hurt and we're all very lucky.. but it's all getting to me a bit - all the complications that surround it. If I can be blunt, I have one nerve left and any alcohol ingested is simply coating it temporarily. So I think at the very least, I'll get a good Mom hug. She's never been overly sympathetic but she was understanding when I called her at 2am all stressed out and shocked to tell her the news. I know she's glad I'm safe and that has to = a good Mom hug I would think.

The other best thing is the support from my friends - some who are displaced from their homes as well and will probably not get power til early this week or even next I heard. We are all trying to be strong for each other and provide a good distraction. I know Loren has put up with my very testy attitude alone. I'm very grateful for the friends I have. I think I picked them pretty well.

Speaking of, I must get going.. Loren needs to get to the airport and then I have his truck for the week. Sorry this isn't so terribly entertaining, guys.. I'm not in my regular space - literally or figuratively - but I just wanted to get you all the latest. Hope you're all staying warm and thank you so much for all your messages of love and support!


MommyHeadache said...

Sweetie, oh this is so bad. I so agree, car buying is my worst nightmare. But I hope things work out for you. Thinking of you and hope your mum gives you a hug. I'm sending you one too and I'm not even a huggy person!

lady miss marquise said...

Oh sugar, am sending you much love and hugs from over the border (and hoping they don't charge duty on them!)
Speak soon lovely, and we'll chat soon


Lindy said...

Wow, you have been going through a lot lately! Those pictures are amazing. I hope you get electricity back soon and get to see your family for the holidays. Sending positive thoughts to you from TN.