
Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Quickie And A Good Blow

Get your attention? Good.. cuz I'm channeling Pixie for this one.. which hi - get your mind out of where it doesn't belong, thank you - basically just means it's short and to the point.. cuz I have no time at the moment to write.. and I WANT to... I DO! I LOVE you people! Well.. most of you.. but the rest of you understand I'm sure.. if you're reading this from jail.. I mean, no hard feelings, right?

Uh.. anyway..

I've been busy - I've been working out! Whoo hoo! That pretty much rocks.. and doing holiday type stuff, like tomorrow there will be a party with much drinking.. not that I will be doing a lot of that - mr. officer - noooo.. cuz my friend's house is a mansion, but wayyyyy out in Issaquah.. where there will be small-town roads with small-town speeds.. where one teeeeensy tiiiiiny drink will land you in the slammer! Ok, will land you with a very hefty ticket for no lighty lights on the back of your license plate, not that you can see that, but which is just an excuse to pull you over to see that your tabs are also EXPIRED.. and uh.. since you had a birthday last month, so is your DRIVER'S LICENSE! So.. NOW.. how much did you say you'd been drinking??!

Oh wait.. that was LAST year. *Ahem* Hey - in my defense, I'd forgotten my license expired on my birthday and I sorta work the same hours as the department of licensing.. ok??! Man. Give a girl a break! Wow was Ms. Officer pissed! $753 dollars worth. Don't worry.. I got it deferred in February and paid my $100 for promising never ever ever EVER.. to do that again.. for one year. At least. So I am just about golden..

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah.. being brief.. like Pixie.. which is um.. not happening. Like you're shocked..

I have another party on Saturday and recovering will be left for Sunday, possible tarot reading at some point with the Pixie and any other friend of mine who might be interested and can tolerate me reading her future off a pretty card and translating with a book that says this is what's going to happen for certain! Or maybe possibly. Well it could be next week.. or maybe never.. stuff like that. Oh c'mon.. it's fun!

Alright .. see now.. ugh.. now I should've just written a damn post with substance! A post of meaning! And um.. instead.. I think it's almost midnight and literally as I type this.. whoa.. our power went off and then on. Like DARK dark. Ooh.. it was SCARY! And then it was LIGHT! And it's actually more creepy when the lights come back on and you're just waiting here, like I am, and they're flickering.. once, ooh twice.. dammit.. a third time! Will it last?! Will Bling's alarm go off in the morning at 6:15am.. OR will it be blinking at 8am when she finally opens her sleepy but somehow rested eyes and has OMG 20 minutes to be at work?? Oh silly.. never fear.. there is always the alarm on the trusty cell phone. Ah technology.

And with that, I leave you.. completely in wonder at this nonsensical whimsy.. or just merely wondering how you could've wasted your time. Yes, I am at least good for that. Either way, I hope tonight's wind doesn't cause me to wake up in Oz tomorrow.. (tho that could be interesting) and I hope that your alarm works just fine.


Anonymous said...

Awww, *I* want a tarot card reading too!

Btw, guess what I got described as at work today? That's right...a chihuahua...and don't forget to ask the beav what bag I emailed her about.

You know what? Forget the reading...just email me what YOUR cards said. I'm sure that will cover it.

P said...

Yeah to tarot!!! I'm all yours whenever you can fit me in!

Miss Devylish said...

Treenster: I doubt that will cover it.. but maybe we can work out a transatlantic tarot or something..

Pix: Alrighty.. plan the date chica. But I want fresh rolls.