
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Let's Talk About Meme

I was tagged by an actual REAL writer, and by 'real' I mean, someone who actually gets paid to write. If you're in absolute shock that these people really do exist cuz you, like me, do most of your reading online, you should check her out cuz she's really and truly a real person and a real writer with BOOKS that have her name on them and everything! And knowing how to write in actual LIFE makes her blog one of the best I've ever read cuz you know.. everyone aspires to impress me. But I'm oh-so-flattered the woman comments on my little blog and tags me for anything. I'm never washing my blog again (oh.. that might sound wrong..)!

This could be a lot more information than you ever wanted to know about me, but as I said, I'm compelled to honor this celebrity request.

What have you done?

(X) Smoked a joint - Oh yes.. I've been in love with two Canadians. Getting stoned is a national pastime there. It actually goes great with a glass of wine and a lover.

(X) Done cocaine - I wish it didn't count, but yes, when I was very drunk and didn't want to be. It was offered to me at a party with the explanation that just a small amount would instantaneously 'sober' me up. It did, actually, tho I hated the idea of it completely.

(X) Been in love - The times that I count are four tho I've fallen a couple more than that.. easily. I care too much and too quickly, tho I don't think it any less genuine, just.. lacking in caution on my part.

(X) Had a threesome - Once, with a friend and the guy I was dating at the time - another Canuck (I sort of have a weakness for them) and it was all very organic and unplanned and.. interesting..

(X) Been dumped - Oh many many times.

(X) Shoplifted - Nail polish from the store where my mom worked when I was like 14 and should've known better. Man was I in trouble for that.

(X) Been fired - Oh yes tho a couple of times it was worded 'voluntary resignation'. I have sort of an attitude, if you don't know me well, that I've been working on quelling for the last few years.

(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - All the time.

( ) Been arrested - Luckily, no. I'm actually smart enough to bury the attitude around police, shockingly.

(X) Made out with a stranger - Yes, usually a New Year's midnight happening.. not just.. cuz.

(X) Gone on a blind date - Yes and when it's happened, I remind my friends they're not allowed to attempt to set me up.

(X) Lied to a friend - Possibly, tho for their own good, small white ones for example, or for their surprise party.

( ) Had a crush on a teacher - no but probably a teacher's aide..

(X) Been to Europe - **Update** Apparently Norway DOES count. So I suck at geography. Tell me something I don't know.

(X) Seen someone die - My family and I were with my grandfather when he passed away. It was just a matter of time and we were all at my grandparents' home. My cousin was sitting with him and not that he was conscious, but he squeezed Lyle's hand to let us know he was going. Lyle called my gram over and she ran from another room, already starting to cry. We all surrounded the bed while Gram, sobbing, told him it was ok to go. I could see the color go out of his face, eyes already closed, and he was just gone. It was awful and beautiful at the same time, tho it crushed me to see my gram in such heart-wrenching pain. The experience is one I will never forget.

(X) Been to Canada - I go all the time - BC is awesome.

(X) Been to Mexico - Only a border town, Nosgales (sp?), where I bought a lovely Mexican blanket for $8 that I still have.

(X) Thrown up in a bar - Once in the bathroom where I drank one too many lemon drop shots.

(X) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show - So many times - what a silly and goofy thing.

( ) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire - do people do this?
( ) Been snowboarding - I don't like being cold.

(X) Met a celebrity - The only one I've officially met was Wesley Snipes as I shook his hand at his house party we ended up at where my ex's friend was supposed to dj - tho Wesley decided to do that himself and unfortunately, he wasn't great at it, but he was so high, I don't think it mattered.
I've waited on, tho never met per se, Helen Hunt and Matthew Broderick when they dated, also, Joe Cocker, who called me 'love', and shared an elevator with Lorenzo Lamaz, who is surprisingly very tall and so attractive I couldn't do anything but stutter. Too bad he can't act himself out of a paper bag.

(X) Met someone from the Internet in person - Yes, I date-via-internet all the time. Sadly.

( ) Been moshing at a concert - Sounds painful.
( ) Gone backstage at a concert - Sounds awkward.

(X) Laid outside in the grass and watched cloud shapes go by - Absolutely.

(X) Made a snow angel - Yes of course.

(X) Flown a kite - Lived near the beach. It's a requirement.

(X) Cheated while playing a game - I'm highly competitive.. especially when I'm losing.

(X) Been lonely - Of course.

(X) Fallen asleep at work - I think the last time my CEO walked by when I had my head down.. embarrassing.

(X) Fallen asleep at school - In college, during a retarded art class with a sub that liked to hear himself talk. Yawn.

( ) Used a fake ID - No one ever believes my age as it is.. why would I tempt fate?
( ) Been kicked out of a bar - Hard to believe, but no, even when I once got into it with an entire group of stupid-drunk people and had them kicked out, I was allowed to remain.

(X) Felt an earthquake - In Oregon and Washington - there's a large fault line all the way up the west coast. The biggest one was about 5 years or so ago and people still talk about it as it was felt from Oregon all the way up thru BC in Canada, tho no one was hurt.

(X) Touched a snake - Many outings in grade school to zoos and science centers, plus garter snakes were always found in our backyard.

( ) Read “War and Peace” - Not even on my list. Is that ignorant?

(X) Slept beneath the stars - I loved to camp as a kid, not sure what happened after that. I think I stopped enjoying getting dirty.

( ) Been robbed - Knocking on wood here.
( ) Won a contest - Neverevereverever. I have no luck. Ever. I never win jack. It sucks.

(X) Run a red light - Intentionally and accidentally.

( ) Been suspended from school - Again, surprisingly no.

(X) Had braces - For 4 1/2 years baby. My gram used to say that my teeth were so bucked that I could eat a corn cob thru a knothole. Now they are pretty!

(X) Felt like an outcast - I went to high school.

(X) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - Kari and I used to do this to get over heartbreaks.. I can't do it now. My metabolism was much higher then.

(X) Had deja vu - All the time.

(X) Totaled a car - At least twice.

( ) Stolen a car - Wouldn't know the first thing about it.

(X) Hated the way you look - A given.

( ) Witnessed a crime

(X) Been to a strip club - oddly interesting.

(X) Been to the opposite side of the world - **Update** We'll say Norway counts here too. It's as opposite as I have been.

(X) Swam in the ocean - See 'flown a kite'. Lived at the beach.

(X) Felt like dying - The one time I had food poisoning. Agonizing torture.

(X) Cried yourself to sleep - See 'been dumped'.

(X) Sung karaoke - My favorite song to do is 'Chain Of Fools'.

( ) Paid for a meal with only coins

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - I'm sure.

(X) Made prank phone calls - When I was a kid.. definitely the fridge running joke.

(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue - At least once.

(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe - I think once.

(X) Had a bonfire on the beach - Last one was this summer with my family.

(X) Crashed a party

( ) Seen a tornado - Why do people live where these happen?
( ) Had a wish come true - See 'won a contest'.
( ) Gone bungee jumping
( ) Gone parasailing

(X) Screamed in public - At the office when Mom called to tell me Dad had died. It was the oddest reaction in retrospect. I really don't know why I did it.

( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them - Even with as emotional as I am, I doubt this.

(X) Had a one night stand - Yes, too many. I'm a big tart.

(X) Kissed a mirror - Probably as a girl. Silly.

(X) Had a dream that you married someone - Yes, years ago, but I do remember it.

(X) Gotten your fingers stuck together with super glue - Yup.

(X) Been a cheerleader - See the last post.

(X) Sat on a roof top - Many July 4th's and summer night parties.

(X) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight - Have we met?

(X) Stayed up all night - I think the longest was a Halloween we stayed up til after noon the next day.. ahh, those were the days.

( ) Not taken a shower for three days - Ew is all I have to say here.
( ) Made contact with a ghost while playing a Ouija board - Someone was always moving it, never a spirit.
( ) Had more than 30 pairs of shoes at a time - I'm not that girl.
( ) Gone streaking - Or that girl.
( ) Been skinny dipping - Or that girl (not that there's anything wrong with those girls..).
( ) Been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on

(X) Had sex in a public or semi-public place - Oh.. yes.

(X) Been kissed by a complete stranger - See 'kissed a stranger'

( ) Broken a bone - I can't believe with how klutzy I am, but no.

(X) Caught a butterfly - I hope I let it go after..

( ) Mooned/flashed someone
( ) Had someone moon/flash you

(X) Cheated on a test - I'm sure I have.

(X) Forgotten someone's name - All the time.

(X) Slept naked

(X) Gone white water rafting - Always scared the bejesus out of me.

(X) Seen the Grand Canyon - Yes on a hiking trip with my mom and my aunt and uncle during spring one year. A different picture every ten steps. Positively stunning.

Alright.. who's next?


Dustin said...



MommyHeadache said...

Darling! Thank you so much for doing this meme. Very interesting and you seem like a gal I'd like to hang out with. Surprised you tried cocaine and didn't like it! It's something I always wanted to try. And of course Norway is in Europe!!

Unknown said...

i never had braces. but i am very certain that Norway is STILL in Europe. unless someone moved it again.

kario said...

Actually learned some things about you here, girlie! Wow! Let's keep most of this from my kids for at least a decade, huh?

Miss Devylish said...

Dustin: Hmm, what?

Emma: Girl, I'd hang out w/ you w/ kids or sans kids anytime! The coke thing was cuz I don't like sniffing anything. It makes me feel so gross. And the effects don't last very long. But happy to honor your requests anytime!
** And ok.. so geography escapes me and I knew Norway was in Scandanavia.. but wasn't sure if it was part of Europe. That's all. So I'm a little dumb there.

Treespotter: See starred part of comment to Emma.

Kario: Ok I promise. Sorry! Aren't you glad we're still friends? :)

scott said...

Canucks, eh?

Miss Devylish said...

Scott: Liberal Canucks.. I'm thinking.. that's not you, my dear Tory..

Anonymous said...

I actually finally got back to reading blogs and I stole your little meme since I didn't have much to post about lately. I hope no one minds.

scott said...

You're wearing blue hair my dear. lol

Anyway, I'm more a centrist than an ideologue, much like the Kennedys, the Clintons and Reagan were. Btw, the tories in Canada are more left of the spectrum than some of your democrats in the US as we support same-sex marriage, universal healthcare and social programs. I guess you could say I am more in the line of a Tony Blair labourist.

So, does that mean i'm still in? ;-)

Miss Devylish said...

Doug: Feel free! Looking forward to your answers too!

Scott: Well, that sounds better.. but in? I would say you're in as much as any Canadian almost or more than 3000 miles away.. sure.. why not?

scott said...

I'll walk the 3000 miles [4830 km)as long as you promise to wear the blue hair!! lol

Toby The Tiger said...

Found you on "the writing life" and now I'm here and I know you fascinate me, miss devylish. I've added you to my blogroll and I intend to come back and see you when I can.

Miss Devylish said...

scott: The blue one isn't mine.. but I do have a purple one and a pink one. We'll see.

artmonster: Aw.. thank you!

john harvey: Well.. gee! *blush* Thank you! I haven't fascinated anyone today! I'm psyched!

Pomgirl said...

Great meme, Missy! I've done it, and I wanted to post it on my blog but then thought about my parents reading my answers, especially the coke one, and decided not to. It shits me when I can't write what I want to.
