
Sunday, October 29, 2006

We're All Mad Here

A few things to keep in mind:

Don't switch to the new beta blogger when you have another blog for your cat and you're both sharing the same gmail account, figuring.. you know.. how much email could she possibly get anyway? She's a cat! Not that that's the point when creating your beta blog but then suddenly, after hoping for the best when you hit the button that moves your creative online energy from the old to the new, your cat's picture and profile replace yours.. causing everyone but you uproarious type laughter and you endless frustration for 2 (TWO) hours while you fix it.. ahem..


Halloween is a very pressure-filled holiday. The costume can really make or break your evening. Luckily for me, I was headed to an Alice In Wonderland themed party Friday night. What we didn't count on was heading to another party later where no one would really get our costumes and all the damn effort we put into them. Hmph.. We did have fun tho.. when there was alcohol.



The time change of falling back an hour has only provided confusion.. not really an extra hour of anything good as here it is my usual almost-midnight-and-still-awake thing I've been doing for close to a year now. Crap. I have to go to bed.

Well, I trust you people can amuse yourselves while I figure out how to write something entertaining and possibly worth reading, but I leave you with a few pictures from the weekend of festivities and you can always check the rest out on Flickr. It's friendly! It's awake! Me = not so much.. so g'night!


Pomgirl said...

G'night, honey. Sleep well. Loved the pics. I too am having problems running a blogger-blog and a beta-blogger blog...feel your pain at those two hours lost...funny though ;)


Unknown said...

you look funny :p

Cameltrooper said...

Great costumes. Now that last photo is fairy tale come true :)

Buffy said...

I'm really wishing I went all halloween this year. If only for the cutsie photos.

Happy Birthday!!!

Miss Devylish said...

pom: Glad you liked the pics! We had such a good time. And good luck on changing over blogs!

treespotter: I know.. I know..

radiosilence: Aww.. thanks. I tried to give the hot lesbian vibe.. guess I did ok.

buffy: The photos are totally worth it. Seriously.. do it next year, you'll see.. and thank you for the birthday wishes!