
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

T-Minus 2 (TWO) Days And Counting

Ok people.. the birthday is almost here.. and where the hell have all my comments gone? Hm? I'm just saying.. in a very pushy way, yes I know.. that um.. helloo... where'd you all go? I MISS you! See? Changing tactics here.. stop the pushy - people don't like that.. probably why they aren't reading or at the very least, aren't commenting. I mean I know I shouldn't care about the commenty things.. but I do! You are important! You are special! YOU are the hottest blog readers around! Don't think I don't get official reports on this cuz I do! And they are so accurate and you people are so very fashionable! Heidi Klum will be calling you for tips!

Well, I will leave you to your thoughts and hopefully you will think of something fantastic to say and I will have lured all you Lurky McLurkysons out of your lurkiness cuz I am on my best behavior and you couldn't possibly stop yourself from writing something to me. We're cool like that. You and me. We're buds you know. And there is nothing that could possibly go wrong this week cuz it's the law during birthday week that only good things happen. I'm even daring NOT to knock on wood - that's how super strong this Law Of Birthdays is. In case you didn't know and I'm guessing you didn't cuz you haven't written anything.. Um. So. I'll just wait here. Ok? Patiently. Just over here. If you need me. For anything. At all. Yup.


Cameltrooper said...

Early Happy Birthday MissDevylish. I hope this year works out in every way you hope and deserve.


the duck said...

Okay, okay. You comment all the time on mine. So, it's only fair. By the way, how cute did you look as that Rabbit. Seriously, girlfriend...adorable. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a year filled with laughter, adventure, good food, great music and unconditional love. You deserve it.

Did I redeem myself?

Kisses, Le Duck

P said... started only posting 50% of mine. You decreased my incentive...apparently, I wasn't up to snuff. Okay, okay: I'll stop SCOURING the freakin' internet for bday present ideas for you. You have no idea what kind of hits these search words are returning anyway. I blush. I'll stop that present hunting and just comment instead. You didn't want a present anyway, right. Ha. As if. Okay...I can multi-task. Comment. Google. Comment. Google.

Miss Devylish said...

radiosilence: Oh dear! What a surprise! Why thank you so very much!! :)

duck: You may have.. you might do even more than that if we can discuss road tripping and meeting in the middle somewhere.. or this side of middle anyway. :)

Pix: Pfffffft! 50%?! Well.. there are some posts that don't need comments. You have me THINKING so OFTEN that I'm reflecting and ABSORBING all you're saying! This is important stuff and not to take lightly! You should be proud you have me so distracted! But ok.. can we compromise on 75% for each of us? I can work w/ that. :)

scott said...

I probably won't be at your birthday party for two reasons --- 1.) I wasn't invited. ;-) 2.) I live 3605 miles away on the right coast.

Happy mean Birthday.

Dan said...

You can push me around anytime...

kario said...

Umm, Scott, trust me - you were invited! If there's a birthday bash to be had for Miss Devylish, everyone's invited ;-).

Miss D., sorry I've been remiss in not commenting. Seems my head is so far ahead of itself these days I'm practically in Xmas. However, I've realized the error of my ways in not being fully present to the reality that is your birthday, so here I am with bells on. I promise to think of nothing else but your birthday for the next two days, K?

lady miss marquise said...

I think I just wrote you a fabulous comment.

But I'm not sure if it got to you.

I don't know where my commentors have gone either. Maybe they are staying in out of the cold perhaps?

But. Today! Today is your day! Happy Happy Happy Birthday.

I'd sing you a song but really, no one needs to hear me sing. So just pretend, lots of docile tones and a rousing chorus of happy birthdays.

Have a superbly decadent day. Today is all about you and don't let anyone tell you any different.

Lots of hugs and kisses xx

Lisa said...

Birthday hugs and kisses to my favourite high maintenance blogger. (Note the 'u' in favourite - I know how you love us Canadians!)

Miss Devylish said...

scott: Kario is right.. everyone is invited.. but I would correct you when you say 'right' coast.. We, Kario and I, live on the 'right' coast my dear. ;)

dan: Be careful what you wish for darlin..

kario: I know you will have bells on sister. But you will have to be in the birthday spirit for 3 not 2 days. ;) I'm very excited for you to meet my other friends who've never met you! Wow! So cool!

LadyMiss: You crack me up. I will certainly save these sentiments for TOMORROW when I've taken the day off!

lisa: High maintenance?! Woman, I don't know you well enough for you to say that.. ok.. kidding. We all know I am.. at least in the morning. Hey.. were you there? But thank you for the wishes!

I'm so glad you're back on the blog train again. Must relink to you girl. Missed you!

Ironika Beaverhausen said...

hey ! my comment got lost... maybe that's where your comments are going... lost in onesockland. just commenting away to everyone's favorite high maintenance blogger... : ) do i know you well enough ? shameless plug for comments indeed. good thing it's birthday week... all is excused. day off tomorrow... happy happy birthday to you !

lady miss marquise said...

Ah pants.

Well, happy Birthday eve. You know.


Dan said...

meh. you don't scare me. besides, y'all just talk a big talk, no? happy birthday.

Miss Devylish said...

ironika: Thanks dear Ironika.. and yes, you certainly do know me well enough.

ladymiss: Yes, I know. ;)

dan: Pfft.. you people.. You think you hide at least a little bit of yourself from readers, but I can't. I'm no good at it. It appears everyone knows me better than I think they do.. dammit. Back to working on secrets.

Indiana said...

Miss D, May you get everything you desire for your birthday and may it be delivered by a guy who if he isn't perfect for you, at least treats you to a day of phhhwwrr. ~grin~

Happy Birthday A.

Pomgirl said...

Happy Birthday, Divine Miss D! Have a fab day...I shall toast you with a slice of cake...if you insist;)


Miss Devylish said...

indi: Thank you dear. Hugs back to you!s

Buzzdome said...

Like 50 says, "If the roof on fire, let the muthafucka burn." Ok, I think he stole that from the Bloodhound Gang, but they stole it someone else, so it all comes around. The point is... party like it's yo birthday!

Here's my Miss D Irish birthday wish for your next year: May God grant you many years to live, for sure he must be knowing, the earth has angels all too few and heaven is overflowing...

Enjoy, dear!

Indiana said...

I'll take all the hugs I can get babes.

P said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the girl who taught me that birthdays are important...and shook me out of my 22 year birthdayless streak. Hurrah!

This is going to be a magic year.

Miss Devylish said...

pom: Not sure how I didn't see you there.. but thank you! Cake is definitely in order!

artmonster: I have a good feeling about this year and hope only for the best. Thank you!

buzz: Thank you dear! That was very sweet.

indi: I have lots for you!

pixie: You are just the best, ever. Seriously, EVER. I don't know how I could possibly thank you for such a wonderful evening, but I'll keep on trying. xoxox

Amy said...

Wow, your birthday sounds like it was an event to be anticipated and then celebrated as if it were my own, and I missed it! Argh! Happy belated birthday!