
Monday, November 06, 2006

The Aftermath

Could this birthday have been any better? Could this birthday have been oh... any more FUN?! I tell you people.. I think so, but I DON'T KNOW HOW! Cuz it was SO FUCKING GREAT! Really, it was.. ohdeargod yes..

We started out with a secret pick up that was kiboshed a little when Scott had to call me for directions cuz he didn't have my last address, but the one before that! I thought that part was particularly funny as Ms. Pix had tried to be all Super Spy and keep the 411 from getting to me, but it wasn't so tragic that I knew.. but funnier for me and Scott since we have this running joke that I'm always moving and/or finding another job or both and it's weird that at least the job has stayed the same anyway.. well.. you had to be there. It was funnier. Trust me.

Moving on.

A few of us met for some fabulous vegetarian fare and I believe at least one bottle of wine was involved and then some wandering over to our friend, Andrew's bar, Liberty, where more drinks were not needed but were had nonetheless! Cuz it was THAT kind of birthday as the Birthday Law did decree! And with the Birthday Drinking came the Birthday Present Giving AND the Birthday Present Opening! Yes, it did!

I think Ms. Pixie must be dying for us to be twins more often as she gave me this fabulous hat she probably knew I would fuss and fawn over anyway once she donned it herself so she couldn't very well not let me have one of my very own! She knows me pretty well that girl..

And then things just got carried away from there, I tell you.

There was another night of Spin The Bottle, this fabulous monthly theatre cabaret Keith and Mary took part in tho we have absolutely no pictures of them.. even tho they were the whole point we were going.. and it's just us being.. well.. lit.. if you really want me to be honest.

And there was a lot of making faces and the sticking out of tongues for some reason.. as that seems to be a motif in my pictures. What is the deal with the tongues? Oh, I have no clue but in our intoxicated state, we must think we're way sexy with all that going on. It's hot.

Oh the debauchery! Oh the scandal! It was awesome!

THEN came the photo scavenger hunt for no other reason than the funny pictures I wanted to have of friends of mine doing crazy and silly things for no other reason than cuz I put them on a list! How great is that?! I'll tell you.. SO GREAT!

And it rained. Buckets. All. Fucking. Day. So I want to give a ginormous shout out to Paul, Katie, Abby and John for finding the scavenger hunting spirit within themselves and braving the weather anyway. We had a blast despite the fact that we were soaking wet after about two hours. And I think someone said, you know.. maybe, if we stopped, we could all be ok with that. And we all went.. hm.. yes.. fascinating idea. Let's! So we gave ourselves extra points for giving up and treated oursevels to some Belgian frites on Capital Hill.

And as if that wasn't enough - cuz honestly, to fulfill the Law of Birthday, it wasn't - there may have been the actual Big Event that was the Birthday Party. And wouldn't you know.. I was at the top of my Smiley, the rise of my Goofy and Dorky Face.. and certainly, the crest of my Loud and Sassy, and even the peak of my Say Whatever Comes To Mind Immediately As I Think It Cuz I Think I'm THE Funniest Person EVER Of All The People Who Are Having A Birthday At This Very Minute Right Now.

And these are just a few, my darling readers.. I think people are still in process of sending me more.. it was a camera-ready night.. just ever so slightly. And oh.. what a night it was.

Thanks to everyone for your messages and to everyone who was there in person. It really meant the world to me to celebrate my 35th year with all of you. Mwah!


Pomgirl said...

You looked gorgeous, girl! Glad you had a great time xxx

chindi said...

Since I haven't had a chance yet, I wanted to say Happy Birthday.

Miss Devylish said...

Pom: Thank you my dear!

Doug: Thank you as well!!

MommyHeadache said...

Yeah, if I may say so Girl you look younger than 35, must be all those young men you keep dating eh?? Happy Birthday anyway.

Cameltrooper said...

I know they say that the little black dress is a staple but you make it look especially good MissDevylish.

P said...

Love you, toots. Looking forward to your 36th... xox

Rigmor said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time! A large and delayed happy birthday wish from the Northern Line in London!!