
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What Should've Been - What Should Be

I saw an amazing movie tonight that moved me to the point of tears - to the point I was crying so much I realized a movie hasn't caused me to cry like that in a really long time. I was so overwhelmed I didn't realize I was holding Pixie's hand until I'd been doing it for 15 minutes because the messages it conveyed were so powerful and you could see clearly what was also trying to be communicated in regards to where we are as a nation, as human beings with this inane war going on and embarrassing government behind it.. and that it's really so sad we haven't actually come so terribly far since then. So incredible I'm still thinking about it hours after we've walked out of the theatre and it makes me want to carry signs and stand up for the ones who can't stand up for themselves.. and just be a better person. And it made me realize just how little I knew about the past - but more importantly, that they stopped making politicians like that a long time ago.. ones the entire country could stand behind simply because they could be BELIEVED.

I think the reviews panned it. I don't care. The entire screening audience applauded when it was over. I doubt there were many dry eyes.

"Bobby is not a political story, though politics are certainly an undercurrent. It is not the story of Bobby Kennedy. Rather, it is the story of all of us."

Go. See. This. Movie. Now.

Ok.. well, as soon as it comes out for the rest of you who didn't get a super-sneak preview like me, thanks SO much to a little pixie.


lady miss marquise said...

This wasn't in my list of *to-see* movies until now.
Looking forward to it!

Mr. Guinness said...

Miss D.,
I lived through this entire era, in the Greater Boston area. I was in college, freshman year, when John F. Kennedy brought the world and the "cold war" to a boil over the Cuban Missle Crisis, I know EXACTLY where I was and what I was doing and how I felt when the bulletin came from Dallas on November 22nd, and a few year later from Los Angeles. I was one of those who left my "higher education" to join the service of my country in the U.S. Navy, and now as an "old fart" look back and hope the truth of an "American" is not lost on Nintendo, X-box, Rap, and the other stuff. We are all Americans and must never forget the price that comes with freedom, the errors we can make as humans, and the ideals that brought us this far in such an imperfect world.
I am proud to be an American. It's the why which let's you and others do today what you want, in the security of your freedoms,...don't ever forget it, or regret it!

Miss Devylish said...

LadyMiss: Seriously, it's really that good. I promise I wouldn't steer you wrong.

Mr. Guinness: I don't forget. My father was in the Navy too and my dear friend Treena, Ammogirl, is also in the military. I think it's sad what we've had to do to fight for these freedoms. It's quite expensive and I thank you personally for your efforts in that. That kind of bravery is to be admired. But it's still sad that inspiration within our govt is so few and far between like John F and Bobby.. Where did all the great ones go?

Mr. Guinness said...

Miss D,
They all went the way of "today", i.e. we are a country who believes in human beings, and what they can accomplish. That is Liberty and Freedom!