
Friday, August 25, 2006

If I Cut Off My Lips With The Scissors That I Can Bring On The Plane, Then I Won't Have To Worry About The Lipgloss That I Can't.. Yeah!

See this? Yup.. headed there. Tomorrow. Like.. maybe I should pack. Soon. Like.. now would be good.. but instead, you know what I'm doing?! Writing you people.. cuz I'm THAT dedicated. Yes I am. And cuz I'm soooooo tired.. like what gives these days? Is mono going around or something? Some sort of tiredy plague? Cuz damn.. I've got it. Yawning as we speak, even! But I interrupted myself and meant to say.. since tiredy eyes is what I have right now and all I want to do is crawl into bed with my clothes on and snuggle with Emma til 3pm tomorrow, I will only be listing tonight cuz if I sleep til 3pm I will be missing the fun that is airline security. I mean who doesn't want to feel the thill of chapping as the stale and regurgitated air parches ones lips and rips them to shreds since oh.. one isn't allowed to bring any sort of moistening materials WHATSOEVER. Joy.

So.. here we go.

1. Seriously, I can't get to bed before midnight these days.

2. I completely blame Apple for my lack of sleep due to the fact I'm addicted to my new laptop. It's sick.

3. The biggest news I have is there was a very exciting trip to the v-e-t for Emma last Saturday where we found out a) the doctor was creepy and weird, b) that Emma is 'obese' and I watched the doctor try to bend her all Cirque du Soleil style in order to prove to me right there that she couldn't reach her kitty bum due to her swelling tummy and I'm still wondering how many cats he can actually get that to work with, and c) that it doesn't matter anyway cuz in addition to being pudgy, she's also got gingivitis. Who sucks as a mommy? Yeah.. nice. And those teeth cleanings? Well Emma will get laid out all day and after she wakes up, probably sit around groggy and seething with hatred for me. I'm excited. Not.

4. That's truly all that's happened to me this week.

5. Wow.. that's sad.

6. So now I'll go back to bitching about flying - Check the list of prohibited items. Do you know you can't bring lipgloss in any way, shape or form, but you can bring 'Scissors - metal with pointed tips and blades shorter than four inches in length, scissors - plastic or metal with blunt tips AND safety razors - including disposable razors??' And I find it rather.. odd, and by odd I mean oh.. fucking insane, that SCISSORS are ALLOWED ON THE PLANE AT ALL. Um.. don't you? As if four inches or less of a metal pointed blade is completely harmless and unable to hurt anyone.. and RAZORS?! Wtf?! That could be a serious torturing device, wouldn't you say? One tiny little slip when I'm shaving my legs in the shower and I'm practically disabled. But lipgloss.. OUT OF THE QUESTION! DANGEROUS MATERIALS! WATCH OUT!

But what is oh-so-sly is these so clearly inane objects are HIGHLIGHTED IN BOLD on the what-you-can-and-can't-bring list.. like.. HELLO TERRORISTS.. THESE ARE OK AND WILL STILL DO BODILY HARM OH YES THEY WILL! Who's taking crazy pills? Obviously, me.. right..

And wow.. that's really all I can do being that it's well after midnight and oh.. let's see.. not a shred of packing has been completed, Emma is about to freak out cuz she can't get outside the bedroom door and I'm sure even tho I've trimmed her claws that she'll have dug a nice hole into the carpet by the time I return, and I'm frickin about to fall over with exhaustion.. But hey, I'll miss you! Every single one of you!! If there is time Saturday night after all the wine tasting that is planned and I'm not plastered out of my gord, which will only take til the end of the first winery anyway, I may update.. but I can't make any promises my lovelies. Do forgive!

Til then, hope you all have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I will miss you! Be safe, have fun, and hurry home!

chindi said...

Yeah, the airlines are crazy with a capital C. When there was that instance with the guy who tried to light his shoes on fire they prohibited lighters (which still are) but you can bring matches. Can't I light a stick of dynmite with either?

lady miss marquise said...

I understand all your addictions only too well. I think I have formed an unhealthy attachment to my apple, like waking up in the middle of the night to watch it charge, speaking lovingly to it, and having a very odd long drawn out conversation with the guys from Future Shop about what bloody router I need because only the best, yes, only the best will do for my baby. And as I'm still nomadic, I've had to pack my lovely new friend up until I move. Again. It hurt. I think I'm in love.

And lip gloss. Don't even get me started. No lip balm. No hand creme. No moisturizer. Regurgitated airplane air? Chapped hands and lips. Bad. Bad. Bad. I think the airlines should provide at least something of quality in which to quench our parched skin.

And Emma is a beautiful full figured chat. You are a great mother... (I went through the same thing, I cried when the vet looked at me and told me my Elvis was heavily obese. Cried. I blamed it on my inlaws)

San Francisco, lovely. Lovely. Enjoy x x

anywherebutTX said...

I was super-pissed when I had to throw away my $45 Matahari leg moisturizer at the airport... And my legs were nice and ashy the whole time I was in NY.... Awesome.