
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Praise Jesus! I've Been Delivered To Blogging Heaven!

Ohmygod.. I will never have a social life again.. you know why people? THE LAPTOP ARRIVED! And afterwards, I was in sheer and utter bliss. Like.. now. And as I've been wandering around my apartment trying to find someone's signal I could leech off of like a junkie trying to find crack, I'm thinking this is ridiculous.. but I can't stop. You should see me RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE.. outside.. on the chair in front of my door.. cuz that's where the fucking signal is.

Yes, I know I need to get my own damn DSL.. but for now, I'm stealing. Sue me.

You should really have seen me try to pick up the signal my roommate gets in his room.. but he was not interested in having a friendly sharing moment at all.. no no, he was not having it.. and I sat right in front of his door and got two bars.. That wasn't so cool as I could hear everything that was going on in his room.. not that anything was.. but I'm saying IF.. and I thought it rather creepy and moved my ass to search out another signal. And yay for the one outside! But.. hm.. this will NOT be doable come winter. Ohdeargodno.

And yet, here I am.. it's 11:30.. pm.. at night.. when I should be in bed.. and I'm oh.. typing away.. talking to you people.. cuz this is EXACTLY what I wanted to create - ease, comfort, the convenience of doing just this - writing in the blog - from my own home.. and I have done it! But look at the blogging monster I've created! I will now have to find more things to write about, having the sheer ability to take this WHEREVER I WANT (mwahahahaha) has made me giddy and probably, yes, even lightheaded with delight at all the possibilities - and oh-so-desperate for a fix as I mentioned before cuz here I am STANDING IN MY ROOMMATE'S ROOM with this very sad two-bar connection, shamelessly stolen in the night no less, and shivering cuz I'm so frickin cold from being outside for so long.

I almost love being so pathetic AND excited at the same time. Something is very wrong indeed. Send help, send wine.. send over an attractive man with wine for chrissakes.. but you know when that's all done..? I'll probably blog about it.

Damn. There'll be no saving me now..


Indiana said...

The dating worlds worst nightmare, an Angel with the power to blog anywhere and anywhen.

Have fun with it...and be thankful the best signal wasn't sitting on the can.

Anonymous said...

I am stopping by to point out that Miss Devylish is one of the most fabulous people in the world and should not ever be ignored (especially in comments).

Signed, ammogirl.

(is that better?)

Hurry up and get DSL so you can write more!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Dan said...

goodie. it's been getting boring in the blogosphere lately. as if people go on vacation or something without their computers.

Miss Devylish said...

Indi: Exactly! So true!

Treenster: Yes.. SO much better.. You've now redeemed yourself.. Also, working on the dsl matter.. but do I really want to pay $40 a month? I'm not gonna be rich forever here.. Hm..

Miss Devylish said...

Bloggy: Are you hinting none too vaguely that um.. sifting off the signal locally is not a good idea? Maybe?

Dan: I know.. how inconsiderate of them. I'm totally taking it when I go home to my mom's in Oregon.. even tho there's totally a computer there I use the whole time.. it's so not the point!

lady miss marquise said...

I am far too excited to contain my excitement about this new superfangled contraption you have just purchased... what did you get what did you get what did you get?!
Technology excites me far far too much...

And did I tell you I just ordered my new fangled superfast supercool sexy laptop thingmajiggy too? Oh yes indeed. I own no furniture, but I WILL have a sexy new laptop!
And then, then there will be no stopping us!

lady miss marquise said...

Are you going to take the laptop on dates? Better buy a huge new handbag and then pop to the loo to powder your nose and you can do a minute by minute report on the DATE!!! (or am I just too sad for words...?)

Miss Devylish said...

Jules: I got an apple ibook - how much do I love it? Sooooooo much! I want to make out w/ it right now even! I can't wait for your new little prize to arrive as well! Next time we hang out, we'll be sitting across from each other chatting.. but our laptops will be right in the middle.. Yes, it's true. We've become so very sad!

lady miss marquise said...

Oh.. and I have a wee present for you as well which I will try to post today. Hopefully. But I've had it for the last few weeks. But I will try. Dammit, I will!

P said...

This is brilliant news!
Now I can click refresh like a mad woman!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Just saying that while drinking from the stream, you might find the water is tainted further up the mountain.

Miss Devylish said...

LadyMiss: You are too generous! xoxox

Pix: I know.. and hopefully.. maybe they'll get shorter..? Um.. doubtful tho.

Bloggy: Ew on the image. Thanks a lot!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

That's what I'm here for, to confuse, annoy and cause frequent regurgitation.

Dan said...

Ah false promises. It's been two days and no new post. Slacker.

Scott from Oregon said...

Seems I recall a promise made by someone regarding looking up my archives when a laptop arrived?

And to think that this may occur late at night while eavesdropping on a room mate or sitting on a toilet or while in line at Starbucks waiting for the double latte lady to count out her pennies and sip down the frothing over...

Welcome, in advance, back to Oregon.

Don't let one of our local meth heads get into your laptop...

P said...


I love that two-bar reception dance! In my old rental house, I got the best reception from the edge of my pea patch outside...or rather in my pea patch, maybe b/c of the tall stakes.

I hope this new device entry into your world won't be like Charlotte from Sex & the City when she got a new rabbit vibrator...she disappeared for a few weeks into her appartment. At least she came out again. I'll wait for you.

Miss Devylish said...

Bloggy: Um.. ew. You're way better than that..

Dan: Totally, I know.. but seriously there's really nothing to talk about, tho the DSL connection comes on Wednesday! Yahoo!

Scott: That's right. You'll never know where I'll be checking in on you. But you have to convert over to Bloggerdom first.. so get on that!

Pix: Um.. yeah, that's EXACTLY what this is like.. totally! Oh only you could make me blush like that girl.

Scott from Oregon said...

convert to bloggerdom? Help?

I'm just a carpenter...

What, missy, do you mean by that?

Convert to bloggerdom... Convert to bloggerdom...

Why, I am absolutely flumoxed!

Miss Devylish said...

Charlie: I'm afraid someone else will have to be able to save both of us!

scott from Or: Oops.. did I mean that for another scott? I can't remember.. there are 2 of you.. do forgive me if I got you confused.. :)

Buzzdome said...

(the OTHER Scott From Oregon...)

Yes, I will be switching it up to the blogger. Yahoo 360 is a pain in my ass, which is why I stopped updating it. And yes, there will be links galore to the Devyl of the North, pink page and all.

I'm glad you like your new notebook. Let all unsecured wireless networks beware!


Anonymous said...


if you've got a landline, i know of a free dialup service for all of seattle.

there's also a hardware device you can buy which you can place in the place of strongest (leeched) signal (roommate's window sill?), and it'll wireless-ly relay to your laptop...

Rigmor said...

Now, what's the point of addicitions if you don't feed them?


Dustin said...

well look at miss popular here!...

Miss Devylish said...

Buzz: Yes.. the blogger world is so much better on Blogger!

anonymous: Why thank you, but I think I feel better not leeching, tho it's rather tempting.. especially on the pocketbook. I'm selfish tho. I want my very very own I don't have to share.

Rigmor: Very true darlin.. very true.

Dustin: Apparently..

MrCatalyst said...

Glad to see your so excited about your new purchase! With the mobility of a laptop, you don't even need to be connected to the Internet to blog.

You can just open up Word or whatever and type away, then just paste it into your blog when you do have a signal.

But, I guess with the DSL coming on Wednesday it will no longer be an issue. Nevermind then!


Anonymous said...

Did I read right that it'll cost you $40/month for DSL? Egads! SBC charges $13/month, although you have to have your phone through them.

Miss Devylish said...

mrcatalyst: Yes dear, but I'm an instant gratification type girl.. there'll be no word issues for me.. besides that, tho I have it now, the laptop didn't come with it. Mac and Microsoft aren't exactly the best of friends.

flatgreg: I know.. but I have a cell phone that gets srvc everywhere. Why get a lan line? That alone at basic srvc is about $30-$40 a mth anyway so either way it's going to be about the same w/ taxes and tariffs. But thanks for the thought!

Anonymous said...

Angel darling, it's the 23 of August. In case you were wondering, that means this post was written six days ago.

Jake said...

It appears that Blogging Heaven is closed this week.