
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Just A Little Something Positive

This afternoon, on one of the random dating sites I still check but have yet to receive anything from anyone that really sparked my interest lately, I received the following message from an unknown someone:

Hi...this may seem a little odd but my heart is in the right place. I was looking at a friend's profile and noticed I still had 2 stamps remaining in my account. I hated to waste them and decided I wanted to use them.

Although, I never had any great luck on [this particular dating site], I remember your cute face from when I was on here regularly. One of these days, some man is going to come to his senses and realize how wonderful you are. Until that time, hang in there. You deserve a great man and a great love. Enjoy life!
I was just thinking today that life is too short to let the things that are bringing me down impact me so negatively.. that I have wonderful and loving people who surround me, who are positive and full of good energy and I need to remember that.

Albeit meant more in a romantic sense, this still brought the point home. I hope y'all are complimented similarly today. We all deserve to be happy.


Buzzdome said...

Dev, that's great that you could see the positive outlook in his response. It's interesting that comforting thoughts can come from the most unlikely places.

Oh, and he is absolutely right. You DO deserve a great man and love life. We all do. OR a great woman... Well, you know what I mean.

kario said...

Yes, we do! What a great attitude, sweetie! And your unknown someone was absolutely right. You do deserve a great person! I love you,

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous thing to hear! I agree with the dating site guy AND buzzdome and Kari - you ARE wonderful and you DO deserve a great person.

I, for one, am very glad we got back in touch - you brighten my day when we get to talk.

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Speaking of stamps, I have these AWESOME comic super hero stamps! I hope my special someone digs 'em as much as I do!!

Yeah, I know. No. Hope.

Indiana said...

How rare is it for a complete stranger to just say "hi" and I hope you find happiness?

You are right life is too short to let other people drag us down...and yet we let them, we do ignore everything that is positive in our lives. I wonder why?

Dustin said...

i didnt write that?


Miss Devylish said...

Buzzdome: Yes of course I know what you mean. :)

Kari: Well it's partially due to you.. that attitude and remembering how short life is. It's good to have you and your family in mine.. I was just thinking that today.

Treenster: Ditto right back sugar.. and all that I said to kari too.

Bloggy: When you find her, she will.. I just know it.

Indi: I think it's so much easier to be negative.. that's all and we don't realize it til someone points it out or something drastic happens. It's kinda sad.. but yes, I do agree random kindness is awesome.

osimendar: Um.. honey, I'm well past 30.. and I'm happy, so it's ok.

dustin: I don't think you did darlin..

lady miss marquise said...

I looove this - and he is so right you know, you do deserve it...

I wish more people were willing to use their voices for positivity xx

Miss Devylish said...

osimendar: Honey.. seriously, if life begins at 40.. we're all in sad shape. I'm doing just fine.. really. :)

LadyMiss: Yeah.. me too. I think I'm going to try harder at it..

Anonymous said...

Hey, I sent you one'a those notes LAST YEAR, and did I get a column? Am now going to curl up in my sock drawer, and sleep for days.

Miss Devylish said...

cat brother: Hm.. you did? I don't remember that, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt dear. Don't pout tho. There's a sweet place in my heart for you.

Anonymous said...

Stranger personals, under the name 'Bluegreendragon'. And a lotta that fine, fine, E and J brandy. But I meant it! No, really!