I think maybe this month's posts will all be meme's, even tho no one can really tell me
exactly what 'meme' means in a clear and concise manner, but I understand it conceptually.. sort of. Either way, this is one I thought of doing ages ago as
this little songbird had already, but time just got away from me. And, as it is rather epic, I may have to rest after.. but let's get to it, shall we?
How many keys are on your key chain?Without looking, I think five. One for the office, two for my apartment, one for the car (not that I ever use it cuz I have a snazzy little button-y thing that locks and unlocks everything), and one for my mom's house in Oregon. I also have a mini Eiffel Tower that Keith gave me and an 'a' for Angel that Ironika gave me as part of my gift for being in her wedding.
What curse word do you use the most?First and foremost I use 'fuck' or some form or other of that cuz it's so expressive. Fuck you fucking fucker just really gets it all out there now doesn't it? It just feels good, tho there are times on this blog I like to be a little softer so there is frickin, friggin, freakin.. you know.. just maybe a small effort not to be so harsh.. but everyone knows what I really mean. Unless they're completely daft. And in second place is probably 'shiite muslim!' which may sound wrong to many many people.. but it keeps me from sounding crass and some people even find it funny.. those who have a sense of humor, that is.
Do you own an iPod?Nope.. and probably never will. I see the convenience in it, but every friend who has one is on their second or third or tenth cuz apparently they break.. a lot. I don't understand how you can drop $200 - $300 on a cute little gadget and it just breaks after a year. Like.. helloooo.. you Apple people should really get that shit together.. you know? I'm just saying..
What time is your alarm clock set for?It's set for 6:10am, but since the clock is set 10 minutes fast, I guess that really means 6am. And then I hit snooze until it says 6:50 or 7am, cuz I always think I have more time than I do and I'm almost always five minutes late to work, which drives my boss insane, but I almost always stay late so he knows this is really a moot point, which brings no end to the enjoyment for me.
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?When I'm feeling overly extroverted and possibly smashingly hot beyond belief then I'd rather be in the picture. But there are times the situation is not about me, shocking I know.. but I do recognize those times, believe it or not, and feel my talents are far better used behind the camera for an expert shot. See the wedding photos of Ironika or the oh-so-naked ones of Pixie's birthday stripper in Flickr if you don't believe me.
What was the last movie you watched?Little Miss Sunshine, which was the second time I'd seen it and it was still fucking hilarious and probably the best movie I'd seen in a long time.
And my mom and her husband loved it, which was a bonus cuz we didn't have to sit thru one of those completely inane movies she tends to like (sorry, but it's true!) and which I completely detest so, hey, bonus for everyone!
Do any of your friends have children?Yes, many.. at least three to be exact and all the children are considered my nieces and nephews cuz that is our logic as my friends are my family and those children really deserve every bit of Angel love that I can bestow on them. They
are special after all.. and who will take them for their first piercing and/or tattoo if they don't have an auntie Angel (Kari is wincing at this very moment at the thought of this.. what, like your daughter isn't going to be a stripper already? C'mon.. we both know she will.. and hey, a navel piercing will bring her extra tips!)?!
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?Wow, that's tough.. I'd probably pay off my mom's house for her since she's spoiled me for oh, my whole life..
Has anyone ever called you lazy?Actually, only my mom when she calls at like 8:30am on a
Saturday when I'm SLEEPING after working HARD ALL WEEK. Hm.. I may have to rethink that lottery answer now that I'm thinking about it..
Do you ever take medication to fall asleep faster?Hell no.. I'm exhausted plenty. I don't really have a difficult time falling asleep ever. Once I'm tired, it's easy.
What cd is currently in your cd player?Yes you can all make fun of me.. me without my snazzy little iPod or whatever.. but the cd last in the car was probably the new John Mayer, Continuum, that I'm loving so very much.
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?I can't really drink milk per se anymore.. tho I used to by the gallon. Now the thought just sort of gags me. But I do put cream in my coffee or non-fat milk if I go out for coffee in the mocha I usually order. When I was a kid, yes chocolate milk was a special treat. Gram used to make it for me all the time. Ahh memories.
Has anyone told you a secret this week?The receptionist at work kind of did.. but since it was just at my cubicle and my boss overheard most of it and she didn't whisper really or anything, I'm not sure how secret-y it really was.. but hey, she didn't tell everyone and she did tell me not to tell anyone I heard it from her. Unfortunately for her, she is new and doesn't realize who she's talking to..
When was the last time someone hit on you?Probably last night when I logged onto myspace at 11pm - big mistake. Before I knew it, I had 12 messages! Hellooo.. what are you boys doing home on a Saturday night instead of being out and about and hitting on drunk girls that are much less sassy than me? I think that would work better for you next time.. just a thought.
What did you have for dinner?Oh it was fabulous actually. My friends Loren and Fatima gathered at Fatima's house to visit with her and fawn all over her almost-three-month-old baby, my newest niece, and we dined on chanterelle stuffed squashes and crab and shrimp stuffed portabella mushrooms - except Loren forgot I don't eat shrimp and the mushrooms were a bit too fishy for me. It was ok cuz there was wine and hummus and pita beforehand and afterwards, molten chocolate cake that didn't suck at all. No no.. it did not.
Do you wear hoodies often?I do when it sprinkles outside, but unfortunately, the one I usually wear is still at Ironika's house.. left in her car after the rehearsal for her wedding and she keeps forgetting to get it back to me.. or maybe I do. Who's responsibility is it, I wonder.. ? I mean, really..
Can you whistle?Yes, but not fabulously and only well when I'm calling a dog. My gram is amazing tho! There's even a vibrato in it if she wants. It's boggling how well she can do it. Me tho, just for dogs. How lame is that?
Have you ever participated in a protest?I think I have.. at some point.. I think in college there was some kind of 'sit-in' for a just cause of some form.. but I just can't remember so I'm not really sure we really got anything done or it made a big dent in the society, but I think I felt pretty good about it at the time. So.. yes. Certainly.
Who was the last person to call you?My friend, Abby, calling me to meet for brunch and asking me to give her a few extra minutes to start getting ready.. which I have done.. by well too many minutes cuz I was doing this silly meme thing and can't stop.. but I have to get in the shower now cuz honestly, I'm the one who's going to take forever! Back later!
What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?Rollercoasters most definitely. I always try to sit in the front or the back and I love the feeling they make in your tummy as you go down the first steep decline. They give me that amazing kid-like rush and I feel like I'm gleefully seven-years-old all over again.
Do you think people talk about you behind your back?I choose not to think about things like that cuz if they do, I probably did something to annoy them that I wasn't aware of or I was and said something snotty, which afterwards probably didn't make me very proud of myself. But sometimes, if friends have, they tell me and they say nice things. I rather like that when that happens.
What area code are you in right now?206 - where the hip kids live.. aw yeah. ** Zipcode now removed - apparently, needed a rest while doing the meme.. good God! **
Did you watch cartoons as a child?My parents had no qualms whatsoever of sticking me in front of the tv, tho later, I stopped being able to hear anything anyone was saying to me if I was watching it. That annoyed them. But yes, absolutely - Wonder Twins, Super friends, black and white Popeye's.. I'd be up at 6am and watch until boring and non-animated tv shows came on and my eyes were all bulgy from sitting too close.
How big is your local mall?Well, there are quite a few of them around Seattle. They're all relatively the same, gigantic, over-sized, appease-the-masses sort of commercial type places. Annoying at the holidays but sometimes a necessary evil when shopping.
How many siblings do you have?One younger brother.
Are you shy around the opposite sex?It really depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm extremely sassy and extroverted and I don't feel like I have anything to lose and other times I'm just not feeling so confident and I get a little sheepish and shy. It's hit or miss with me. But I have lots of male friends and if I know them, no I'm not shy at all. In fact, they'd probably like me to be a lot less direct than I am or at least to shut up once in a while.
What is your biggest regret?That I didn't try harder to stay in Norway when I was on foreign exchange and I got into trouble for doing a couple of really non-trouble like things and they decided to send me home after 2 1/2 months instead of letting me stay the full 10. I had a few friends whose families would've taken me in, including my history teacher at the time and I should've been a lot more like I am now and fought my ass off to stay since my family had paid for it, after all. I'm really kicking myself now that I accepted my fate instead of trying harder to change it.
When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?I wish I could remember..
What movie do you know every line to?The Breakfast Club.. I don't know how that happened, but I can recite every line all the way thru.
Do you own any band t-shirts?Yes, Snow Patrol, Sarah McLaughlan, and Foo Fighters.
When was your last plane ride?Two months ago in August when I went to visit my friend Scott in San Francisco.
How many chairs are at your dining room table?Four, the standard.. but only two are safe to sit in. The other two's screws have fallen out. This is the state I live in.. where the chairs can't even keep it together. Sad really.
Do you read for fun?I read for many reasons.. for information, cuz I can, and yes, I'm sure for fun. It's fun to read after all - or be able to I suppose. I do have the mad reading skills. I'm fantastically talented.
Can you speak any languages other than English?I can say 'no' in just about every language there is.. I know, it's amazing. And actually, I can speak a little Spanish, Norwegian and French, tho not at the same time. That would just confuse everyone.
Do you do your own dishes?Since it's so last year to have a maid or a dishwasher, yes, I do.. by hand even. I find it rather therapeutic actually.
What color is your bedroom painted?Where there are things that needed painted, it's white.. where there are walls, it's whatever color the drywall is. I figured out not only is it greyish-white, it's not painted.. it's just the color of the drywall. Cheap-ass landlord.
Have you ever cried in public?Usually when someone was breaking up with me or when I was in a massive grieving period and overwhelmed by said break-ups or the many deaths
and breakups I went thru when I was 28. Or the last time was at Ironika's wedding and was a much happier reason for tears.
Do you have a desktop computer or laptop?I have a lovely new MacBook I bought in August. Completely and utterly addicted to it. It's fucking gorgeous.
Which do you make, wishes or plans?I make both cuz inherently, I'm a planner, but we all have dreams and I wish for many things.. all the time. Sometimes those two things even intersect.
Are you always trying to learn new things?Sigh.. yes.. I'm constantly trying to figure out life, how to be a better person, friend, lover, daughter, sister.. I'm in a constant state of growth and it's extremely frustrating and terribly rewarding at the same time.
Do you shower on a daily basis?Uh.. yes. Are there people out there who don't? I mean, by choice or when they aren't camping?? This question confuses me.
Are you curently wanting any piercings or tattoos?I'd like one more tattoo - but actually it's going to be one that works on the kanji design I currently have on my left shoulder and just develops on that idea a bit more. Someone is even designing it and I'm oh-so excited!
Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?You know.. I think that the person who asked the other out, be it the guy
or the girl, should pay. But if you go to another place after.. it should at least be dutch or the person who hasn't yet paid for jack should pay.
Can you skip rocks?I'm not very good at it.. but once in a while, I'll find the perfect rock and get it just right. But I usually never get more than five or six times.
Have you ever been to Jamaica?Nope.
What do you snack on at the movie theatres?I never get popcorn unless I'm with someone who likes it and any other time, it's usually Junior Mints, Peanut M&M's, or sometimes a warm pretzel.
Who was your favorite teacher?I've had a lot of good ones. Fourth grade was Mr. Grant who taught us how to do stop-motion animation and sixth grade was Mr. Young who had diabetes and showed us how he tested his blood. They were both very creative. In college, there was this hilarious anthropology teacher who was really goofy and would act out the differences between the various types of monkeys as well as explained the Far Side comic strip so that we really got the joke.
Have you ever dated someone out of your race? Well, other than the guesses that my birth mother was 'of Spanish descent' I don't really know what 'race' I am exactly and I assume I'm some sort of mixed breed. I've dated an Iranian, a few African-Americans, at least two Italians, a Mexican, and I'm sure many others who are as mixed up as I am.. My dating world is a frickin melting pot and that's the way I like it.
What is the weather like?It's fall in Seattle.. sunny and chilly today, but it was lovely. Doesn't mean I don't have the heat on tho cuz oh yes, I do.
Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?It's not something that would keep me from dating anyone - if we click, we click. I like tattoos tho and have dated guys who've had quite a few before.
What was your favorite class in high school?Probably a toss up between choir and French. Both easy A's for me.
Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes?No. I get headaches from the fumes before they take off and I always feel ill from the pressure of take off and such. I hate dealing with security, I hate carrying all my stupid bags. Nothing makes me more tired than flying. The whole thing is just exhausting and I just want to get wherever I'm going and be done with it.
What personality trait is a must have in your preferred gender?I assume you mean for dating - so I would say a sense of humor cuz if you have that, then you're also most likely intelligent and you understand what's funny and what isn't.
Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?Hm.. maybe? I mean, if I'm attracted to them, there's something that draws me to them and for me the physical has to be a part of it - so whether they're celebrity hot or not, there's usually something there that pulls me in.
When was the last time you slept on the floor?Probably last year when I went to San Francisco to see my friend Scott and the air mattress had a hole in it. After the third time of refilling it in the middle of the night, I just gave up and stopped caring.
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?I have four: gin and tonic, cosmopolitan, amaretto sour and a lovely glass of red wine.
Does your closest Starbucks have a drive thru?This is the home of Starbucks honey.. it's hard to tell which one is the closest to be honest.. but after some thinking, no the closest two don't. The one after that does tho.
Do you like your living arrangement?If I have to live with a roommate, then yes. Kyle is pretty great and we balance each other out well. I'd rather get on with my life tho and find that partner who'll tolerate me and the cat and all we come with and live like that together.. happy and functional and all that forever stuff.
How many hours of sleep do you need to function?To function? Not much.. I can function on 4-5. But I don't like to. That's not fun Angel. That's delirious Angel by 10am. But normally I get about 6-7 hours and tho I'm still kind of tired, it works. I always want more.
Do you eat breakfast daily?Yes, if I don't I'm not very productive and I find I'm so much healthier and alert when I do. Plus, hey.. food is good! Eating rocks.
What was the last thing to scare you?When one of my best friend's husbands was diagnosed with a tumor on his stomach and had to undergo a very invasive surgery to address it. I'm glad for all of them that he's recovering well.
Are your days full and fast-paced?Yes, most often.. except on the weekends when they're my days and I do everything I can to drag them out and move as slowly as I want.
Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?Oh my God.. have we met? I mean.. do you know me at all? Cuz if not, let me introduce myself.. I'm Angel and I'm a talker.. so yes, absolutely. It was like a given.
What is your favorite fruit?Raspberries. They're pretty sassy. We go well together.
Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?I do sometimes and I look at ingredients as well like sodium. Gotta watch that stuff.
How old will you be turning on your next birthday?A record 35. Can you believe it?! And you know what people? It's coming up.. Nov 2nd.. so get your birthday celebrating shoes on cuz it's going to be a doozy.
Are you picky about spelling and grammar?I am.. I scan everything I write for those mistakes from typing too fast and have to correct them. Ironika doesn't capitalize everything she writes for an aesthetic quality and that I think is kind of cute.. but I can't deal with spelling errors in other people's emails and writings. Bugs.
Do you believe in life on other planets?Somewhere, I'm sure. To think we're it is really damn arrogant and wow.. kind of sad cuz if this is it, we're not all that impressive.
Have you ever been to Six Flags? I've been to Magic Mountain and Knott's Berry Farm, which I think is also one of them. Rollercoasters my friend.. LOTS of them!
Who was the last person to piss you off?Probably a couple of people who went to see Snow Patrol with us cuz one sort of fell on me and the other wouldn't stop talking during EVERY song. Why, you ask? Well, there was drinking involved and a discussion of standing on the seats even tho we were in the FOURTH ROW.. and much apologizing and I just kept saying, 'Fine, just be quiet,' and then there was falling off the seat someone was standing on and much eye rolling on my part and plenty of annoyance. It's rather funny now tho.. but at the time, yeah, not so much.
What was the last thing you ate?Brunch with Abby - veggie eggs benedict and hashbrowns.
Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?If I pick one, that's like saying I don't get along with the other half of the population, which is just silly. I get along with each differently. I relate better with women, but sometimes, I see why we drive men positively batty.
What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?I really don't remember back that far, but what I do remember is a princess of some sort.. I think Cinderella actually.
How did your parents pick your name?I was Dad's 'little angel' and that's what he wanted to call me. Mom wanted to name me Babette. Yes, that's right. It gets better.. Babette Marie. I thank God every day that Dad won that little battle.
Do you like mustard?Mmm.. of course!
What do you tell yourself when times get hard?That I've been thru worse before, that I'm a strong person, that I will make it thru today and then tomorrow and the day after that.. and that I have good friends upon whom I can lean. And I tell myself if it was easy, I wouldn't learn anything.
Would you ever skydive?Um.. I don't know.. it might just be too overwhelming for me to do that. I've heard amazing things about it, but not sure if that will ever be something I'll accomplish.
Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?I start on my side, then move to my back. When it's hot out, I often sleep on my tummy.
What do you think of Angelina Jolie?I'm sure she's a very nice woman.. she's extremely beautiful and seems like a very generous and driven person.
Do you enjoy giving hugs?I do.. I'm a huggy sort of person. I give very good hugs in fact. I'm very touchy-feely and not everyone digs that, but I can usually get someone to hug me if I wanted.
Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? Sometimes.. but I'm not all that creative about it. I wish I was a bit more daring.
Do you own a digital camera? Yup! One of the best things I bought myself ever.. 4.1 megapixels of sweet sweet enjoyment!
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? I'd be flattered, but explain that's just not how I felt about them.. nicely of course.
What celebrities have you been compared to?I used to get Winona Ryder, the woman who played Anaiis Nin in Henry & June, Maria Bartiromo from CNN (she's super smart and sexy to boot), and the girl who played Chloe in Smallville on tv. I just think it was cuz we had the same hair.. but we do have similar noses.
Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?Yes.. to no end. Hate that shit.
What are you allergic to?Nothing that I know of.. but as I've aged, I've noticed the corner of my eyes can itch or water and some things make my arms itch, but I haven't figured out what it is yet.
Are you a jealous person?I can be.. but that just means I'm in the wrong situation and not putting the right perspective on things. I try not to be that way.
What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?It has its place and I've certainly thought it was ok at the time. It has to work for both people involved tho.
Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?Not really. When I see animals that are used for that purpose I feel a little twinge. I do try to be conscious about where I get it from and at least I recognize what I'm eating used to be a living thing. More and more I try to eat more vegetarian anyway and if I had to live that way forever, I'd be fine with it.
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? I'm going to go with my younger brother's name, Todd, since he's the only boy my parents had. It's not bad.. but I like mine better.